"...There will be much more coming about in this most blessed of times. Then for the gifts to be given, and it is time for you to earn those gifts, put them on, bring them into your fields, wear them, use them, and be all that you are. The gifts have been there all the time. You just haven’t been accessing them. So we suggest that in this jolly holiday season of the year you call 2005, that you accept the gifts, completely.
"You’re already partly doing so, and it is beautiful to behold, but go for it, go for it completely. It will all come to you. This whole question of abundance - Let go of whatever it is that you’ve dragged around like a ball and chain from the past, whether it be this lifetime or others. Let it go.
"Now is the moment to begin to create whatever it is you want to create; whether it is an abundance of Love and Joy in your life, whether it is an abundance of health, or whether it is an abundance of the dollars that you have so much to do with. You probably have lists don’t you? Uh humm! And this is wondrous to behold.
"Is there anything on that list that is not worthy of acquiring with those dollars? Not at all; anything that you choose to acquire is worthy, so long as it is done in Love, Love of self, Love of others. You know you never can get on the wrong path, if you’re coming from Love. So stop all of these nonsensical misperceptions, if you have any, of not being worthy to receive the gifts.
"Santa Claus is coming to town, and his bag is overloaded with everything you could possibly want, so just dive in and accept it, because this is the time to do it. It is the next step you might say. Stop wanting and start having. Uh humm! Visualize as though it is in your hand, or you’re riding in it, or whatever it is that you want.
"Bring it into your now moment. As long as you keep it out in your future moment that’s where it is going to hang out, and you’ll never catch up with it. So be in clear understanding that whatever it is that you want, bring it in now. Because you see you deserve it, and we Love you so, and we would prefer to be very honest with you. We Love you no matter what, unconditionally, and infinitely, and with absolutely no judgment.
"But if you would like us to tell you what makes our hearts sing it is knowing that your hearts are singing; knowing that you feel good within yourselves. 'Good,' how about GREAT, how about EXCELLENT, how about the BEST you could possibly be!!! Knowing that you know how loved you are; and knowing that you share it so freely and so willingly with all; knowing that you feel comfortable and that you do not feel lack; knowing that you have what you need to bring your visions of healing the world, and helping in some manner to clean it up, or whatever it is; knowing that you have the ability, because right now that ability is often tied to that which you call money.
"So know that Santa’s goody bag is full of that too. You can have all that you want, just simply allow yourselves. That sounds simple. It sounds as though we’re going back to kindergarten or something like that, but it’s the truth. It is not so easy to do all the time, but there are many ways that you can keep reminding yourselves, and if you will, simply create it NOW.
"Whatever affirmations you say, say NOW. I am NOW enjoying... You know, it’s so easy. Spend a little time with this if you wish. Make yourself some notes on how to accomplish this. Record yourself a tape if you want to with your favorite sayings, or you can get one that you can even play while you sleep. There are many ways to go about confirming your worthiness.
"There are many ways to nurture yourselves, to Love yourselves, and to know how worthy you are of all that it is that you are here to create, because it’s time in your time. You no longer have to fear anything, not even fear itself. The tide has turned, the page has turned in the book, however you want to see it, but know that the Golden Age is NOW. The Age of Aquarius is anchored in..."
Given through Susan, November 29, 2005
Olympia, WA
© Susan Leland 2005. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.
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