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StGermain:Claim YourGifts

St.Germain addressing the March 10, 2009 Ashtar teleconference:

"Good evening, Beloved Family, citizens of the world, it is I, St Germain, and I come before you to assure you that you have infinite capabilities to be, not only in assistance, but to be creators, co-creators with those of us who are here now to participate in and to facilitate with you this grand renaissance which is taking place in the entire world. And while it is true that I have particular responsibility for the United States of America, let me assure you that I have an overview and full permission and authority to oversee a great bit of this transformation worldwide.

"And it is this world-wide transformation that we are discussing here in what Ashtar calls our discussion time. And the reason for that is because we want to encourage you, not only to take a good look at all of the gifts that you have available to you now, but also to ask you to pay it forward to the world, not just to the United States, but certainly including the United States of America and her neighbors to the north and to the south, because they're all one. This North America is one under the sun and one in creation. And so if the residents of these three countries are in harmony with each other, which they are in consciousness, then the gifts of Nesara shall come quite evenly to all of North America. And there are of course other parts of the world where the gifts shall come with quite a bit of rapidity.

"And when we say the gifts of Nesara, we are distinguishing that from the gifts that we are discussing with you that you all have that you've heard us discuss before, such gifts as telepathy, such gifts as the total ability to call in that which you call the Violet Flame of Transmutation, to call in the Blue Flame of Truth. You have all been given the Sword of Excalibur by Lord Michael himself. You have all been invited to call forth the Violet Flame by me, St Germain.

"We are going to do an exercise if you will join in, which is simply for each one of you to connect with your own special gifts that are perhaps most prominent to you in your particular field. And we are going to do an exercise that will invite you to take it out for a little spin, as you might say, to try it out. Now in order to do that, obviously we need to get into exercise mode, and so we shall ask that you all just simply relax wherever you are and just begin to breathe.

"It's the easiest way to get relaxed and get into this particular state of being. And so just let yourself be totally relaxed in all of your being. Put away any expectations or trepidations or concerns of the day. Allow your minds to relax into a state of oneness with your hearts.

"Connect, connect from your heart up. Allow yourself to feel whatever is there. Allow yourselves to connect with your Guides, your own special group or team of support and encouragement and love and information. Just connect, that is all, but that is huge. Now we are going to ask you to go to your own sacred place to your altar of wisdom. You will find it somewhere. Some might see it in your third eye area, some of you might see it in your heart, some might see it in their crown chakra, and others might even see it your throat.

"Wherever it is in this space, and this is in all of your bodies, not just physical, go to your altar of wisdom, your altar of knowing. It's beautiful because it's a part of you, it's your creation for yourself. If it seems a little dusty go ahead and clean it off. You can do it easily with the Violet Ray if you choose. Perhaps it seems like a bit of time has passed since you've been there. Allow it to shine and sparkle and glow as you approach. It's a welcome. Now use your abilities to feel the love that is in that welcome. This is a most sacred place in your being. It is a place where you have come before in this lifetime and in others.

"It is a place you come to occasionally in your dream state, in your out of body experiences, in your meditations and your visioning. See it as you've seen it before, but let it sparkle and shine and let it welcome you close to it. Because it's very important to step right up to it and see what is there. Now know that this altar is really a most sacred cupboard, and that cupboard contains all of your gifts that you as a Galactic Being, as an Angelic Being, as a Master, a Higher Self Being have available to you from all of the dimensions, whether you have recognized them in this lifetime or not.

"This cupboard is full. It is really a treasure chest. It can hold an infinite amount of your treasures, your tools, but you have a calling forth to do, and so you stand before your altar and you address your altar, each in your own way in your own voice, and you call upon your altar to display the treasures that you are to use in this exercise. And there will be more than one, two at least, maybe more. This is a reuniting, a re-connecting, so give your altar a moment to discern what it is that needs to be displayed on its very top which you are now focusing upon.

"Maybe you see telepathy, maybe you see the voice of the song bird, maybe you see the composition of music, maybe you see a healing touch that you can give, that you can extend to the world, maybe you see beautiful lights, which can show you what is in someone else's energy fields, maybe it's the ability to communicate with one or more of the animal or plant or mineral kingdoms; whatever it is, it is represented there on the top of your altar.

"So we ask that you greet each of these gifts in turn by simply saying:

"'I am here to reconnect with you. I am here to use and utilize you as never before. Even more empowered am I to use you for that which Mother Father intended when I was given you, to have in my treasure chest of gifts, to have ready for me. And the moment is now. I am ready and so I connect with you. And I want to thank you for being here for me at this time and I want you to know that I stand in the Light of Truth, and I pledge to use you honorably, compassionately and with the very Love of Mother Father Creator God in me as divine representatives.

"'And so it is that I shall use you in divine, compassionate and loving ways to further communicate, connect with and commune with the entire world to co-create peace on Earth, goodwill amongst all, an absolute recognition that the Age of Aquarius, the Golden Age is now, and the ultimate creation of joy and abundance, loving, caring and compassionate, for every man, woman and child below, on and above Planet Earth, for all of the Kingdoms of Planet Earth, and for all who receive the energies of Love that we send beyond Planet Earth out through the universe. And so I greet you my most esteemed, honored and appreciated tools of love and giving and sharing and co-creating. And I use you now with the highest of intent as a part of my mission that I may be even more empowered, that my messages and my actions may be even more loving and even more felt and received by all.'

"And so take a moment to savor these treasures. You are invited, authorized, and called upon now to take these wondrous treasures into your very being. Yes, the altar has laid them for you. You have given so much and you are now being recognized as the priest or priestess who has absolute right and absolute sovereignty to take these gifts from your altar and use them for the highest and best good of all.

"So take these gifts, hold them if you wish, keep them always within easy, easy reach available for use in an instant. Practice with them now. See how it feels. Send out a message or receive a message or a feeling or in some way utilize one or more of these gifts you are now taking into your being, reclaiming, reuniting, ready for you to use. Whatever they are they are yours, Beloveds, they are yours for your us, and so we shall as One utilize these gifts that we all have to send a very clear message to the world, a message of love, a message of peace and assurance that all is well.

"Every child, every grown up, every member of every kingdom upon Planet Earth is to receive this message now that we are creating together, using our gifts that we all have, encoding the message with love, in love, by love, about love, and sending it out. Do so with joy and do so with a grand awareness of who you really are and how important it is that you use these gifts now in everything that you think and say and do.

"These are your gifts, Beloved Ones, which you have called forth to the top of your altars that you may never be without them again, that you may never lose sight of them again, that you never ever will forget that you have them. And so as we see the wondrous waves going out, the wondrous ways in which you use these special gifts of yours now, we say to you, thank you Beloveds. The world thanks you. You are honored and you are loved. Abundance is yours, claim it. Joy is yours, be it, and Love you always are, expressed, felt in compassionate giving, and this, Beloveds, is the greatest gift of all. And so it is! Namaste!"


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