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Ashtar:Love to Gaia
Ashtar addressing the April 21, 2009 teleconference:
".And so we're going to come together tonight, all of you who are willing to participate, in an exercise to express appreciation, and more than that, to send some additional energies to Mother Gaia for the healing that She is embarked upon already, and you are aware of this, and you are aware of the need for Her to come into full alignment as a healed and totally loved Being. She's real. She's alive. She has a conscious awareness, and so let's just spend some fabulous time loving Her as She so deserves to be loved. And, then we'll see what comes next. But we already know, and it's wonderful.


"So we are delighted already, and we can also begin this exercise with a big heartfelt thank you to all of you for your participation. This is not the first time you'll hear it. But isn't this delightful? It's kind of like having the dessert before the main course. And so we are much into these kinds of things, because it's all about Love and Joy. So I, Ashtar, stand with you Beloved Ones, stand right with you. Let us join hands. Let us be together as on - one great Love - one great Light, because that is the empowerment that we give to this exercise.   


"So coming together as one, feeling the energies of each other, coming from loving heart to loving heart, breathing in, literally breathing in all of this Love and all of this Joy and feel the presence of all who are gathered here - Family in human bodies, Family in the bodies of Angels, Family in the bodies of the Fairies and the Devas, and all of the Dwellers of what you call the Magic Kingdoms, coming together as one with the Ascended Masters, the Great Teachers, the Galactic Star Brothers and Sisters, coming together with all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, all of them, all of them coming together in such great Love that you have this sensation: maybe it starts below your feet coming from the Earth itself, or perhaps it comes in as an energy through your crown, through your hands joined with ours, through hearts joined as one.  Just feel it - feel it and take it all in, because this is the empowerment, this is the way to power up the love you are and spread it everywhere.


"Feel the greetings of those who dwell inside of the Earth. Allow them to come forth, and perhaps you may even hear a message of Joy, the Joy of connection. Some of you will be traveling there as ambassadors and some of them will be traveling to the surface of Planet Earth to exchange great knowledge, great technologies, great wisdoms, and above all else, to exchange infinite Love.


"So connect now and allow yourselves to feel that connection. It's part of Planet Earth after all. And there is much that they can do and are doing, these Dwellers within, to assist also in the clearing and the cleansing of the Planet. So acknowledge them with Love and honor and appreciation, and connect with them as it may be in a way that you have never connected before. Because they're a part of you and you're a part of them. You're all one with us, who come from the skies, from what you call the Higher Realms. We're all one here honoring and loving this beautiful, beautiful Planet Earth, and Mother Gaia is one with us and we are one with Mother Gaia.


"And so it is that we come together in this grand, grand mission of Love. And so we begin the messages, sending the messages of Love to Her and to all of Her Kingdoms, below, on, and above, and to each other and the One we all are. Feel the Divinity within you joining the Divinity of all else. Feel the coming together and the connecting. Feel the empowerment that you have to literally infuse Mother Gaia, every part of Her with this beautiful empowered Love, this grandest of all energies, this most powerful, and yet calm, peaceful, and even, what you might call gentle. It has no need to come on, in any kind of a rough manner.


"This is not about controlling anyone or anything. This is not about creating false patterns of weather or anything of the kind. This is about coming together in joyful communion with Mother Gaia, letting her know how much you appreciate and Love her, letting Her know how much respect and honor you have, and how thankful and grateful you are to Her for Her providing such a beautiful, beautiful home for you. And now, see the Kingdoms. It's almost like a parade, and as they go by hug them. Reach out, and touch them with your Love. Hug the trees, Plants, Minerals, and Animals.


"Oh, yes, commune with them and be one with them and come together in this grand meeting, all of us together as one. And let us pledge in this manner to Mother Gaia. Let us stand together as stewards, sacred in our vows to be in assistance in any way possible to Mother Gaia. Let us assure Her of our absolute, infinite Love for Her, and infinite and unending appreciation to Her, for allowing us time after time to call her 'our home,' this beautiful Planet Earth.


"And let us thank Pan and the Nature Spirits and the Devas, and all of the wondrous Dwellers of the Magical Kingdom who have been in support and assistance to Her in the evolvement that she has experienced, for she too is in Ascension status. And let us thank all of her Kingdoms including the Kingdom of the Humans, for coming into the conscious awareness of how wondrous it is to be here in this Planet Earth or on this Planet Earth. How grateful, how grateful all of the Kingdoms are to Her. How grateful, those who come in the airs, in the atmospheres above, through the atmospheres to join together with all the Earthly Kingdoms.


"How grateful we are that She has been a part of the consciousness that said this time She's not going to create some kind of calamity/disaster, nor will She accept into Her fields any kind of destruction that would come through Her atmosphere. Nor will She tolerate any more of what you call the nuclear weapons and accidents that can come and destroy so much of Her. She was in full harmony and agreement at the time of the Harmonic Convergence and She rejoiced that you determined not to move ahead with any kind of destruction. She too desires to live and to evolve into the Higher Dimensions and She is doing exactly that with you.


"Express understanding to Her, that yes, She has toxic areas that must be cleansed. And send all of this Love to Her to use in that effort, for there is no more powerful transmuter, transformer and cleanser than Love. Stand with Her and assure Her of your faithfulness, of your stewardship, perhaps newly awakened, but nevertheless real and dedicated to assisting in any way that you can see, or envision to clear, to cleanse and to purify, back to the pristine state which Planet Earth was created. You know it's going there anyway. And so does Mother Gaia. But, now here comes this opportunity to join together in this knowledge and support and expressions of Love for each other.


"So do it with Love, Beloved Ones, say whatever it is that is in your heart to communicate. Give Love and hugs and thanks. And from this moment forward, keep Mother Gaia in your consciousness, in your awareness, and yes, we ask that you take on this mission too, as a faithful, and dedicated steward, absolutely and positively and infinitely in Love with Mother Gaia, as She is with you.

"Blessings to all. The Joy that you have co-created is infinite, and beautiful. And you have already set in motion gentle, but effective clearings, and cleansings, all over Beloved Planet Earth. And so celebrate, beloved ones, and know that Mother Gaia is in your hearts, as you are in Hers, and that all is truly well, and in absolute Divine Order, below, on and above Planet Earth.
© Susan Leland 2009.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.