Ashtar Teleconference - April 6, 2001
St. Germain's Peace Exercise
"Greetings Beloved Family, it is I, St. Germain, and I come with such Love and Gratitude on behalf of all of your loving Family. I stand with you now, and I ask that we join hands, by joining hearts, and that we come together to bring the wondrous energies of Freedom and Love and Peace to a place in the World which is pretty dark.
"And to all of those who are not there in that place, we prepare a welcome back that brings Light, brings Love, and brings Wisdom, to those who come, because you have chosen them to represent you, or because they have been chosen by those whom you have elected to serve you, to represent you, to be your voice in that great city which was made on purpose to be such a place of Light and brightness, but which has been holding some very dark energies.
"And as these energies are revealing themselves, we have with us the Violet Flame. And by using the Violet Flame together with this Peace exercise, we shall indeed lighten and brighten the hallowed halls, as they are called, where these beings work and hope to serve.
"Some are shining so brightly that when they walk through the halls, or enter the large rooms, their light helps tremendously to transmute that which is dark.
"But Beloved Ones, for every one of those there are many more who are still putting forth the programs of dark, whether they are in their bodies, or holographic representations, and yes, there’s a few clones there too, makes no difference. They’re running the dark programs. They’re trying to separate you. Imagine that, separating Family of Light Workers. They’re trying to separate you and indeed the entire World into different camps.
"Their rhetoric is senseless and incomprehensible at times. They are trotting out every fear they can possibly dream up. They are telling lies and untruths. They are bringing out old videos from long ago to scare you with. They’d really like you to be scared of our presence, but that’s not happening. We are de-cloaking more and more as you know.
"So we’re going to tell you right now that we have positioned the New Jerusalem over Washington, D.C. We are in the clouds, or the cloaking devices, however people perceive, but we’re there. So, we’re going to begin this exercise by asking you to breathe. Just breathe. Breathe in Love. Breathe in Freedom. Breathe in the Violet Ray and keep it handy. Just breathe in. And oh yes, take out Excaliber and wave it. The Blue Wave of Truth is very important to bring.
"And so now we invite you to come aboard the New Jerusalem. There’s plenty of room. Come and join us, we’re all here. We’re waiting for you, Beloved Ones. Come in your vision. Come with your hearts open, and come and join us with your loving energies on the New Jerusalem wherever you are in this World.
"Welcome aboard, Family. Welcome aboard, Starseeds. Let us have a moment to greet each other, and to embrace, to hug, heart to heart. And as we gather, as we gather in the great room you’ll notice there are no limits to how many of us can be here. We’re all one in mission together. We’re all in sacred space.
"We’re all here to come together to bring Peace into the Halls of Congress, into the Supreme Court Building, into the White House, and into all of the offices where decisions are made. Think about that! Think about where you want to focus; perhaps it’s the FDA; perhaps it is the IRS, perhaps it is a cabinet official or office, or the Vice President, or the Pentagon.
"We are here now, so let the Light shine forth from the New Jerusalem! Send your Love Light shining and beaming down. Your message is Peace. You join with us in sending Universal Peace to all of these places we have named. And if there is an individual; well let us first send it to Obama, with Love, and let him know that we know that he is speaking for the good of all of us.
"Even as he announces decisions which may seem to be contradictory, such as the one about the off-shore drilling resuming, there are reasons for that. There are reasons, we have looked at that. And if Mother Gaia chooses to object to one or more of these drilling operations, she will do so, with Peace and Love.
"But we can send Peace to the decision makers, and maybe, just maybe they’ll call back their decisions, and maybe, just maybe there will be some executive orders that can go out if we inspire them, to bring Peace to all aspects and facets of life, not just in the United States of America, but worldwide.
"In doing this exercise, bring Lady Nesara into your realm of vision, and Lady Liberty, and breathe upon them your Love and your Joy at their presence. And I, St. Germain, stand with them as we all do. And we tell you Beloveds, it is well worth your continuing this exercise, even after we adjourn this gathering. Continue to keep them in your thoughts, in your loving, loving meditations and sendings of loving energy.
"And all of these ones, whether they wear the dark or not, whether they promote the dark program or not - Shine upon them Beloved Ones. Let your Love Lights join those of the New Jerusalem, shining down upon this entire city.
"It is complicated. There are so many offices whose headquarters are here, offices of the government, offices that You the People are looking to for support, for consideration, for respect, for appreciation of who you are, and all that you do. Shine your Love Lights there Beloved Ones. Shine the Peace.
"You have opened the way. Now send forth the Violet Ray. Send forth the Blue Wave of Truth. Wave Excaliber, and let these beautiful rays of Truth and transformation accompany your Loving Lights into all of these places, into all of these spaces. Let them shine forth that all may feel their essence, their presence, even if they do not see.
"Speak to the hearts of everyone there, and let them know that the time for Peace is now upon the land, and indeed upon the Planet. Let those decision makers in the Pentagon start making some new plans which are based in Peace. Let them know that the armies have use even now for purposes much greater than war, because they can be armies of Peace, helping humanity where humanity needs help.
"Let those Congress people and those Senators know that it’s time for simple, simple basic laws which focus upon the Rights and Freedoms of all individuals. Let those in the cabinet offices and the department offices know that a new Mandate is now created, and it is for them to be aware of the people whom they serve. And, yes let some of them know their job as they have known it is over, and it is indeed time for them to leave the stage.
"Let the Supreme Court know that this breath of fresh air, this wondrous Love, this NESARA, this Violet Ray, this Blue Ray of Truth is now shining in their courtrooms and their offices, and they must now pay attention, and make their decisions according to what is right and just and fair for all. Soon enough their decisions which are not will be canceled. Help that day to come, Beloved Ones. Send them these messages.
"And to the one called Biden, send him the message that it’s time to put on a white hat, and send it to all of those who are still wearing their dark hats even on their holographic representations. Send them that message, too, with Love and with evenness.
"And send your greetings and appreciation and Love to those who already wear the white hats. And send them to the White House to Beloved Obama and his twin Michelle, who come specifically for this mission. And let your Love extend to all who are there, that they may all act with one heart, and one mind, based in Wisdom, based in Truth, and based in transformative movement to the higher vibrations of being.
"And when you have accomplished all of this, Beloved Ones, when you have accomplished all of this, let’s have more hugs. Beloved Sananda stands with the two Marys, his Mother and his Mary Magdalene, and Lady Nada. And let the Roses be passed, the Roses of Courage, the Roses of Love, the Roses of commitment to Freedom, and peaceful NESARA, and peaceful Freedom, and peaceful Announcement of our reality, and the Truth of who we are.
"And so, Beloved Ones, I, St. Germain, thank you for your dedication and your service together. And so we welcome the changes that are coming and we say to all of you that you have created change, you have implemented change, and it is because of you and the Light Workers that all of this is possible that you see, and more. And so it is! Namaste!"
Ashtar's message was followed by "The Times They Are a'Changin' " sung by Joan Baez:
Mother Sekhmet's Message
"Rrrrah, well, now doesn’t that just give you uplift! Oh yes, we know, it’s a song whose words may seem a little bit old, nevertheless, the music is about the vibration of change. And that’s what’s coming. Didn’t you love the part about the Senators and the Congressmen? We just thought that was so great, we had to put it out there.
"We want you to understand, Beloved Ones, that change is happening now, and you’re part of it, you’re co-creators of it. Take a bow. You deserve it. We are absolutely thrilled, because we can see beyond the now moment, and we can assure you these changes that you’ve been waiting for, they’re here.
"And by the way in a lot of cases it’s the parents and the grandparents, who remember when there were what you call, protest marches. Well you’ve got your DVDs, that’s the modern equivalent of a protest march, and you’ve got Peace on your side, on our side.
"And there is no need for any violence when you bring Peace to the situation as beautifully as you just did. So congratulations for your Courage, for all that you do, and for all that you’re about to do, which we congratulate you for, because it’s already done from our perspective, if you get the drift.
"Well, it’s been a serious evening has it not? A few laughs to be sure, but it’s been a serious evening. So everybody just relax. Stretch a little if you want to. Take a few breaths. Have you got your dancing shoes on? We’re about to engage.
"Now this particular choice is a good one. The words are great. It’s not real rocky-rolly, it’s a little bit softer, but you’re gonna like it anyway. So get your dancing shoes on if you don’t have ‘em on, and we’re going to go ahead and start the party."
Elise: "Thank you for joining us! This is our dancing song for the evening. Enjoy! We’ll see you in two weeks. This is Ashtar on the Road!"
Sekhmet: "All right everybody! Clap your hands if you want to, it’s OK. We hear you. [music playing] Go ahead and get with the music! Make sure you’re dancing! We don’t have time to repeat it - We Love your dancing!"
"So it is I, Sekhmet , signing off!"
The call ended with "Let Your Love Flow" by the Bellamy Brothers:
Many thanks to Arnold Troeh for these transcriptions.
© Susan Leland 2010. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.