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The movie THRIVE is now free online!!
Ashtar: Thrive With NESARA!
11-29-11 Teleconference

"..Now comes this gift of 'Thrive'! So here's the concept: Thrive with NESARA! That's pretty simple isn't it, but it's profound. Now let's discuss this movie for just a moment. First of all it was released on eleven, eleven, eleven. By the way today's an eleven, eleven, eleven, day too, if you add the two and the nine in the middle. Eleven, eleven, eleven, POWER! Alrighty! There are no accidents. That movie took what you call eight years to make, and it happened to be ready to release on eleven, eleven, eleven. What did they know? Hah! Lots!

"We encourage you to download the movie, or to purchase the DVD, and share it. Have movie parties, you know, people can come and pay you a dollar, or fifty cents, or whatever to pay you back, or you can get a group together to gather around your computer, if you want to download it, or you can show it to a huge audience. That's up to you. That torch called 'Thrive' has been lit, and it adds to the flame, to the brilliant Light which is even now burning brighter and brighter for Planet Earth, all of Planet Earth.

"There are dis-information emails. Remember those beings sitting in that board room, thinking that they were so insulated, and they could do whatever they chose to do; knock millions of people out of their jobs, cause companies to fail, people to be out of work. Oh yes, and team with others, have their scientists create dis-easement, weather disruptions, and disturbances, and destructions, and so on, and so on, and so on.

"Don't stay there! 'Thrive' puts the Light on them in a way that does not cause a huge lowering of vibration for the viewer. It was carefully, carefully, conceived and created, so that everybody could watch it, everybody could get the Truth, and yet everybody could feel the high vibrations of it. You know, this is a lot better than going and watching, 'Well the World's going to end,' or 'You know we've got some disease, we might as just well lie down and die, because it's 'going to get us anyway.' Or, 'Well, there's no sense fighting to raise our voices for Freedom, because you know, we're just going to be put down, or squashed,' or whatever. That's not what 'Thrive' tells. So those guys in the boardroom, men and women, spent some dollars to create some publicity that was dis-informational. Why? Well, so that you wouldn't watch it. They even - they're so clever you know - they think they're in disguise, just because they want to stay out of the Light. They even tried to tell you that it was an Illuminati plot, this movie. It's not. It's the opposite. It shows how the Illuminati - we call them the 'naughties' - have been plotting all this time.

"So get that movie! Share it! Spread it! Invite people over for 'Thrive,' so that they can take 'Thrive' with them, in not just in their minds, but in their hearts, because it is a high vibe experience. And it is to be shared. There is an expression that is used about things that get around the internet very fast, and yes, 'Thrive' is going viral, and you can help it. And this is a good virus. Did you know there are good viruses on Planet Earth? They all have a pretty bad rap you know, but there are some that are good. They actually do good. 'Thrive' is one of those! You know, we want it to go viral in a good sense, in the beneficial, high vibrational sense.

"Now there are some tweakings that will be done to one of the NESARA posters where it links 'Thrive' with NESARA, because 'Thrive' presents all of the situations that need to be healed on Planet Earth. NESARA does that. NESARA opens the doors to heal all that 'Thrive' presents, and more. So it is to link 'Thrive' with NESARA.

"Now we have a concept for you. We have done something similar to this before. Only for this one we are not asking you to purchase DVD's to send, we are only asking you to send emails. We will publish. Send us anything that you care to say about 'Thrive' after watching it, that could be sent on to other people that we can post on the website. Fabulous Fran has already received some advanced word on this. And if you choose to send your own creation, wondrous. Send it along. And I shall be giving an example momentarily, but now there are some destinations where this could go, that would help the impetus, the momentum, of getting NESARA announced. And do not be put off if somebody, some official - well somebody like maybe Mayor Bloomberg, now there's a good example.

"If you said, 'Mayor Bloomberg, when are you going to get NESARA announced?' He will look at you and say, 'Well, that's not real.' Well, he doesn't want it to be real, so why is he going to admit to you that is? And remember there was a gag order, it's much looser now, but it has taken lives, of White Knights who wanted to publicize NESARA. It's all changing now. The gag order has been weakened, simply because of the dis-empowerment of those who have struggled so hard to keep it from coming to you. Why? Because they see themselves as losing, and everybody else winning, and that's not the game plan that they have been promoting.

"The Truth of it is, everybody wins when NESARA's announced, even the ones who have been hoarding the wealth, because they won't have to hide in the dark anymore. There is an old saying, it is called, 'The Truth shall make you free' and this is true. It is very difficult to keep all of those dark secrets, and to do all those dark deeds, and not to feel afraid. So we're helping them, too, by getting NESARA announced, but for now, be advised that there are those who will deny it, even those among the movements.*

"They will deny it, but don't let that stop you. You're secure. Send these emails linking 'Thrive' and NESARA to everyone, starting with friends and family, moving on up. Fabulous Fran will post again the lists of - what are they? The Congress people, the Senators, the White House. Yes, there was some behind the scenes maneuvering to make it difficult for people to get onto the White House Petition site, and sign on. And that is being disrupted - that interference. And it may well be that another petition will need to be initiated, perhaps on the White House site, perhaps not.

"We are having a meeting here tomorrow to discuss these options. What we are saying is, Start your own! Write a letter. Print it out. Get everyone to sign it. What does it need to say? It needs to say: 'We know the Truth! Thank you 'Thrive', and all who have brought 'Thrive', the 'Thrive' movie to us. It puts all of the pieces into the puzzle that are needed so that we can say to you, We know the Truth! 'Thrive' also presents the situations as they are currently perceived on Planet Earth, as they have been during these past eight years and more.

" 'NESARA is the answer to all of the problems, and we know the Truth about that, too. We want you to know that we're ready for NESARA to be announced. And our most sincere hope for you is that you will allow your Light to shine. Stand with us as One, and let's move NESARA into Announcement and Implementation, because Planet Earth is ready. It will happen anyway - we invite you to join with those of us who are lighting the way for NESARA, and all of the benefits that it brings!'

"Now that's just an example. That is a way of expressing in the highest Light, in a most positive way. You know the opposite way is, 'Well now, listen here, I happen to know that you have been sabotaging NESARA. I happen to know that you've done this and this, and this and this which are against my best interests, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You're not a very nice person, and I'm wanting you to know that your days are numbered,' and all that kind of blah, blah, stuff. No! That's 3D! That has no place in the 5D lifestyle. It is to be positive, it is to be lit up yourselves, and then share that Light, and if you happen to write to President Obama, tell him that he is greatly loved and appreciated, and that you know that he is of the Light. And you can say the same to Beloved Dennis Kucinich, and any one else along the way!

"By the way, there is a group who really needs to get this, and we shall invite fabulous Fran to put this contact information up as well, and that would be what you call the United States Supreme Court. And we are happy to announce that the makeup of that body is changing, nevertheless, it is good to acknowledge Truth as it sits in the moment. And it is good for all of our Family worldwide to address this to their country's leaders as well.

"And you need not confine it to the political leaders. You can, Sananda says, 'If you feel so inclined, address it to your religious leaders, to your economic leaders.' Now there's another whole group, and those are the groups who are wanting to facilitate the very changes that NESARA will bring. Oh, they may not know about NESARA, they may not have it. Oh some of them know, some of them at the top, and they might deny, but send it to them anyway. Let them know that you know. We are talking about all of the environmental groups you can possibly find. We are talking about the Peace groups. Send it to Cindy Sheehan. Remember her? Send it to the healthy advocates, the advocates of natural remedies, and spiritual healing. Send it to every group you can find that does advocacy for the people. Every voice - be independent - but if you find somebody with an address, an email address, or a snail mail address, or both, you might send it to fabulous Fran, the Ashtar webmaster, because she can then post it.

"Oh yes we've already given her some hints on this, but she didn't know how thorough we are wanting to be. She knows now! Anything that you can think of, send it in to her, because this is a momentous time as you measure it. And yes we can utilize the principles of time here, because if you will look on your calendars, you are in the midst of the Holy Days, and the Holy Days have an energy all of their own, and even though there are some perhaps, some mis-tellings, or misunderstandings about dates and so on, don't let that diffuse your radiance.

"This is an opportunity for coming together. These Holy Days are recognized by the major religions of Planet Earth. Let's turn them into the spiritual renaissance. How about that? No dogmas, no dualities, no walls between. It is all about being One. It is all about accepting the great gifts of the loving energies, the movie 'Thrive', the NESARA, the Disclosure. Oooh! It will be such a relief to be out in the open and to have our ships be able to land with all their wondrous gifts that you yourselves are waiting for, and calling forth. So let's have these Holy Days be the best ones ever for Planet Earth, and let's bring forth all of these gifts, and let's do it together, marching together, whether ringing doorbells, or sitting at your computers, or stuffing the mailboxes in every direction that you feel empowered to do!!!

"Let's get this going and let's keep it going on an even higher level, a high dimensional level of caring and sharing, and causing it to be a co-creation of all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, and all of those of us from the other realms, if you want to call it that, so close with you, so as to be One; One in Heart, One in Mind, One in Spirit, and the most important One above all else, One in Mission Accomplished!

"You, Beloved Family, are the greatest gift that you could give to the world. You brought yourselves here to be the Light, to be the radiant ones, so let's just amp up those Lights together, and come together with Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude for all, and know that success is ours. And so it is! Salut!"

*Ashtar is referring to movements like 'Occupy Wall Street,' 'Move-on.org,' etc.

Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, November 29, 2011. www.AshtarontheRoad.com © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Here are the links:

http://Thrivemovement.com      Kimberly and Foster Gamble   


Currently there is no media on this page

From an Ashtar Family member:

"I had just finished watching the movie "Thrive" in its entirety before the teleconference started. I was overwhelmed to say the least with the quality of production and the beautiful imagery. I am anxious to get my blu-ray copy in hand.
"I have looked down the rabbit hole for many years so very little of the content was new to me but I have never, never felt the amount of Love and Light after a 2 hour journey down the rabbit hole, which was a glorious way to start the evenings teleconference. I am in total agreement with Ashtar (or whoever made the statement) that this movie is a wonderful gift to the world. Mrs. Gamble summarized my sentiments so well regarding not really wanting to look at what’s wrong with our world and who “they” are but at a point realizing it is a very necessary venture in the process of healing. It is hard to fix a problem if you don’t know what’s causing it. The harder part is to do what Tara says and send them more Love. The graphics of how the energy actually looks in 3d as well as the overlay images to the crop circles was fascinating and then to wrap it up with such beautiful images of a “new world” was just amazing, which leads me to give it a hearty two thumbs up!!" D.N., TX

Here are the links:

http://Thrivemovement.com Kimberly and Foster Gamble info@thrivemovement.com

In addition, write your emails and letters to some of these representatives and organizations.  Be creative, there are hundreds who would like to know about NESARA and Thrive.

http://www.icj-cij.org/homepage/contact.php International Court of Justice
http://current.com/feedback.htm Questions for Keith Olbermann
© Ashtar on the Road Publications & Ashtar's Legacy 2004-2023.  All rights reserved.