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"Greetings to all.  Well that was quite an introduction, and as I have been asked to do, I shall speak through the Voice, and turn up the volume.  It is I St Germain, and I come here tonight to remind you of the origins, and perhaps I have some news for you, and that news might be of interest to you.  And the news is this:  You all have been in attendance during the most tumultuous times of the history/herstory, as Ashtar calls it, of that which you call the United States of America.

"Now there are those among you who were actual participants in what you call the Revolutionary War.  Do any of you have memories of being a participant in a famous tea party, for instance?  And there are others of you who actually took up arms in that war.  And the most interesting fact of all of this is, that you may have started out in support of King George.  You may have been a loyal subject, perhaps even might have worn the coat of red, but there is not one of you who stayed with that attitude.

"There is not one of you who did not become, during the course of these events, a patriot, and those who persisted and prevailed in winning the independence, so to speak, as it was believed, total independence from King George and that country, were all of the same mindset, which is that they valued their Freedom, perhaps even more than their physical lives.  And this, Beloved Ones, has created some soul memories for those of you who are here now.

"There are those of you who, when presented with the opportunity to sign this particular Declaration, were reluctant to do so, because it brought up a memory of fear from that prior time.  But because of who you are, and because you are of the Light, you reached down deeply into your hearts, and you found the courage to be a participant in this mission.  And this was most important, and so we commend and congratulate you for being back here in this particular lifetime to be a participant in this undertaking, in this mission.

"And so we are going to pause here for a moment, (while attempts were made to clear the background noise) because the gist of what we had to announce tonight was that you were all participants in one way or another.  You may have had your farm burned, you may have worn the uniform of a soldier, you may have been a wife who was left a widow, a child who was orphaned, you may have been a statesperson; it matters not what your role was. 

"The point of it is that you have come together again to perform this mission, and there are many joining you.   It is not just those who are listening to these words at this moment. These words will be made available to all who choose to read them, or to hear them.  It is simply that the mission is now.  Just as I made it known to those who came to sign the original Declaration that the time was when it was, in Earth time, so the time is now. 

"There has never been an opportunity such as this, and quite frankly, this is the only opportunity that is needed, that is necessary to propel all of these events forward and to make the changes that you so ardently desire.  It needs the cooperation and the co-creation of the humans, with those of us who remain in our Spirit bodies in what you call the Lighted Realms, in the dimensions outside of 3D. 

"And so that is the message that I have for you tonight, Dear Ones.  We trust that you are getting this message, and if you are not able to hear it as clearly as you would like, you're getting it in your hearts and in your beings.  And so we thank you again for your participation, and we suggest that you look forward and envision the day when I shall be on the stage.  Look for me.

"I may not be in the body of a Human, but those of you who are of the Light will see or sense my presence there on that stage when Lady Nesara's presence is acknowledged in the third dimension.  And so it is.  And so we greet you as honored Brothers and Sisters in this great mission . Thank you again, Beloveds, and Namaste! "

© Susan Leland 2008.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.