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Ashtar's Apr 6 Report

Ashtar addressing the April 6, 2010 telelconference:

“Well Good Evening, Everyone!  This is such a delight!  We are so excited, yes indeed we are. We have many voices tonight.  Many, many voices, many hearts open - open and receiving the love of the universe, the love we all are, the One we all are.  And we have special, special joy at the way the DVD project is going, oh yes, indeed, it is most wondrous indeed.  Can you imagine the face of your Representative or your Senator, or somebody who received the DVD along with a letter that says we know what’s going on, it’s time to change?  And those kinds of expressions and, oh, keep those letters going out folks!  If you’ve already sent a DVD, send a letter to somebody else if you want to, maybe someone who is already on the list—ah yes, fabulous Fran is taking care of the list and all you have to do is go to that wondrous website [www.wethepeopleforpeace.com] that she’s established and you’ll see who has received and who hasn’t, and if there’s somebody on there who’s already received but you’d like to send them a letter too, well, go for it.

“They’re coming back, you know.  They have serious business to do.  They know, because you’re telling them that you know, that they’d better quit the fooling around and all of the things that are going on—you know, the parties that the lobbyists throw.  And they party in ways that are pretty extreme.  And we won’t go into that, but remember you are looking at Sexgate unfolding even now. And it’s been going on for a long time and it’s a lot more widespread than you might think.  And so it is that there are influences, even in the holograms, even those who are holograms.  The programs are running.  They’re still out there performing no matter what state they’re in.

“And you have those who are rising to the forefront.  How about the publicity that Dennis [Kucinich] got when the healthcare bill was on the table?  They are starting to be more well known as national personalities, and Dr. Ron [Paul] has been getting a great deal of attention too, and you may think those two are at opposite ends of the pole but we’re going to talk about some of these things, these no-things, that have been used to polarize you and all humans upon planet Earth. It’s a dark-hat kind of a program.

“So, for now, let’s just say that when you send off the DVD with your letter you are speaking, you are representing, everyone in your congressional district, your state, and the country of the United States of America, and ultimately, the entire planet.  It is no small thing - it is a huge thing to do this mission. We would not have suggested it if we did not know that you’re all up to it.  And if you are not finding the means to send the DVD, send a letter, or send your loving energies supporting the empowerment of the people and supporting, by so doing, the upliftment and the ending of whatever dark programming remains—there isn’t a lot of it, but what there is is what you call the top of the glacier. We’ve been undermining the glacier for a long time.  You know the pyramids were built from the top down?  We’re going from the bottom up.  Interesting to visualize, is it not?  But that’s how it’s happening.

“We have removed almost all of the power base that these people have been standing on.  Remember Yurtle the Turtle?  And if you’re not familiar with it you might want to go to your library, you’ll probably find it in the children’s section, but it’s really for everybody.  And so we are asking you to do a big collective burp and shake these guys off of the top of the heap where they have been resting far too long.

“So, if you have any questions on the project you can e-mail fabulous Fran, or you can email the Voice, or the lovely Elise, or marvelous Mary; any of them will be more than happy to answer your questions about it, but remember it is a way of supporting everyone, including yourself, Beloved Ones!  Speak for yourselves and know that you are speaking for the whole planet.  That’s a wondrous idea, is it not?  So we thank all of those of you who have participated and we have some delightful information for you because more of you are already accomplished, from our perception, in this mission than you might even be realizing in this moment, but in the next moment, you might commit, and if you do just let these People for Peace know—yes indeed, a most wondrous project. And you’ll notice the color purple on the website, oh we love purple.

“Now we have some others here who are assisting me in the presentation, and truth be known they’ve been in assistance even when the Voice was doing her talking because we want this to be a very high vibrational gathering.  You all bring such loving wondrous energies and we’re just here to say, 'let’s fly together tonight in this call' because we’ve got some very serious business to accomplish, so if I lighten up the airwaves a little bit before our wondrous guest speaker comes in for the exercise, well, just go with it, be with it, be happy, be light, as light as you possibly can be and know what a difference that we’re making for all of these co-creative missions.  We could not do it without you, Beloved Ones, and without the lightworkers of the world and without all of those who are awake in this moment or are about to be awake in the next.  So just feel the energies of Love, sit back, breathe it in and be joyful while we continue with our discussion.

“So, we want to discuss a little bit of going back over some ground, and that is the healthcare bill—we know, it’s not perfect—2,500 pages and they couldn’t get it perfect?  Really.  We know that everyone of you could have done it in twenty-five pages or less and it would have been fabulous, a model for the world, not just the United States.  But there were special interests at work there as you all know. So what we want you to reflect upon is not what is in that bill now because you know it’s all going to change anyway when we announce NESARA - when we get out from under these so-called laws, statutory laws and codes, and regulations and rules.  You know, they made up the rules for you, Beloved Ones, not for themselves.  We’re going to get out from under all of that very soon and when I say 'we,' we’re in this with you.

“We feel everything.  We see what’s going on in the remains of these programs and yes, they seem to be powerful but understand that their power-base has been taken right out from under them.  And the Bank of St. Germain is ready to open its doors and welcome all upon the planet to an all new world, a beautiful golden world, a world of bright and shining colors, crystal radiance, abundance for all and a whole new way of doing business. In fact, we’re going to have to have some new words for business because everybody is going to get all the time off they want, so it’s really not busy-ness anymore, it’s going to be expressions of passion and joy, it’s going to be reaching out and feeling connected, and indeed, in communion with all other beings upon the planet and beyond.  And it’s going to be such a wondrous state, and fortunately, although you make your own fortunes you know that by now, it is not going to be a place of heavy memories.  It is going to be a place where the future is NOW.  And the future will be so engaging, will be so rich for everyone there’ll be so much abundance, so much joy, so much dancing and singing—oh yes, Sekhmet is here.  It will be fabulous!  A whole new lifestyle, and it is just so close.

“Now we do have one program, if you want to call it that.  We just call it a tradition, that’s so much nicer than program, isn’t it?  We’re going to be loving traditions and loving thoughts, words and deeds. But our tradition is: no dates.  Why? Because, Beloved One, in the past others have used dates to get your hopes up, get you in the flow, so to speak, feeling as though your abundance was about to come to you, you know, ‘Today, today, tomorrow, tomorrow,’ and then when it didn’t come you crashed down in the dumpies.  Well, of course—What else would you do? So we don’t use dates anymore.

“We just want you to feel the imminence of what we are speaking of.  We want you to know that the world is changing, and it is changing very rapidly, and you, Beloved Ones, are playing a great role in these changes that are coming about.  So we just ask you to stop and breathe in the energies of change and welcome them. I f you feel your tummy scrunching up say a few 'ho’oponopono’s to yourself. Let your ego climb up into your higher heart, lay back and take a little rest, or play with your inner child and forget the sorrows and the differences that these programmers, these masters of duality, have been putting out for eons.  It isn’t easy at times, we know that.

“We know that you have questions—oh, I love speaking with you [in private sessions with Susan Leland], we do hope that more of you will come.  But we find there is a recurring theme, and that is: ‘Well, what about—This is great for me Ashtar but what about my children, my parents, my beloveds, my partners, my friends, my neighbors, what about them?  Can’t I take them with me?’  Well, you can take them with you, because you are all together, into the Golden Age—the post NESARA planet Earth. And there will be many, many waking up who right now may think that you are a little Looney Tunes, so take heart, joy is coming for all.  And so with the easing up of what you call - oh yes, there is a word for this, delightful your language is, you know - with the easing up of the credit crunchies and all of the despair and hopelessness that has been deliberately created for you, with the freedom to speak and to do as one’s heart desires, and with the encouragement that will be prevalent worldwide to do this, and with everyone having great abundance—What’s the next step?

“The next step is further preparation for your ascension.  Your bodies are already changing and some of you are feeling more changes than others, that is perfectly all right. The ascension path, while it is a path of oneness for planet Earth, it is an individual path, and you are able to determine your own rate at which you travel that path.  And it’s up to you—you have wondrous help and guides, but it is up to you to say, ‘Okay, there’s a big rock, a big boulder, in my path, I’m going to work on clearing that out of my way.’  And that’s up to you and your sense of when it’s appropriate to do so.  And by the same token your children, your parents, your partners, your loved ones—it’s up to each and every one of them.  You can commit to being together on the path and that is really joyful!  But you don’t have to, it’s not a requirement.  You can both get to ascension status, each of you, by doing your thing. One might want to do yoga, the other one might want to do some Tai Chi, or some such thing as that, to get in touch with the all that they are, and that’s great!  That’s perfect.  Celebrate the differences even as you understand the oneness and you’ve got it, Beloved Ones, you’ve got it.

“So it is not up to you to watch out for anyone else.  Answer questions by all means.  And for those of you who want to teach get started figuring out where your classrooms are going to be and just exactly what you are going to teach because you are needed. I f some won’t listen to you now, in the next moment they’re going to be saying, ‘Where did I put your telephone number, or your email address, because I need you, I need you to tell me more; I need you to help me on this journey that I just realized I am on—oh goodness, I don’t want to miss out!’  Nobody is going to miss out who wants to be there. No one.

“So just know that if you seem to be in a little bit of a hiatus right now—a stopping place, you know, a flat spot on the path.  Relax.  Do whatever you need to do for your own clearing and cleansing, send the ho’oponopono’s out, Beloved Ones, it’s such a simple way to help the world.  So send it out, send your Love to all that you care about and beyond that to the One we all are, and know that all is well and divine in your kingdom as it is in the kingdoms of all of your loved ones.  And everyone will have freedom and everyone will know what their choices are even if they’re not seeing them at this moment.  And that is glorious indeed.

“So we’re going to move on into one of the topics that I, Ashtar, feel is very important and indeed I have the consensus of this entire gathering, yours as well, because we do.  Thank you so much for giving us permission to come close with you and to know some of what you are wondering about, and what you know needs to be happening now.

“And so we are answering this call and we are going to talk about, hmm, the general heading of this would be, Duality is a False Creation.  Oh, it feels very real, does it not, when you feel separated from anyone?  When there is a line somewhere and you’re on one side of the line and someone else is on the other side of the line?  Picture that which is called the Civil War of the United States.  Many of you were there; many of you were on one side, where your brother, your family, your best friend, was on the other side of that line.  And when you find out the truth that it was all manipulated for the sake of greed then you really can feel the anger.  There isn’t any war that’s ever been fought that wasn’t done for power, control, greed, riches and so on, and so on, and so on.  Think about it.  The very term, The Holy War—now there’s a false duality that was really big and has been felt, and millions—billions—have suffered as a result of wars created by the dark hats through the ages so that they could control everything because that has been their agenda from the very beginning.

“So take a look at duality and say goodbye to it, because this is a wondrous time to do so; we may even do an exercise on that the next time that we gather.  But for now we are going to put some labels out here.  We ask that you pay attention—this is why it was necessary for you to be vibrating so high.  Pay attention and see if you can be neutral.  Check in with yourselves, Beloved Ones, and see how neutral you can be.

“Here are some labels: Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Communists, Socialists, Conservatives, Liberals.  That was a big dose, wasn’t it?  You get the idea.  Where has all of this come from?  Not from you.  Not at all.  Although you might currently be wearing the label of one or more of these.  It’s all been created.  Now here’s a word that those who have been running the banks and the corporations, and so on, would really like you to take into your beings and wear it as your proudest label in the United States of America, and here’s the word: Capitalism.

“Who do you think invented that?  Now, this is the land of the free and the home of the brave, celebrate capitalism; never mind you lost your job, your home, and you have no way of paying for medical treatments, primitive as they are.  And everything else that goes with it turned out to be not so hot, didn’t it - this capitalism - and why is that?  It’s because the capitalists are the same as the communists and the socialists, that is, their inspiration and their creators are the same.  Stop paying homage and associating yourself with any group and just honor the divinity that you are, the God/Goddess within each and every one of you, and then come together in the Oneness we all are.

“Well, we can’t really leave this topic without putting a few more words out here so we shall put some random ones out.  See how they feel.  Do they honor you and your divinity, or not?  The original teachings did, certainly.  The original teachers said you were as divine as they.  Let’s see how this strikes you: Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Shinto. How does that sound so far? Hindu, Druid. You’re getting the picture are you not?  Protestant.

“That encompasses a lot. Does this mean that if you’re going to church and enjoying yourself and feeling the high vibrations you should stop?  No! I t just means that you should know that you, yourself, are divine, Beloved Ones; that you can do anything that the great teachers have done.  And remember the one called Jeshua who said you can do even more.  So by all means respect and appreciate all of those who present Love to you, who encourage you to be a loving wondrous being - all of those who are here to be in service to humanity, as you are.

“You may not have your mission clearly defined yet, that might be a question whose answer you’re waiting for.  Well, it’s going to show up real fast so you might want to get with your guidance group, or go within, or start visualizing what your passion is because this is the next phase of your life in this particular body, Beloved Ones.  So go for it with gusto!  And just remember not to label yourself as anything, anything at all except a divine being; a starseed in a human body; a bringer of light and love to the planet; and a part, and a most important part, a shining, bright part of the One we all are.  And, Beloved Ones, that is your mission first and foremost upon planet Earth.  And when you have that recognition of yourself and when you honor and appreciate yourself everything else comes about from that place.  Be love and be joy.

“Now, I, Ashtar, shall speak briefly about our next exercise.  It is one of Peace; it is one of Love; it is one for all of us to join in with together in the highest vibrations—Love and Joy, to bring Peace to an area of the world that, frankly, could really use it.  If you think there is anyone there who is at ease and feeling peaceful, think again, because they’re not.  Don’t hold back on the DVD’s though!  It’s really important that they get your message.  But they have a very high level of, what you call, stress right now going on.

“And so we are going to help relieve some of their stress while we relieve the stress of all of those who have been somewhat, hmm, victimized, that’s a good word, by their actions, or shall we say their lack of actions, combined with their actions of a negative nature.  How about that one Senator who blocked the extension of unemployment benefits for the nation?  If you’ve got any labels on you take them off and just think about these people who have lost their jobs, through no fault of their own, because their company, their corporation, has moved offshore or gone broke.  They may have family or children to support.  Their one hope was to get sustenance while they looked for a new job, of course, there’s not a lot of hiring going on but this was just a way to get them from here to NESARA. They don’t know about NESARA, most of them, but it’s a way of getting them there and now that’s been cut off.

“Okay, let’s start beaming Love to that one Senator because he needs it, he’s full of stress.  And that, Beloveds, is how we send Peace to the hallowed halls of Congress and the other institutions that are in Washington D.C.  And who better to come forth when I, Ashtar, leave the stage than the one who is in charge of bringing back the liberty and the freedoms as he once inspired not so very long ago?  So, Beloved St.Germain shall be joining us, and then we have a special musical delight for you when he has completed his speaking.  So, for the meantime it is I, Ashtar, saying thank you so much, Beloveds, we stand here in service to you.  We may be on the New Jerusalem but we are with you, each and every one of you, and we thank you with all of our hearts for allowing us to come and be with you in this wondrous gathering of Family.  And so it is!  Salut.”

Many thanks to Brian Coe for this timely transcription.

© Susan Leland 2010.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.