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Sekhmet's Confirmation

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Sekhmet addressing the September 9, 2008 Ashtar teleconference:

"Ah, Good Evening! It is I Sekhmet, and you know I AM quite powerful. And I want to tell you of the power that is felt with what you just did. The Universe felt it Beloved Ones, because you put it out there. Our hearts came together as one. The co-creation was magnificent, and powerful beyond words. And so it is, as you have set it in stone, as it were, and so it is done.

"And we thought you would like to hear how powerful you are. Wow! Feel it now, just feel your empowerment. There is no greater power in the whole Universe you know than Love Divine, that which was created in the very beginning, that which is flowing so dynamically throughout not only all of Planet Earth, but beyond.

"That is a message of Love, Beloved Ones. There is no greater power, there is no greater empowerment.  And so, you directed your empowerment to this grand mission, and you set in motion an entire scenario, if you like drama, for what is to come, as you know future. We tell you it’s now!  It’s done. Well done Beloveds! Well done! And, I Sekhmet, bear witness to this.

"And there are literally millions of ships, and we are everywhere even now. And I’m making a few interesting visits myself, and I’m bringing the word, and I shall be presenting upon the screen I carry with me, that which was presented here tonight to the world for a model. Joyful indeed is this news.

"Does it not surpass anything that you might tune into here and there?  Because it's complete, and because it answers anything that anybody might be concerned about, in what you call your now 3D moment.  It surpasses, it empowers, and it is divine, divinely ordained, and it is that which is to come.

"So whenever you choose to know what is in your future, as you call it , bring up on your own screens that which we have just created, and be joyful in all of your being, because what you created Beloved Ones is Truth Divine, Divine and Ordained, and it's done! Happy dreams to all! And so it is! Namaste!"


© Susan Leland 2008.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.