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 Sekhmet: "Yes I Can! 102" -
Exercise of Communion with
Mother Gaia
Ashtar on the Road Teleconference, April 24, 2012

 "Hello everybody! I’m here, I’ve been here dancing - I hope you were, too! I personally selected those from that great voice for nature, the great one who loved nature, Mother Gaia, so much, and was so connected.* So everybody could feel the energy of that Love and that connection, because we’re here to focus, if you will, upon Mother Gaia herself. This is a big thank you for having us here so long. Now, I know there have been times when it has been necessary to do some cleansings, biggies ­–– big, big, big cleansings. There have also been certain families, certain civilizations, you might say, who have made their ascensions as a group, but not as the entire Planet, you see, just a group. There have been kingdoms which have become what you call extinct.

"Well, guess what, not all of them are, and there are some that are going to be coming back, and there are some which simply had to go into the mists, like Avalon –– the unicorns, for their own protection, because they could not survive in 3D; because, you see, there was this group who thought they knew more than the other kingdoms and they sometimes were, shall we say, not in keeping with that which you call the Golden Rule.

"By the way, I’m here to tell you that the Golden Rule applies to all members of all kingdoms. And if there is a kingdom member, whether it be a plant member or and animal member, which for one reason or another is not here to remain in the body, such as an animal which is to be utilized for meat because it is needed to feed people -- take a fish, it’s swimming happily in the water and then all of a sudden –– whoops, up it goes into a net or onto a line, or something –– it is alright. The plants and the animals are here to serve in various ways, whether it is to bring Joy while they are in their bodies, or to bring Joy when their spirit is set free from their bodies and the body is consumed or utilized in some manner.

"Those of you who enjoy beautiful baskets, thank the plants that gave up their bodies, although their spirits live, to be a part of the basket. For those of you who enjoy wearing clothing, thank the cotton plants and the linen plants, and so on. You see? We’re all One; it’s all about being One. It’s all about every member of every kingdom serves a purpose.

"Now, for those of you who may remember Ashtar’s ode to the extinct mosquito--that was a bit of a poem he gave around the time he first started speaking through this Voice, that was quite a while ago. The point of it is that the mosquito serves, too. And you say, ‘Well Sekhmet, are we supposed to thank the mosquito when we get bitten?’ That certainly would be appropriate but you could also say, ‘Okay I got the message, thank you very much, I see that you are here and I’m going to send you on,’ you know, before you splat it or whatever, if you do decide to splat the mosquito.

"You see, there are ways of honoring the God in all life –– the God/Goddess, Divine Being, Divine Spirit, and that is what we are here to do with all members of Mother Gaia’s kingdoms –– of course including the humans, but it is to understand that all living beings have a spirit, not just the humans, not just the dolphins or your favorite kitty cat, all living beings have spirit –– energy, life force energy, chi, ki, prana, and guess what? They all have Love because they were created by Father/Mother God ! And some of them may be serving purposes that you deem less than loving, but in the overall perspective, if you can get rid of the judgment, you can see that everything is Love that is real, that is truthful!

"And whatever that has been created in 3D that is not Love is not truthful, because it is not the truth of Mother/Father God. Now we’re getting kind of deep! So we will just thank you for listening to that which I am putting forth as this lesson, if you want to call it that, but we call it sharings in my ongoing, ‘Yes I Can! 102’ series. There’s a book in there, but not at this moment. What we shall tell you is simply that we love you all beyond words, we thank you for being with us and we’ve got a journey to take, oh what a journey!

"So let’s just have everybody take a deep breath, ah yes, a deep, deep breath. Breathe! Now, just relax. Get high, Love is all we are here to feel and, of course, the Joy and everything else that comes from Love. Just let your Hearts open up and let your Love shine in, yes, yes, just let it shine in.

"Now, we’re going to get into our circle, so just bring yourselves into our circle. Now, you will notice this time that we are all standing. Even if you are sitting, plant your feet on the ground. Yes, I have nice big feet, I can really feel the ground, but I don’t have my toe nails out, no need to hurt it. Alrighty! So we’re all holding our paws and just figure that I am encircling the whole World, and our feet are on the ground, because we are first going to allow that crystalline Love Light to come on right in, and you know how to do that.

"Bring it in through your paw, if you want to, and guide it in to your Heart, then out again, and spread it throughout the entirety of your energy fields -- pay particular attention to your feet. Let this crystalline Love, this energy, this beautiful energy -- some of you might be feeling colors, some of you might be feeling hot or cold, however you chose to see it -- let that energy go right on in through the surface, there is no resistance. Mother Gaia does not resist the Light of Love ever, ever, ever. She knows who you are and she knows the great Love that you are and she says 'thank you'!!!

"Let it come in to the very center of her being and then travel even out, and let it encircle throughout the entirety of Inner Earth, and you may feel some connecting there because there are some beings there who welcome you. They have their sanctuaries inside of Planet Earth. Mother Gaia is there and loved and honored by them, all of them.

"Just let this Love Light permeate the entirety of Planet Earth. Now, bring more in to your beings -- we’re all standing here on the surface of Planet Earth -- bring more in. Let the connection continue, the bathing of the entirety of the inner part, the whole inner surfaces of Planet Earth in Love Llight, Light of Love, and send a message to all of the dwellers of all of the kingdoms inside.

"Meanwhile, bringing in even more of this Love Light -- the Love Llight of Mother/Father God coming from the great central sun through the sun of Planet Earth, right into your Hearts and out through your beings. And now we’re going to create an absolute sphere of this Love Light, and what we are going to do is, by our conscious will, let it spread everywhere over the Planet, yes, everywhere! Every crystal, be it a grain of sand or a mighty mountain boulder, is now feeling this great Love, this union of Hearts, of consciousness, this coming together as One, even as those inside the planet, below the surface, are feeling it.

"Now, all upon the surface of the Planet, no matter how small, no matter how tall, they’re feeling it. My lion family is feeling it and enjoying the glow, the radiant glow of this Love Light. All of the kingdoms, the crystals, the plants, even the tallest of trees are feeling it. This is like a beautiful bubble of crystalline Love Light, glowing and empowering all of the kingdoms, and yes, the humans!!! Send it out everywhere. Send it out over the tallest of buildings!

"As you keep sending it out, it grows more and more beautiful, more and more intense. Send it out throughout the atmosphere! The birds, no matter how high they fly, are getting it. The humans, who are up in the skies in some kind of vehicle or other, are getting it. Your star brothers and sisters in their ships are getting it! We Are One, and we are all united in loving, loving Oneness. All of Mother Gaia’s kingdoms are One with us and we are One with them! Let the radiance of this be seen throughout the entire universe and let the Love be felt. Let the universe know we celebrate Mother Gaia and all of her kingdoms. We honor and we join with her in conscious consciousness in spirits, in Hearts. And we are One, and as we continue sending this Love, this great radiant Love to all of Mother Gaia, let us allow ourselves to feel it as well, even more within ourselves.

"Here is Mother Gaia’s response, Beloved Ones, and it is so precious and so beautiful, and her Heart is so overflowing with Joy and with Love that we come to her with the purity and the sanctity of our own Love and we share it with her, and this, Beloved Ones, is a miracle of healing. Mother Gaia is so thankful, and this, Beloved Ones, empowers her even more to be the gentle, the nurturing mother and the joyful mother for all of her kingdoms, everywhere on the planet below, on and above!!!

"There is no kingdom member that she does not love and treasure, Beloved Ones. There is no kingdom member who is not sacred to her, and it is to see her and feel her as pure and pristine, her waters, her skies, her soils, and all of the kingdoms and all of the kingdoms’ members who thrive there because there is such Love, and there is such Oneness and there is such Joy to all of the world! Beloved Ones, you are so thanked for sharing so beautifully of your radiant energies, for your Love and your blessings. You are the blessings, you are the treasures of Mother Gaia, even as you recognize all of her kingdoms as treasures, to be loved and cherished and nurtured!!!

"As you recognize Mother Gaia herself as your mother, as your nurturer, and yes, as One with you in consciousness and in Heart, and as we stand here in this Oneness we all know that together we shall make the Ascension, and Mother Gaia already feels the Joy of her cleansings completed; the Joy of her waters flowing freely and cleanly, of her very Earth supporting life everywhere; of her animals in such harmony with each other, and of such gratitude between all members for coming together in Oneness and for coming together in preparation and accomplishment of the Great Ascension!

"No one shall be left behind who chooses to come, and Mother Gaia shall support, nurture and love all, even as she does now with great thanks for her own cleansing, her own shifting, and for the support and nurturing that you, Beloved Family, are giving to her during this time of her preparation. And so we thank you and we invite you to be in Communion with Mother Gaia and all of her kingdoms or any of its individual members. Make it a constant flow of energy of Love just as we have done here. It is so beautiful and it is so appreciated!

"And so it is that we thank you and we honor you. The crystalline radiance of your Love Light is shining throughout the universe, and the harmony of Oneness is being sung even now, and the sounds are glorious and reach everywhere. It is a message to the entire universe that We Are One with Mother Gaia and she is One with us. And so it is that we have accomplished this great Communion, divinely, respectfully, and most lovingly. And we do thank you for coming and being One in this Exercise of Communion with Gaia, our nurturing mother. So breathe, just breathe in the Love and be joyful. Let us celebrate this Communion!!! And so it is Beloved Ones, and so it is. Namaste!"

*Referring to John Denver, whose songs, The Flower that Shattered the Stone and Celebrate Earth Day, were played just before Sekhmet spoke.

Sekhmet's message was followed by Let Us Remember to Dance, sung by Lei'ohu Ryder, from her album Mary's Songs www.leiohuryder.com

Transcription by Brian Coe
Given through Susan Leland, April 24, 2012. www.AshtarontheRoad.com   © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.
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