"Good Evening. I have not had the pleasure of addressing the Ashtar Command in these gatherings of Love. I am the one known as Thoth, and I bring ancient energies forward to this most beloved gathering. I bring forth the energies of loving empowerment from that time you know as Atlantis.
"And the message I bring is this. Atlantis was destroyed by war, which continued to escalate, and it was out of control, and even those who thought they were controlling, lost it in the end to the destructive forces of war, which they had unleashed. Now we would say to you coming forward from that time, the lesson is clear to all, and needs no further repetition.
"And that is why I am come to this most blessed of gatherings. It is to say to you, “Peace is the answer, and it is the only answer.” Now I have lived in other times, and I have had other identities to be sure, but it is that lesson from that ancient time that I come to you, and I open my heart, and I ask you all.
"I am messenger, and I come with the very highest of vibrations of Love and Peace to share with you, and ask you to honor this Peace, and ask you to open your hearts to it, and ask you to spread the word, because it needs to happen at this time. Now be assured that it is in progress, be assured that it is done, but it needs reinforcement, and it needs the empowerment of Love that you give to it. It must be a Peace that is solely made of Love.
"And this is your mission at this moment, and so I come to bring you that word, that encouragement, and that assurance, that it is done upon your planet. But it is still in your missions to uphold it, and to bring it forth in all realities, including that of the third dimension. And so it is. I thank you for allowing me to come to this blessed gathering. Your Lights are bright and Peace is assured. And so it is. I am Thoth. Namaste!"
© Susan Leland 2005. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.
From Teleconference December 13, 2005
Sign the"Declaration of Cease-Fire" Petition to the People of Earth:
Susan Leland |
ASHTAR said the new age begins with this as the first of 3 important steps: This Declaration, then NESARA, then the Dept of Peace |
Signing this puts you in company with the original signers of the Declaration of Independance! |
www.ashtarspeaks.com |
Olympia, WA 98502 |