New York Magazine Cover re Hurricane Sandy
Storm Sandy - A Tale of Love
Amidst all the destruction, suffering, pain, agony, anguish, trauma, despair, fear, and yes-even deaths, the recent storm that hit my home town of NYC and the neighboring states also brought forth even greater energies and Light to these areas than anyone can imagine. It is not something that the un awakened, sleepy, or drowsy soul can see. For the Lightworkers, the events taking place following such devastation is an opportunity for us to express gratitude to Mother Gaia for the cleansing, and the opportunity for all of us as the family of one to join through the energies of love in the healing at all levels presented to us.
Even if you are not in the areas hit by Sandy, you are still part of the mass consciousness and affected energetically because when one is hurt, all are hurt, and when one is helped, all are helped. We are the family of one.
I will share some personal experiences with the readers of this tale of love, and in doing so I send to each one of you a thousand fold the love and blessing that my family, I, and all of us have received. The outpouring of love, concern, and blessings can never be measured in 3-D, as we know it.
During the early days following the storm, my daughter Karen, my twin 13 year old grandchildren Brittney and Brendan along with her friend Peggy, and Peggy's 17 year old daughter, Ally gathered car loads, after car loads, after car loads, of clothing, personal items, water and anything that the churches, and relief centers had for distributions to those in need. They drove up and down the streets, entering people's homes to distribute everything they had. Many people asked if they can have shoes and socks and when this group of angels called and asked if my friends or I can fill those needs, well you know what we did. Some time later, my daughter showed up to pick up what we had for them and took off immediately to deliver them to those that requested them. This door-to-door distribution went on for a number of days until the kids had to go back to school. All of this taking place while managing to get whatever gas they could to keep the vehicles on the road.
For me this was such a gratifying experience to see one of my children, and grandchildren, participating in such acts of kindness and love to others. It is such a blessing to know that one does not need to throw a switch to let in the light. Over the past week, I have personally received such great love, blessings, and prayers from so many members of the spiritual community in the forms of phone calls, e-mails, and text messages when my systems were operating. It was only yesterday November 8, that my heat was turned on after having purchased some space heaters. During all this time I had been and continue to be supported by my guardians, angels, masters, and teachers. I know the feeling of being loved by the Universe. To all of you who in the slightest way have sent your love and blessings to us may you all be blessed in the Heart of The Absolute?
Let us continue to build bridges of light.
Namaste, Korrael