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"Well, Good Evening!!!

"And so it is that you are on the eve, as it were, of another one of what you call the holiday seasons.  And so, yes, we do have news for you.  It is simply that this year, 2005 in your Earth time, is to be a true holiday season - a holiday from stress, worry, lack and all of the other things that have "plagued" most of you in this lifetime, and all of you in others as well.  And, while the New Year in your time shall bring even more gifts, we shall address what is left of this year of 2005.

"For you see, it is no accident that you are still in 3D-waiting for those gifts of freedom, peace and abundance that you so long for. It is perfect that they begin to manifest at this most holy time of year!  And, now is the time to think ONLY in terms of being thankful for these gifts, for they are indeed all yours!  It is not serving you at all to dwell on what you perceive that you lack, because you don't.  It is for you to take a deep breath and literally breathe in your new life, and along with it, your new self.

"Give honor, Beloveds, to WHO YOU REALLY ARE!!!!  Give up the limitations, for there is a part of you which dwells in what you call the higher dimensions, and it is that part of your selves that you all must get into PERMANENT touch with, never more to be separated for any reason.  You are all marvelous creators, and it is up to you individually and as a group, or Family, to create all that you want your earth to be, and all that you want to be as well. 

"Create your visions, and, every time a lower vibrational thought comes in, SWITCH CHANNELS IMMEDIATELY! That is an excellent way to put it! Go to the higher place in your creations.  Change your focus, and you will change your life.

"Now, let us take this opportunity to say how much we love you all, so brave, so loyal, and so dedicated to bringing the light to your wondrous world.  Join with us now, and wrap yourselves in the hugs of our love, and allow your own self-love to shine bright.  And, if you aren't thinking about loving yourself right in this moment, please open to doing so!!  You are each the greatest treasure upon the Earth, and we honor you all for being here at this time.  In fact, we shall be joining in with you in your observance of Thanksgiving, with songs and praises of thanks and gratitude for you all and the splendid work you are doing!!!!

"Be rest assured, beloveds, that this is truly the beginning of your Golden Age manifestation REALIZED upon Earth.  We join with Mother Gaia and with all of Her kingdoms below, on and above, in welcoming you HOME!

"Enjoy the happiest of Thanksgivings, Beloved Family, and , when you count your blessings, begin with your own divine selves.  Truly, you shine brighter than the brightest of stars, and we are honored, indeed, to be ONE with you.

"In Thanks and Infinite Love,

Given through Susan, November 22, 2005, Olympia, WA