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Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - 9-11-12
"Greetings, Beloved Family! It is I, Sekhmet, come to tell you that we shall be engaging together in a most welcome Exercise of Ascension Preparation in our next Gathering!* For, inasmuch as you have committed to your own individual Ascensions, and Mother Gaia has done the same, it is indeed appropriate that we focus in this area together. Indeed, as we so engage, we send the empowerment of this to every sentient being in the World!!!
"Because we shall be gathering together on the date of 9-11, our Crystal Exercise takes on an even higher level of healing, for it is to address the individual and collective grief - and guilt - which resulted from that World changing event, eleven years ago in your time. And, at the same time, it is to call forth all Truth on this topic and upon all attitudes, programs and events which led to it.
"We shall have as our special guest, Beloved President JFK! Although he was in the political arena, he recognized the need for the healing of Planet Earth and all of the Kingdoms, not just humanity. And so he had initiated some things - executive orders and programs. He had, what you call, blueprints for much more to follow. It was to get the first steps off the ground, so to speak, and then continue, that he actually saw or felt an opportunity to be in the leadership role in bringing the foundations for the Golden Age into being! We will say this - it was that Planet Earth was not quite ready for such a vast and complete healing. Nevertheless, he had great visions, and he left a Great Legacy! We shall hear more when he joins with us on the occasion of our next get together.* I'm excited!
"Now, you may still be concerned about your own Ascension readiness, and we must tell you that you do have some things yet to do. However, it is when we bring into our focus, each other, and then all beyond our Circle of Oneness, that you are elevated in such a way that your own journeys are advanced exponentially!!! Thus it is that you are accomplishing your individual preparations while you are serving the rest of Planet Earth, and the Universe beyond! We invite you to bring your loving energies to join in this vitally important healing mission, for it is already seen as a major advancement into the Golden Age and Ascension! And so it is! Namaste!"
Given through Susan Leland, September 6-7, 2012. ©Ashtar on the Road Publications 2004-2012. All Rights Reserved.
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