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Support NESARA Mission

Ashtar's Call on December 18, 2008 to Support

NESARA's Announcement Immediately:


"Now, most all of our missions take us into the higher dimensions. We're going to ask you to make an exception, and do something of a very 3D nature. As we mentioned, there are three outstanding beings; outstanding in the sense that they have the most ability, the most empowerment to get NESARA officially announced. Now we know you all know who they are, but just for the record, as we say, just so you have it, we shall name these wondrous beings. Their names are: Pelosi, she’s in the House of Representatives; then you have Senator Reid, he is in the Senate, and then, of course, you have President-Elect Obama."

"We’re going to ask you to just fire up your computers or your quill pens or whatever and send them a letter, a note. And the note would simply say: 'We are with you. We support you in the announcement of NESARA. We will help to calm those around us, and we will reach out to all of those we can, to assure them that NESARA is the ultimate, and indeed, the only answer to all of the problems, and all of the activities of a less than humanitarian sort which are coming forth in the news.'
"Oh, it's perfectly all right to say I'm a Light Worker, if you choose to do so, but we would suggest that you keep it respectful, and within the dimensions of 3D, because you don’t know for sure which of their aides is going to read it, and you do want it to be counted as a support letter."

© Susan Leland 2008.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.

Ashtar also asked us to go to www.nesara.us and copy the flyers there to hand out to people you meet so that more and more people around you will be informed about the forthcoming announcement.

The following are webform contact pages for your note:
Barack Obama
http://change.gov  -  then click on "Tell Us Your Story" then fill out email form and submit.
A sample letter based on Ashtar's words is below.  Please modify it to give it your own unique frequency signature:
"WE THE PEOPLE of this great country are with you in your announcement of NESARA. We respectfully request that you do so immediately to resolve the extreme economic crisis this country and the world are facing now.  www.nesara.us
"As you take this historic step, we will help to calm those around us and reach out to all of those we can to assure them that NESARA is the ultimate and indeed the only answer to all of the problems and all of the less than humanitarian solutions which are coming forth in the news.
"This is the time.  This one move to enact NESARA would eliminate all our societal problems with one bold announcement.  Please lead your fellow Americans and the world to a bright new future. 
"It is truly in your hands and we are counting on your courage in doing the right thing for everyone."
Another letter that was sent via http://congress.org Please modify to make it unique to you:
Dear Sen. Reid,
Just a note to let you know there are many of us supporting your work and
support you in the announcement of Nesara - economic reform is essential
now and there is no reason to delay the annoucement. As a Lightworker I
have prayed for some time for this day to come.  We the PEOPLE, are ready
for this economic reform!  We are behind you, support you and are prepared
to assist in assuring all are calm and ready to understand the
significance of all that has gone on before.  This is our best and only
answer to the problems of the world and it is time now!!! Please allow our
citizens to enjoy a happy holiday and new year knowing all is well in our
world.  We support the announcement now  - know that all is well as you
assist in bringing this forth and send forth a joyous, peaceful and
abundant Christmas to all.  Blessings to you and yours!

Cheryl Croci sent this message via Congress.org, which uses the Capwiz·XC
system.  Congress.org is a free public service of Capitol Advantage and
Knowlegis, LLC.  You may access Congress.org here: