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Ashtar:Create the Vision!

Ashtar addressing the May 19, 2009 teleconference (after confirming an actual landing in Webster, South Dakota reported in Business Week on May 13th ):
"..So be in rejoicing and know that all is well and wondrous and know that Planet Earth is even more ready.  In some cases the red carpets are already rolled out. We have been receiving invitations coming from a lot of different ways, everything from people just using their voices to invite us into their community spaces or their back deck or wherever they think we might fit.  And we have unconscious coming together of the higher consciousness of the Planet saying, 'Yes we're ready, we're welcoming you.'   I get a little ahead of myself sometimes - yes, we feel very welcome. We want to acknowledge these invitations.
"And even if you have been having a dream or had a dream recently about a ship or some kind of a vehicle, it doesn't matter what it is, just maybe one that you're not familiar with and just perhaps even seeing something that didn't make any sense to you in terms of beings around you or people around you or whatever.  Well you know what, you're rolling out the red carpet too, because you're allowing it into your dream state.  Now, of course you all know that you travel and you're on the Bridge and all of these things, but you may not be remembering those.
"Just ask for a glimpse and you'll feel even more delight at the reunion.   You may have heard that there's part of you that's on the ships with us anyway in the higher dimensions.  Well how do you feel about that one?  I mean we can tell you, 'Yes, it's true.' But why don't you do some discerning, and see how it feels to you? And then you might want to amplify and enhance it even more and more and more and then the first thing you know, you might be consciously, consciously bilocating.  How does that sound?  
"We're just wanting to give you a little glimpse of all of the gifts that you already have and the ways in which you might have some fun to use them. We are coming into a very special time. 
"Here's an announcement.  Winter is over!  And the winter of the heart is done, if you allow it to be. No more down in the dumpies, clouds over your head you know, raining on your parade and all of those things - no way. You don't need them anymore.   You have all of the empowerment and you are being supported.  How about those energies from Wesak?  The energies of the Mother and all the Love and the Empowerment that has poured forth, literally blizzards of it, coming to Planet Earth for you, Beloved Ones, for you to use, to enjoy, to be in Joy.
"So how about turning up the music, whatever you've got and get out there and dance or sing or just be happy, happy, happy because you know what, we're springing into the summer and the harvest of all of the wondrous, wondrous dreams and visions that we have co-created together.  And the time is now on Planet Earth as it has never happened before.  This is it!
"Planet Earth is taking off in wondrous directions, and it's because of you and the Lightworkers. Who's a Light Worker anyway but a member of our family in human body beaming Love, laughter and let's hear it for bubbles of Joy!  We're not talking about the kind that comes out of a bottle.  We're talking about everything that's been bottled up in you.  And now it's time to, shall we say, oh pull the cork out, and just let it flow, up, up and away and we mean that. 
"Now we're being quite jolly with all of this, but we can assure you that when you listen to this you think about it and you remember it. Being happy, being high vibed, being jolly, laughing a bit, that's a way to really get it in all of your being. And that's what we're wanting to do here. We're wanting to have you literally soak it up these bubbles of Joy.  Be a sponge if you want too.  We'll be talking about that more.
"That brings me to our next topic, which is cleanup.  We'll have fun with that one too.  So we hope, and we know.  We don't do much hoping actually in the higher dimensions, we just know, because we can see it.  It is all here.   It is done.   All that you have been supporting with your Love and your Love beams that you've been radiating out to the Planet; it's done if you want it to be. 
"In other words, for each individual, you have your path, you have your progress, you have your intent, your goals in front of you and you have your memories of what has been this lifetime, and most of you have gotten some memory or accounting of one or more lifetimes you call previous, and some future and so on and so on.  And it's all here in this now moment.   And whether it glows and warms you, the golden ball of Light, or whether it looks a little bit more like a smudgy ball covered with tar, that's up to you, not up to us.
"We know you're all golden, beaming, wondrous Beings of Light. But if you see that you've got something that isn't quite that way you're going to hear a little more about that, in the what to do about it.  We're going to say it another time perhaps in another way. We do Love to come at things different topics from different perspectives, because we realize that this helps you to get the full picture, or shall we say the rounded picture.  
"First of all, we shall repeat a well known phrase, go ahead and say it with me if you want to, 'No dates.'  But how about Mr. Obama?  He stepped forward and gave the world dates - 72 days.  Well 72 hours were pretty good too; a lot happened there, a lot shifted - 72 days, and anybody who hasn't already gotten out their calendar and marked out the end of that 72 days, that's OK, but you might want to do it.  
"Now, we don't give dates, but we're telling you that it's all possible and probable.  We're going to leave it to you to figure out exactly what 72 days is all about and what's going to happen.  But remember this: Mr. Obama said on the 73rd day he's going to rest or perhaps party, celebrate, pop a few corks, whatever.  We leave that up to you.
"Create, Beloved Ones, create the vision for what you know in your hearts could be happening, and give it your support, your Love, your energy. Obama wasn't just speaking to members of Congress or to his "Veep," he was speaking to all of the world, every individual, every being.  And what he's saying is, 'Here it is; reach out and be a part of it.'  And at this moment in time, the most powerful thing you can do is empower these wondrous creations, these wondrous  visions.
"We shall share without naming names.  There is one in our Family, a Beloved, Beloved Being who has quite an awareness of what it's all about.  In other words it's all about Love. And he's sitting almost at the doorsteps of The Hague and we had a chat, and he expected his mission to beam the Love at The Hague during the trials, at what is called the World Court.
"Think of that one, Beloved Ones; to do it, to beam Love for all of those thousands upon thousands who will be coming there, to be put in front of judges of the human kind to answer for what they have done as dark hats. He's putting out the message to them to come and trade in their dark hats for white ones. He's putting out the message to them that they are forgiven, and even that the world is grateful for the roles they have played.  Now, that's a pretty big job when you consider the energies that are going to be coming into the very neighborhood where he's located. 
"You might want to focus some of your beams of Love in his direction to help support what he has accepted to do.  That would be most wondrous, Family, to embrace this one, this courageous one and to send him your Love and your loving support and to join him in that mission. And this is only one of you with the courage and the empowerment to do this mission.
"Now when we come together and we focus our beams on any mission, there cannot be any failure. There is no such thing as failure. The mission or the miracle always gets done.  It may not have exactly the same form as those who embark upon the mission having vision but we can assure you that if it does not, it's only because a greater vision is co-created as the mission is being performed.."


© Susan Leland 2009.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.