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State of the Reunion

St.Germain addressing the June 2, 2009 teleconference:


"Greetings everyone, it is I, St. Germain. I have to tell you that I am excited and I popped a few corks listening to Ashtar speak. Well he already told you that I chose, I volunteered, to come and be in discussion with you this evening about what I am calling 'The State of the Reunion.'   We are discussing the greater whole that is what you call the countries, as they are known, as well as the individuals, and because my particular focus for the moment is, as is appropriate, in the country of the United States with extensions particularly to the countries of Canada and Mexico as neighbors, beloved neighbors, and there are other countries in the world whose citizens prize and value sovereignty, freedom, liberty, freedom of speech, freedom to determine their own lives and make their own way without an unending barrage of government rules and regulations which are, as it turns out, designed specifically to benefit the few at the expense literally of the many.


"So speaking of expense, let us assure you that the organization that you know, well some of you know it as the 'Infernal Revenue Service,' we know that, we heard that, so we shall repeat it just to let you know that we are indeed connected with you all, but it is more commonly known as the IRS. And this organization is preparing to close its doors for all purposes except to provide refunds.  Now there is another department which has nothing to do with the collection of your hard-earned money, or should we say the confiscation of it if you don’t willingly hand it over.  And that is the department which will be absorbed, and we are proposing under the Department of Peace, a Department of Humanitarianism or humanitarian projects. And those who receive funds will need to keep track of the funds. They’ll need to be absolutely certain that their bank accounts are in order, that all is in good order as far as their allocations and what they budget their various funds for. And they may be able to receive some assistance from this new Department which will be loved-based, compassionate and simply in existence to serve the people.


"There will be no more involuntary collections of hard-earned funds because nobody is going to have to work hard to earn their funds. The dollars are ready. The printing has taken place. They are being kept in a safe and secure location. Yes we can confirm that there have been attempts by those whom you call the dark hats to, shall we say, confiscate those funds and they’ve really had their hearts set, well heart set, shall we say mind set on the gold and the silver and the platinum and the other precious metals which gives life, credibility and meaning in exact amounts so as to be totally fair worldwide to these dollars. That’s in the past.  All is in readiness behind the scenes to handle the change-over which will be monumental but nevertheless is entirely doable, and as Ashtar has told you, indeed from his perspective and from mine, it is done.

"So be rest assured, each and every one of you has an account established in a bank of higher dimensional existence. Let us put it that way.  The banks may have familiar names and the buildings may be familiar to you too, but they are, well to borrow another expression, they are being Q-tipped as we speak. And so we thought that you would appreciate that news. And so we can also tell you that the government agencies, just as you are all known, all of those within those agencies are known, and it is very clear what color hat that each individual is wearing. And so there is Q-tipping going on there too, as well as preparations, because this is a Reunion. It is a Reunion of each individual with their own God/Goddess self, their own Divinity, their own All That They Are, as well as a Reunion of the All That We Are, the Ones.  It’s multi-dimensional. It has to be because you exist in the higher dimensions than three, as well as you are straddling, shall we say, between three and higher even now, as we gather together.

"You are much more than 3D.  We are asking you to reach out and help those who still want to be in 3D and help them to reunite with the All That They Are. And this is a Reunion and a most, shall we say, overdue Reunion, for the people of each country and each region to come together and recognize and celebrate their oneness. Yes, there’s diversity and that too is to be celebrated. There are stories and habits and customs that can be shared with great joy as people get to know each other on a very conscious level. But there’s this Reunion of faith in each other, of a sense of excitement and adventure as people come together.  And there is a Reunion of hearts going on, where people can come together and say, 'I Forgive, I forgive the ones who sent my sons and daughters to lay down their bodies in a foreign land, I forgive them their lives, I recognize that we came to this country at some time or other in order to come together as people, to be what you call the melting pot and to be as one under Mother/Father/God, not to set up barriers and boundaries to keep everyone else out, but to welcome all who wanted to be here, and at the same time to have the freedom to go some place else if we so desire to get to know people all around the world.'


"And now you are going to get to know people from out of this world as well, and this is a grand Reunion as well, is it not?   And so it is not so much what we call patriotism as 'matriotism' - there is a big difference.  We are bringing the female into balance and into alignment and we are saying, 'Wake Up, hug each other, and recognize the oneness and come together in your hearts and forgive all.'  Because whether you have someone - a loved one who passed over, left their body in a war, or left their body in a hospital bed all miserable because the drug companies overloaded them, or whether they were in some kind of an accident that could have been prevented had there not been fumes that exploded, or whatever, it matters not, come together and then reach out and forgive each other for whatever part you played in the drama. 


"Your reunion with all of those whom you have grieved for is imminent anyway so you really will be all One joined and reunited.  And there is no need anymore for you to say 'My Country' is better than your country, my dollar is worth more than yours, and better yet, there will be absolutely no need to have any kind of a mind-set that says you are a better person than anyone else.  There is going to be  equality, the like of which has not been seen on Planet Earth for eons.  When you know that everyone around you is a multi-millionaire in terms of finances, how can you possibly think that anybody is better than you are because they have any more money, and we are not speaking of you Beloved Ones, we are speaking of what you teach others.  You already know this, the lessons of this. 


"When everybody can be 30-something or whatever they want, how could you possibly think that you have some kind of superior athletic capability or some kind of superior mind power or whatever.  It’s all gone.  Of course you will retain your individuality, that’s not what we are speaking of here, we are simply saying that those societal markers of difference, those programs that say that one being is better than another or is entitled to live a life of luxury while someone else, many someone elses, are miserable, that’s over.  It was a contractual, bi-lateral contract, you know what that means, it means that everybody agreed to participate, it was two-sided but it was all of those on the one side who said, 'Look, we are going to live in luxury while you starve,' and the ones who were starving agreed to starve.  Now add to this the fact that in the last lifetimes, the roles were reversed.  You see everybody had to experience everything that they could in order to come to this point of wisdom, in order to have their hearts really opened to each other, in order for them to say I have walked in your shoes, I have compassion for you because I know what it feels like, maybe not from this lifetime you might see me as having everything I need, but I know what its like.  So this BIG Reunion is occurring now and it is moving forward so beautifully and with such great light.


"And so we are going to ask you to just relax and breathe and join in a little bit of a journey into what you call the Future.


"And so just relax and close your eyes and find that joy place, that place within your heart, and find that it also contains the wisdom and the peace and a centered kind of calmness.  Oh you can be excited about the journey, but you know already the outcome of it.   We are bringing that Reunion forward into this Now moment.


"And so we ask that you go into your heart and draw it to you even as you move toward it.  And when we say it, we are talking about a place where you are comfortable, the temperature is absolutely perfect, you are totally relaxed and calm, there is no such thing as a care or a worry.  You might wish to go to a beautiful garden and smell the beautiful flowers, and enjoy the trees and hug them, and enjoy the fountains and all that is there.  You might wish to go to the seashore or the mountain top, or you might wish to be in your own home state, wherever it is. 


"And now without actually looking at it, we want you to see a calendar which just says Future Time As You Know it. Take yourself out of this moment and fast forward, fast forward they say, fast forward into Moments that they call your Future, which is really your Now anyway, but we shan’t explain anymore, just bring it to you as you move towards it in any manner that is comfortable for you. 


"And this Future Moment is one in which the great announcements have already been made, you have already welcomed, rolled out many red carpets for all of the visitors who come from the Stars and the planets beyond Earth. You have had the opportunity to meet and hug at least one if not more representatives from that place you call Inner Earth and that whole network of it’s cities.  If you want to take a moment to peek at your bank account balance, you can put lots of zeros after the dollars there.   You have the ability now to say I would like an orange, and in the next moment for whatever reason an orange appears. 


"And so it is for you to now focus upon the other ones who are there.  Others in human bodies, some you have already greeted and hugged and some you have yet to do.  And you exchange communications telepathic and otherwise, and you say, 'I am so glad you’re here in this moment with me.'  This is the grandest Reunion ever, ever, ever in the Universe.   Here we all are, here are the angels, here at the fairies, here are our starseed brothers and sisters, here are all representatives of all of the kingdoms of planet Earth, here are representatives of all of the countries on planet Earth, and country is now pretty much a ceremonial word which simply denotes places that you’ve been, and places that you will yet travel to - in peace, in safety and with such Love.


"And so now Beloveds, picture yourselves getting reacquainted at this Reunion, exchanging stories from this life and others. Ah-ha I recognize you, gather in a palace in a kingdom long ago, oh, there is King Arthur, I must stop and thank him for the codes of honor that he bestowed upon not only his kingdom, but as an example for all of planet Earth.  Oh, there is someone else whom I honor and feel connected with, I am so excited to be here hugging, oh, and I shall stop a moment to admire the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the sacred documents from all over the world which are the cornerstone, the foundations of the freedoms that we enjoy, and the compassion and the caring and the sharing.  Here are the great Masters, the Teachers, and I am so overjoyed to be reunited with all of them.  And I am so delighted to be able to tell them at this Reunion that I, too, have my gifts, my abilities and that I am using them to serve humanity even as others serve me, to serve Planet Earth even as all of the kingdoms serve me, I am in joy, I am One with All.   And this Reunion need not ever end.


"That which has now begun, that which is now assured on Planet Earth, is for all time and in all places, in all parts of the Universe, assured and in completion even as it is beginning.  There is no place where you will not be welcomed in the Universe, and yes you can revisit places that you have been to before, and reunite with those there who are so anxious to have you come.  Even as you enjoy Reunions with all who are there right now with you, stop and greet each other and if you find yourself alone as a body of one in a room, then stop and send greetings out to this family.  This is the grandest Reunion that ever has been and ever shall be, because it is our homecoming to each other Beloved Ones.


"And I, St. Germain, am so honored and grateful to you for allowing me to come and share this with you and for calling me forth to be in service as we move more firmly into the Golden Age and the Age that NESARA brings.

"And so it is I honor you, and I thank you.



© Susan Leland 2009.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.


Transcribers: Jan Chapman and Deborah Urquhart.