Sananda: "Beloved Ones I am here, and I love you all so much. I and my Brothers*** stand before you, and we are so pleased and honored to be so welcomed and so recognized by all of you. We come tonight to join with you in Sacred Ceremony. We ask that you each see within yourselves, the bright Love, the bright Joy that you are.
"The Love that you are, and the Love that we have for you is infinite, and beyond words of description. Know only that we truly are joined in these bright flames, like stars in the sky, and shining even brighter than they themselves. And we come together in purposeful mission.
"Planet Earth is taking off even more. Thank you for being with us, and for welcoming this wondrous, this wondrous ultra violet beam. It was time that it be sent forth. It was time before that, in your time, that it be announced, so that so many on your wondrous Planet could join in.
"And those who dwell beneath Planet Earth are with us now as well, to lend their energies, their wisdom, and most of all their Love to this celebration, and this ceremony.
"And so we would ask you to spend these next moments in your time visualizing, and literally breathing in and breathing out, the beautiful Visions that you have for this Planet: the Visions of Peace, the Visions of Abundance for all, the Visions of Wellness and Balance in all beings, the Visions of Joy, the Visions of Coming Together in Family, the Visions of Connecting with the All you are, and with the All that is, the One We Are.
"And put yourselves into these Visions. See yourselves, perhaps feeding someone who is hungry, dancing with the children upon the meadows and kissing the flowers, and being kissed in turn by the beautiful rays of Light that shine upon all.
"Perhaps you are out in the waters in a wondrous vessel, swimming with the dolphins, greeting all of Mother Gaia’s kingdoms who dwell under the sea; perhaps you are flying in and out of the clouds in your ship, or in your own energy fields; perhaps you are teaching all that you know to those who eagerly sit and wait their turn to share with you all that they know; perhaps you are in a place that is especially sacred to you, joyfully, joyfully communicating with your beautiful golden self; it’s all perfect.
"It is all perfect, because this, Beloved Ones, is the Golden Age, the age that we come together in, in this moment, in this Family Gathering, and in all moments to come. That which we do here in this ceremony will go on, even after the words are spoken. Keep it alive in your beings. Open your hearts, and be One with the All; creators not controllers, Creators of the Ascended Planet Earth, and the beautiful ride upon the path.
"Because from here on in Beloveds, we all co-create together for you the gifts that you call forth, for yourselves, for they are worthy, and they are wondrous, and that is why we ask that you put yourselves into these Visions. Now just breathe it in, and breathe it out. We ask that you picture the Sword Excalibur. We ask that you see the beautiful colors.
"And you may see other colors; they are all beautiful. You may even see colors that you don’t have a name for, and that is perfect. And see through it all the beautiful White Light, and the beautiful Golden and Silver Lights coming together and merging, male and female in perfect balance, and becoming One with the Light of the Christ We Are.
"So breathe this in for a moment, and I and my Brother stand ready, and we shall ask that you, if you choose to participate, join us in an affirmation of the creation of all that we have envisioned here, and all that you creatively, and passionately join with. Just breathe...We do invite you to join in this now to repeat as we say the words......" (The Affirmation then follows.)
***Archangel Michael, St. Germain and Ashtar (They often refer to each other as Brothers in service and in the Love We All Are.)
Excerpt from Ashtar Teleconference October 17, 2006
Preview of Oct 17th teleconfernce
© Susan Leland 2006. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.
If you were unable to be on this conference call, or just want to participate again, with Ashtar, Sananda, St.Germain, Archangel Michael, Mother Sekhmet, and Mother Mary, in this empowering amplification of the October 17th UltraViolet Pulse Beam from the Great Central Sun, the CD audio recording is now available.
Here are some of the comments we've received about the conference call:
"Thank you all for the teleconference last night. It answered some of my questions about Gaia, the Illuminati and NESARA.* It was a very high energy experience." E.G., WA
*(From Ashtar's "State of the Earth" message during the call.)
"Hello, what a wonderful experience and blessing last night's teleconference with Ashtar and others was. It was my first time and surely won't be my last." M.J., FL
"Hello Susan..I wanted to extend a warm thank you for last night. It was a much-needed boost to keep going on my path. I have had many messages and transitions over the last few years and it was wonderful to be once again in contact with those enities who assisted me in these transitions. I could smell the aromas of the roses that Mary gave to us all, a gift of not only hope and love, but of peace and deep serenity as well. H.S., Canada