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Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - Tuesday, August 28, 2012*
"Greetings, Beloved Family!  It is I, Sekhmet, here with you to tell you of our most momentous mission in which we shall engage together during our next Gathering!* For indeed, it is time, as you measure it, to join together to sound the bells of awakening for all who are still in slumber mode!!!  We are speaking, of course, of those who have continued to sleep, or to deny, the Truths being presented in this time of upward shifting on the way to Ascension.
"You all know people of whom I am speaking. Indeed, they may even be members of your own Earth families, who either will not listen, or who are in such denial as to possibly even make you wonder how it is that you have come into your relationships with them! Well, you know the answer to that question, Beloved Ones - it is for you to lead them in their awakening processes, and thus guide them onto their own Ascension paths, providing that they choose to go in this direction. However, even though it is for them to be able to make their own decisions, it is for all of us to provide the 'wake-up call,' so that they can decide from an informed perspective!
"We are in great appreciation and awareness of your efforts thus far, and because you have communicated from your own courageous Hearts, many indeed have awakened, or are doing so at this very moment! Thus it is that the window of opportunity is wide open for us to combine our energies into one great Exercise, which shall indeed exponentially empower our individual messages as One Great Wake-Up Bell!!!  In other words, it is that, what you might call the 'critical mass consciousness,' has been reached, thanks to you and all the Lightworkers who have been putting forth the call. So, those yet in slumber are indeed ready to awaken to the realities of the Higher Dimensional Lifestyles!
"We are in joyful anticipation of our coming together in this Crystal Exercise, and we tell you that the results are seen to be an astonishing leap forward in the awakening to and acceptance of the opportunity to leap upon the path of Ascension by those who are as yet unaware of it!  We offer you our blessings and thanks for joining us in the accomplishment of this mission!  Namaste!"
Given through Susan Leland, August 23, 2012. © Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2012. All Rights Reserved.
© Ashtar on the Road Publications & Ashtar's Legacy 2004-2023.  All rights reserved.