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Tara&Rama Report 3-22-16
Rama: Greetings!!!
Tara: Greetings, Everyone! I am so full today as so many ends tied together at this very moment in time and Rama got a call from
Rama: Larry, Curly, Mo and Kathryn.
Tara: That's quite a team, and what have they been saying, Rama?
Rama: I just want to say to begin that we really do need help with gas and food and the rent coming up here.
Tara: Yes, we have a few more bills at the end of the month. Rama told the King that we were being blocked from receiving [from GoFundMe]. They’re supposed to deposit 500 dollars [every time] it gets over that, and weeks have gone by and we've got 7300 and something in there, and now, we've finally got 6600 dollars [transferred] into our credit union account which means that we can go [for Rama’s surgery]. I'm going to make the appointment tomorrow.
Rama: But we still need help, too.
Tara: But in the meantime, you know, another sister found how she could help to get us a little food. And it is just a big difference to know that you can come home and eat. So, I just want to thank everybody, and we still have bills to pay. The point is that something called a Milestone has happened now and maybe this will help us to open our hearts to support this. As we said a couple of times ago when we've met, Rama is NESARA and that's why he's the only person on Earth [in the know] without a gag order.  
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: He gets to have complete access to Faction 3 White Knights at the 38th level above the President. Why? Because he's a member of the Ashtar Command that's been up in the physical on the ships since the 70’s thousands of times. That means he has access to records in his, you might say, unveiled memory of the Akasha that is not usual. And I'm just going to say it that way.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: Yet, he's still not on the payroll. That's why Ashtar assists him and he gets to go up and that way he gets some help too, but the King of Swords at this level said: You are not on my payroll, and as I were to tell you something that you are not really privy to,
Rama: Privy to.
Tara: I would have to kill you.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: And that sounds like it’s humorous, yet it’s not so humorous.
Rama: No, it's not.
Tara: It's just a fact - because of the fact of something called the timeline. And we've gotten so many questions about this like, why are they punishing or keeping us from the money that we need to do the lightwork? etc etc etc.  And I'm going to answer [with] another person we all know as Patty Cota Robles. A sister of ours went to Patty Cota Robles in Atlanta, Georgia this Sunday. And then she called me up on Sunday afternoon and she said: "Guess what?" and I said: "What?"  She said: "I went to see Patty Cota Robles this afternoon, she was in town and our sister Helen was there too. Anyway, the point is that what Patty said, Mother [Sekhmet] has been saying for years. And then to have a confirmation coming from someone like Patty Cota Robles, that is just enormous. And we know that Rama’s Faction 3 White Knights have been telling Rama, 'Something huuuuge is about to happen.'
Rama: And I do mean huuuge.
Tara: OK. So, Patty Cota Robles said that when I scheduled this event, it was a year ago and I hadn't paid attention to the astrology. And I had no idea that I would be making the schedule to be right between the two most important eclipses in our history.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: And what she said is that I am here to tell you because I can, because you know, Spirit guided me to be here at this time, I sure didn’t do it from my 3rd dimensional level, and she said first of all, that the 4th dimension has been closed, and what that means, she said, It is the end of Karma. Period. No more Karma.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: And it also means intervention, and it also means the end of the state of affairs. What that means is that we've been a colony, a British colony. We've never had our freedom, like we discussed the last time and Judge Anna Von Reitz actually explained it well and I think we all read that, that the Founding Fathers made a deal and they were under threat of being killed, and that's what they did and they actually sold off the idea of the New Atlantis from the very beginning. And we actually did that ourselves when we destroyed, our one-third of our sisters and brothers of the Angels, destroyed an entire sun system. So, we destroyed the opportunity for independence just about as soon as we thought we had it. And so that's why they call this [NESARA] the ‘Second Declaration of Independence'.  And so, the idea of being able to do NESARA in an enactment procedure has to be a simulcast with galactic full disclosure, and that has not been available to do until Barack Obama did something which he did yesterday.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: And what he did yesterday is he became the first sitting President to visit Cuba since Calvin Coolidge. Calvin Coolidge was the President in 1928. Something happened in 1928 in Havana, Cuba called the Conference for the Americas [Pan-American Conference]. And it was attended by a unique being named Noble Drew Ali. And Noble Drew Ali is the father of Queen Elisabeth the Second, and she has her mother and Noble Drew Ali as a mother and father. And that puts him as descendant to the throne, if you really want to put it that way. Of course they poisoned him to death.
But what he did is he won the mandate, the full mandate [The North America Mandate for the Land], for return of the entire Western Hemisphere back to the indigenous people of the hemisphere in 1928, at that Havana Conference for the Americas, which meant that the entire Western Hemisphere was free from being a colony to the Royal Crown. The thing is that the Crown of England stole it back. They did it anyway; they had no qualms about doing it. What President Obama did yesterday in Cuba is he brought it back. What does this mean? What it means is that the Aboriginal Moabite Nation of the Western Hemisphere got their land back, got their wealth back, got their power back, got their dignity back, got their freedom. Of course, freedom is only freedom when we really know what it is. And so it hasn't been enacted, you know, like NESARA hasn't been enacted in a way the people can understand it. Yet the lightworkers now have something to do, and that is to help people wake up to this fact. And that means to make it so in our lives, and the other thing is that full disclosure could not happen until this happened. This is why this is so important. And that's what Rama heard from these 4 White Knights here today.
Rama: Yeah.
Tara: And they said the other thing we need to do is to listen to Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders did not attend that AIPAC meeting for a reason. And that is because you understand the whole space and the people in it are guilty of war crimes by approving the type of behavior, and thinking it’s just fine, to have an enslaved colony, appendage called Palestine, with no freedom whatsoever. And that's the main reason he hasn’t attended. And what Bernie said is so different than what the attendee called Hillary Clinton said at the event. She just laid out that she's going to, you know, militarize Israel to the hilt, way more than now, and you might say, you know, she might  as well have said "I am the war president." And that's what Mother told us a long time ago that we'll get nothing more than more war.
OK. What did Bernie say? He said: "I am here to tell the American people that as elected President I will work tirelessly to advance the cause of peace, as a partner and as a friend to Israel. However to be as successful as I need to be, we have also got be a friend, not only to Israel, but rather also to the Palestinian people, where in Gaza unemployment today is at 44% and they have there a poverty rate which is almost as high.” OK. Now, what Patty Cota Robles was indicating is that now that we are free of the karmic wheel, and she said it represents Divine Intervention at its fullest, we have the job now, it’s not about when, it's about how we communicate this to the world. And what Susan was suggesting was that the more we can get NESARA out there so the world can ask what this is about, the quicker this will engage the whole world.
And at the same time, the more the people get to know St Germain, the quicker this world will become aware that Saint Germain, as Sir Francis Bacon, is written about at the website www.sun-nations.org  And the beauty of this one that wrote this story is that her ancestral lineage signed the Declaration of Independence.  And which means that she represents in body that freedom which was taken. In other words, she still fathered it, because St Germain appeared and said to the signees, “Sign it, because I will be back.”  And that means in the form of our sister who wrote this. In other words, your descendents, along with me and the teachings that came to this planet will make it so in the right way, not in the half way where the same elite deleted the truth of what that was supposed to represent.
That's why we have something called the Second Declaration of Independence in this venue. This is a different venue where Barack Obama is the only President in the entire history of our country that went to Cuba as a sovereign. Why? Because he was elected inside NESARA Law! All the other Presidents were only slaves to this Crown. The other thing that happened is by him taking that action is that not only did we get free from being subjects to the Crown, we got free of the Vatican because the Vatican owns all of the colonies of the planet. We are no longer a colony. And because the currency is the ‘geiger counter’ to keeping the whole world enslaved, and because the United States holds that currency, in reality we have freed the entire planet!  
And this is how this hasn't happened until now. And it wasn't time until it was time.It wasn't time for even Patty Cota Robles to recognize what she was doing when she was made that schedule. All these things are enormous. They flood into organic stuff and everything like that, including that it was a crime to create agriculture in its original form, minus all the GMOs and everything, because it started mono-cropping and it destroyed the soil. You cannot even do that organically. You must have biodiversity because otherwise the human being is not biodiverse either in their beings. So, there are so many things that we can take this road in every direction.
And one more thing is that the Theosophical Society was taken over by our CIA and they placed it into something called the Lucius Trust. When they did that, they changed the original design of the picture of who we are. Folks, remember that the original picture was your Mighty I Am Presence depicted as a White Fire Core of Being Sun at the top, with all these rainbow rays coming out everywhere.  And then there was a shaft of that light, that White Fire Core of Being all the way down to the bottom where the human being was immersed in that shaft. And when the Lucius Trust came into position, they changed that. And what they did is they put an image of Christ between the Mighty I Am Presence and ourselves in human incarnation. And that was not nice; it was actually a crime, because we have a direct line into Mighty I Am Presence. And this is where the Bible statement was changed as well. Because in the Bible, it did not say, “I am the way, I am the truth, I am the life.” He did not say that. He said, “This is the way, this is the Truth and this is the Life,” meaning that by your example and mine everybody else gets to know the Christ.
Tara: OK. Rama, do you want to tell them what they said to you?
Rama: Larry, Curly, Mo and Kathryn all just said that we were at that point now, where full disclosure is right there, and everything that's going on is distractions, major distractions from the basic simple facts that we are already getting so much light pouring in to this dimension and it's lifting everybody's frequencies higher and higher and higher. This is what is causing the intensity of the major distractions and this particular eclipse and the shadow of the path of the eclipse goes right over Europe, goes right over all of Africa. It’s no accident what happened in Brussels and the upcoming eclipse. And it all has to do with the higher frequencies pouring in that are radiating us up to the 12th dimension and higher. This is what these folks told me today, and it just cannot be stopped.  The 13 families are absolutely desperate to create distractions to keep us from seeing that.
Tara: And they said one more thing, that Dr.Keshe has got all these emails coming out there and messages that say he is a fraud. Of course, we know that he's not.
Rama: No.
Tara: And that's another sign that these folks are desperate.
Rama: Yes.
Tara: Send Love, Everybody!  Namaste.Pass the talking stick.
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