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St. Germain addressing the January 29th, 2008
Ashtar Teleconference:

"Good Evening!  Powerful Beings, Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Light, and of Love.  We have been together much, have we not, and that is because of the mission that we are all engaged in.  And so thank you first of all, thank you, Beloved Ones, for being here.  And we shall do a journey, and so we ask that you relax and breathe, and settle in for this journey.

"Now if you will, place yourselves, each of you, on your ship.  It is an easy visualization, is it not?  For some it may be more familiar than for others.  But it matters not.  Just place yourselves upon your ship in the leader's chair in the center.  You can call it the Captain's chair, or the General's chair, or the Admiral's chair, or the Chair of Light.  However you choose, envision it, and be there.

"Another reason that we have asked you to be upon your ship is because we are taking a journey, but we are asking you also to invite upon your ship all those who would come.  Your ship has infinite capacity, and can carry the world, and its population, if you choose.  Share with the other Captains, of course; but bring them, the men, the women, the children, and the representatives of all of the kingdoms, and bring them all, if you wish, onto your ship.

"Because this journey is together, and this is a journey to spread Love.  And this is a journey to recruit, if you will, all of the passengers upon your ship to be crew members, in the highest sense of the word.  Those who know nothing about beaming Love, and those who do, have an opportunity to come together in closeness, and in Joy together.

"So bring them all onto your ship, those who question, and those who know.  All are welcome.  Bring them onto your ship.  See that they are comfortable, and assure them that this will be the most magnificent journey that they have ever experienced.  And now breathe with them, slowly.  Breathe in, and breathe out, and let your breathing become somewhat automatic.

"And now beam upon them the Love, and the Radiance you are.  And now, since you are at the controls of the ship, you can push whatever buttons you choose to push, or open whatever switches you choose to open.  Perhaps heavenly music would be nice; perhaps the scent of the roses, or some other scent that you imagine to be, and know to be, representative of Heaven, or Paradise, or the great garden you call Eden.  Perhaps essence of Mu; whatever it is, let it flow.

"As it flows into the airwaves it becomes available to all, and allow them the time to breathe, and to welcome this wondrous music, or this wondrous scent, or perhaps high vibrations of Light.  Perhaps there will be crystals on your ship that will take on a high level of radiance and glowing. 

"Transformations will occur.  Perhaps you'll engage an entire Light show utilizing the Blue Ray of Truth, the Violet Ray of Transmutation, Pink Rays of Love, and the White Light, which is all of the colors.  And everyone upon the ship, and you yourself included, can now relax and allow this voyage to continue, totally relaxed, and knowing that you are safe and protected, and most of all, that you are loved.  

"And now, now, look down, and see Planet Earth below you.  And now ask everyone to contribute the great Love that they are feeling.  Allow the lights, and the sounds, and the fragrances, and the wondrous feelings to totally, totally, permeate the energy fields of all upon your ship.  And now ask them to share, and see that a door opens, and see the beams of Love, lightbeams of Love, crystaline beams, if you will, and Healing and Joy, are now radiating down toward Planet Earth from your ship.

"And everyone steps up to contribute, and even as they do, they take in even more of the wondrous energies that you are providing for them as guests upon your ship.  And see all of these beautiful beams, traveling down, and enveloping Planet Earth with them.  And see the plants shine, and see the deserts bloom, and see water in abundance everywhere, so that there is no place that is parched, or dry.          

"And see the lakes, and the rivers, and the oceans, sparkle, and know that all is pristine and clean and healed.  And now see that there are energies there, energies of Love, energies of Abundance for all, empowering energies, empowering.   And so, transmute all of Planet Earth; let your ship take you everywhere.

"Bless the countrysides with your gifts of Love.  And shine your Lights even brighter upon the cities.  And see everywhere that there are councils.  And you know this, because you can see the buildings, the chairs waiting to be filled.  And you know and you smile with Joy, because you know that some of the passengers from your ship, who are so enjoying this opportunity to come together and participate in this journey, know that some of them will be occupying those councilors' seats.

"And see the wondrous technologies ready, and know that some of the passengers will be inventors, utilizers of this technology that even now is becoming visibly available upon Planet Earth.  And know that some of the passengers will be passionately engaged in making these technologies available to everyone upon Planet Earth.

"And know that the places are there for the animals, and rejoice that there are those upon your ship who will be partnering with these animals, providing care for them, while at the same time accepting in behalf of all of Planet Earth the marvelous gifts, the Love and the Wisdom that these ones have to share.  And see that all is pristine and glowing.

"And see that there are no dark spots anywhere, and by that we mean that the energies are all of Love, pure Love, that all Truth is visible, and that all is Well and Divine everywhere on Planet Earth.  And now see the portals open.   Let the ship rest over one of them.  You choose it.

"And take your ship down through that opening, and stop a moment, and get out, and invite those who dwell there, in that which you call the cities of the Inner Earth, to come and visit and mingle with all the wondrous passengers upon your ship.

"There is freedom to do this, there is absolute freedom to do it.  Come together and hug, and share the Love.  And if some of the passengers choose to stay on a bit for a visit, that is all right.  They can return to the surface anytime they choose.  And now bring your ship up and out, and greet all of those other ships in the skies.  

"And you can dock.  You can join up with each other.   And you can have your passengers go onto other ships, where they can greet their Star Seed Ancestors, if they choose, and where they can greet each other.  And yes, you can invite the Star People aboard your ship, if you choose, and there might be an Angel or two among them.

"And so it is that you take the inhabitants of Planet Earth upon this wondrous journey, and you bring Healing and Love to the entire Planet below, on, and above.  There is no judgment here. There is only Forgiveness and Gratitude to all of the participants.

"You will find that there have been those who have come upon your ship who formerly wore the dark hats; and look, everyone is simply wearing the Light, and beaming the Light, and being the Light.   Now hug everyone, and receive their hugs.   And feel the Joy at this grand journey which now comes to a gentle end, as your ship docks.  

"And know that all who have been upon your ship with you, and who return now to their places of habitation, have been indeed lifted up, and charged, as it were, with these grand energies which you have so beautifully shared and made available to them, upon your ship.

"And they have experienced the Grandeur, and the Grandness, and the Grace of receiving all of this Love, and of giving it, and sharing it.  And that Beloveds, is truly how to heal the planet.   We join with you in this, and we say to you, let it begin with what you might want to call 'the change of the guard.'

"That is an old and true expression.  It is beginning even now.  Feel the majesty, feel the power of it.  Your Declaration of Independence lives in the Hearts, and the Wisdom Centers, and yes, in the Minds now.   It is coming more and more to the Conscious Mind.  More and more beings are understanding, are reliving, and living in the now moment, those famous words.

"That Declaration was preserved, and it is a testimonial in 3D that came from beyond.  That Declaration clearly states that you have the rights to make the changes that you are asked to make.   And so I charge you Beloved Family, even as I spoke out in that beloved Hall a while back in your time, I charge you to stand tall, Beloveds.

"I charge you to be the speakers for Liberty, and Truth, and for the changes that you have already ordained.  And so Beloveds, I feel your grand presence, your beings of Love.  We are joined with you now, and I say, 'Welcome!'   We are Light, we are Love, and we are keepers of the Flame of Freedom for Planet Earth.   And we salute You!  Namaste."

© Susan Leland 2008.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.