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Pan: Peace to Gaia

Pan addressing the April 20, 2010 teleconference:

"Greetings Beloved Family, Beloved Family of earth and sky.  It is I, Pan, come to greet you on this most joyful of occasions.  Oh yes, the music brings us together even more, and we are thankful for its sweetness, and for the pictures that it paints, for it makes the visions more real.  That which beloved Ashtar has spoken of is real, it is the reality, this healing, this coming together in Joy and Love, this Golden Age, that’s reality.  There are still false images present on Planet Earth, false images created by energies which have not allowed the light to come in and to be a part of their reality. 

"And so we are gathered here tonight to put the Love Light everywhere on Planet Earth where these situations are still occurring, where these defilings, plunderings, scarrings and wounds are still being created and implemented by those who know not what they do.  They have lost their own hope.  Perhaps never had it.  They are not on the path that we share, Beloved Ones, this Ascension path for Planet Earth.   Oh yes, I, Pan, and all of the kingdoms are on this path as well, so here we are together in Oneness, in Love and in the Joy of clear vision, of clear discernment and of clear mission.  We are here, Beloved Ones, to heal.  We are here to bring compassionate Love to the entire situation.  We are here to express from our hearts the very highest levels of Love and Truth.  We are here to utilize the gifts we share, and the Joy of our togetherness.  We are here to bring us even closer in our Love and in our service, for we all have mission and purpose - that’s why we are here.  Well, I have been around a bit longer than you have in your current bodies, nevertheless there were many times when we were together in various places upon the Earth, most particularly in the forests.  And now they are trying to wipe out what remains of those old growth forests because they know that the trees have memories, memories that they share with all who come, high dimensional memories, loving memories, joyful ones, and it is just a program which is to be turned off for good.  And we are here to do what you might call an exercise in hastening that day, that moment. 

"So we shall ask you to come together.  It is most appropriate to join hands even as you perhaps close your eyes, your 3D eyes, and breathe in the fresh air.  Come into the forest if you are standing on the edge, dance if you wish, skip, sing!  Come into the forest, into the coolness, the sun shines beautifully through the trees, but here we all are together.  Here you are with your guides, your angels, here are the masters, here are the dwellers of the kingdoms of what you call the elementals.  They have been waiting for the Joy, for this moment when we come, when you arrive in the sacred forest.  Smell what there is to smell, the grass under foot, perhaps some moss growing on the old trees.  The trees of wisdom.  Step right up.  Even though you have joined hands, it is OK, you can make a circle around the various trees, a parade of tree huggers if you will.  How joyful is that?   Breathe, breathe and allow the trees to share their Love with you.  There is a soft breeze blowing, just perfect, so you feel the coolness and the freshness of the air while at the same time the sun shines brightly in this forest, in our forest.  It is our Family gathering place to be one in nature, to be one with all of the spirits of nature.  There are ponds and lakes and rivers in this forest and oh, yes, it runs by a seashore.

"So you can see that all of the kingdoms are here represented, everyone from the whales, to the birds, to the fireflies, and of course the animals that walk upon the ground are here as well.  There is nothing here except Peace and Joy.  There is laughter, there is singing, there is dancing.  But it is all joyful as this reunion comes about, as everyone meets and greets everyone here.  Breathe deeper, breathe deeper.  It is time for everyone to focus their attention upon an altar here in the middle of the forest.  What do you think is upon this alter but a great crystal, a crystal which has been programmed since time began with Love, with Compassion, with healing energies.  It awaits only direction from you and from us and from all of us here gathered.  It is so powerful it will reach around the world and beyond, and so it is for us to stand tall, breathing in the Love, breathing in the Joy and the freshness of the forest. 

"There is no 3D box here, for none can exist.  We have indeed reached into a higher dimension, a dimension of Peace, a dimension of Love, a dimension of Joy.  And so allow that Peace to permeate your entire being, Beloved Ones.  Let it come down into your hearts, let it circulate out through the crowd and now we ask that we all join together and beam this Peace right at the crystal.  This is its message that we are encoding within it.  This is the message.  It is of Peace, it is of Compassion, it is of Forgiveness for all because they did not understand.  They did not get it.  And that is alright.

"Release whatever concerns you have and just, just program this crystal with your Love, your Compassion, your Forgiveness and yes, your Gratitude, for this grand gathering, for this opportunity to send this grand peaceful healing to where it is to be sent.  Radiate it through yourselves and program the crystal with it.  And now together let us put, if you will, the address for the message this crystal brings to the planet, specifically to Mother Gaia, to Father Sky and to all of the kingdoms below, on and above Planet Earth.  This crystal is empowered by you, Beloved Ones, and by all of us here present to take this message far and wide.  Now allow the winds to come and pick up these loving waves, these energies, these messages of Love and Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude and send it out now throughout all the kingdoms of Mother Gaia and yes, the kingdoms of Father Sky.  Let the Elementals reverberate and carry the message even more.  Let all of the Masters and the Angels rejoice and sing with great joy, you may hear them.   The trees are vibrating with so much Love and so are all of the plant kingdoms and indeed all of the mineral kingdoms as well as the animals and the humans here gathered for this ceremony.  Send that message out on the wings of Love, Beloved Ones.

"Send that message out, let the crystals carry your message, the waves of it far and wide.  Breathe into it even more from your hearts, messages of Love, messages of Hope.  And now complete the message with your command that all who have in their past, present and futures, parallel and dimensional selves, ever created any desecrations, pollutions, pillages upon Planet Earth, upon the kingdoms of Mother Gaia, upon the Earth herself, cease, come into the Light and express only Love.  Let them know they are forgiven for whatever they have done or are about to do, and release them from the programs and send the Violet Ray to them, and the Blue Ray of Truth, and let them know they are released from the programs that caused them to do such actions.  They need not do them anymore.  They will get this message, it will enter into their fields.  Some will act upon it immediately and put down their drills, their jackhammers and their shovels and their dynamite.  For some it will take longer.   

"They will all come to the realization they have been acting upon a stage of untruth and unreality.   But they can, if they choose to, come into higher mission status and become healers like us, Beloved Ones, like us, instead of destroyers.  All is well in your kingdoms, Beloved Ones, all is well in the kingdoms of Mother Gaia and Father Sky.  And so just take a moment to smell again, to take into all of your senses, into your hearts, into your wisdom eye, the Joy of this gathering, the wisdom of the forest, and the seas and the waters and the sky.  Bask in it, bathe in it, delight in it.  Take this time, Beloved Ones, to be sure that you have filled yourselves with the Love Light of this gathering.  There is plenty for all and more yet to send into the crystal as it radiates this message over all the earth, below, on and above.   Allow it to go far and wide, for this is the moment, as you measure time, to begin and renew the celebrations for Earth Day.  

"And so I, Pan, send you my enormous most radiant thanks on beams of Love, on beams of Joy, on beams of Peace and healing for the planet.  Linger if you wish and let it be known throughout the universe that you were here in this sacred forest to do this ceremony of Peace, Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude.  And know that we are together, as we have been in times past, as we are in this now moment as you call it, and forever, as we go upon our Ascension paths and travel with Mother Earth into the higher dimensions of gold, white light, and Christ consciousness.  We are there now.  Return to the forest whenever you choose, and let us commune even more.  Thank you, Beloved Ones.  We salute you, we honor you and we love you infinitely and beyond all words.  And so it is and so it is done and so it shall be evermore.  Namaste."

Transcription by Deborah Urquhart.

© Susan Leland 2010.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.

The song Celebrate Earth Day by John Denver was played following Pan. 
