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PEACE from the HEART

"In this glorious land, ah beloveds, to feel the energy!  Do you look up into the sky sometimes and see that we are with you?  You know you call them 'cloud ships', but they are of a particular shape, are they not?  And they seem to almost call out and say, 'Hello, we’re here, we’re close, we have mission, and we invite you to co-create with us all that is to be co-created upon your planet.'

"Now it was not so very long ago in your time as you measure it. ( We don’t need it.  You don’t need it either, when you’re here on the bridge with us, and you are.  We’ll get to that.)  It was not so long ago that it seemed as though your planet was indeed going to self-destruct for one of a number of reasons, or perhaps several reasons, all occurring at the much the same time, in your time. 

"There was grand potential for another episode of that which you call the destruction by means of the nuclear toys.   It’s happened here before, you know.  That was what triggered the destruction of that place called Atlantis.  But you see the energies of Atlantis are still busy, to some extent.  You might  say there’s some unfinished business, from there, and from other times in your history, or from other parts of the world in your history.

"We are fond of discussing the time of the Roman Empire, as it is called, because the Romans created a form of peace, which is still considered to be the ideal way to accomplish peace by some who are in leadership positions within governments in your world, and there are many among the people who still feel that that is the way to accomplish world peace, but you know differently, don’t you? 

"The reason for the distinction is that that kind of peace was what you call a third-dimensional, 3D kind of a peace.  It was accomplished through war, intimidation and control.  It was, shall we say, tolerated, or accepted, because the one, or the nation, or whatever in control, generated feelings of fear within those that they conquered.

"Now they called this the 'Pax Romana', and the Romans are very proud of themselves for accomplishing this great peace.  And yes it is true that there was some flourishing in the areas of playwriting, and poetry, and art, and those kinds of things.  And if you happened to be a citizen, well my goodness, you could rise through the ranks literally, and have a grand home, and perhaps a second home in the country.  And oh my goodness, you could have slaves.

"So it was an uneven peace, was it not?   It was out of balance.  It was a peace that got more and more harsh as the Romans wanted to spread out more and more, and conquer more and more.  Do you see why we’re discussing this?  Doesn’t this seem to be a familiar pattern?  It happened in Atlantis, it happened in Rome, and oh my goodness, look at the sixties.

"Now it matters not what your politics are.  We’re not discussing politics.  We’re discussing fear and peace.  We’re discussing the fact that your country, with all others, is coming to a world peace that comes from the heart.  You know there is a language, a most beautiful one, where the word for heart is 'coeur.'

"Interesting is it not, that that is the first part of the word 'courage'?  That is where the peace that the world is coming to now is emanating from.  It is a higher form of peace, if you wish, because it is based upon the heart.  It comes from the heart.

"It’s Love, it’s integrity, it’s honor, it’s forgiveness.  It’s the recognition, if you look in the mirror, and you see God looking back at you, and you go out upon the street, and you look into the eyes of the one who comes toward you, and there is God also, or Creator, or however you wish to express that fundamental source of the greatest power in the universe, which happens to be Love..."

Excerpt from an Ashtar Gathering, Phoenix, Arizona 2-08-2006

© Susan Leland 2006.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.