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The Observing Master



"Yes, we have experiences whether in body or not, or whether it is a human body, or a light body.   That’s why we’re all here you know, is to experience everything that we can possibly conjure up for ourselves to experience, as we journey throughout the Universe.  And so it is that we know each other.  There is a sense of knowing; and if you continue the conscious connection, which you can do in any number of ways, including through your own empowered self. Uh humm!


"You can bring yourself up to the ship, or you can call upon us at any time for this connection.  You’ll have more and more of a sense of who you are, and what your mission is. There are those who have a great deal of closure, and  those who are just beginning to have a glimpse, a peek as it were, of what it is to be here in human body, but nevertheless, a member of the Ashtar Family, and what it is that you’re here to do.


"Now there is something that you may not have thought about very much before, and that is perfectly all right, because I love to make announcements.  A major part of your mission is to observe.  Now who is it  most important for you to observe?  But, you probably guessed it, yourself.  Now why is that so important?  Well, first of all it’s extremely important to be in touch with yourself.


"That is a form of saying being in the now moment.  Now you can be in touch with your self when you are having a visit, a dream, when you are doing what you call automatic writing, oh you know, the 'relay, relay, relay' technique.  You can be in touch with your self when you are talking with your self.   And you can be in touch with your self when in the company of others.


"But the reason for getting in touch is to know your Self.  Actually discover what a wondrous being you are; to know without any doubt whatsoever that you are a being of Love, and you are here to express from that perspective, and in so doing you are creating truth, not only for yourselves, but for the entire planet and beyond.


"And so we ask that you observe yourself.  You may even have some fun if you wish.  Take a blank piece of paper, and record observations of yourself.  How do you respond for instance, to, oh, a bit of criticism perhaps?  You know you don’t deserve it, because the goal is to be along the journey.  So it is not that you need to have any expression that is less than Love, or that you deserve any less than Love.


"So there are those who sometimes are critical, particularly, oh, let’s say that you’re talking about something that they’re pretty querulous about, oh like maybe you know the fact that the Ashtar Command is a presence in your atmosphere.  Hah!  There are a lot of people who might say, “Well I think you’re nuts.”  “I don’t believe you,” or some such thing.  Well that’s a form of criticism, it’s an expression of disbelief.


"How do you respond to that?  Do you scrunch all up in the area of your tummy?  Or do you say to yourself, “Well he just doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”  “I know what I’m talking about.”  “He doesn’t know anything.” Or do you say, “well that’s an interesting observation.”   And do you go about with this new sense, or inner sense or whatever, without any feelings of the lower vibrations?


"In other words, are you calm, are you even about it?   Then can you beam Love at that individual?  Now that’s when you are arriving!  We see it in each and every one of you.   There is not one individual from this group who has not begun to walk the steps of the Master in the sense of self-observation, and well deserved, perhaps.


"Ooooh!  That feels wonderful not to be drawn into some drama or other, that I really don’t want to participate in. So I shall keep my emotional response, my mental response, and my physical response in a state of loving equality," that is ,you refuse to take into your being anything in the way of emotions, or energies that are going to bring you down.   So we suggest that you might like to have a blank page in front of you to make a note when you observe yourself responding in this manner, instead of in your old behavior patterns.


"There are reasons for this. One, so you have the joy of looking at that, and saying   Wow!   I’m getting there.   And the other thing is, every time that you feel happiness, or joy, or exultation, or any of the high vibrational emotions about your progress upon the Master’s Path, did you know that we are reinforcing it?  Oh yes, indeed.


"It did not take, what you call, a behavioral psychologist to understand that when you are in joy about something that you have just done, or something  spoken, or perhaps not spoken, then you can find that place within yourself that is calm, and loving, and totally at peace, no matter what is being said, or what is going around you.


"When you can find joy observing yourself in that space, or in that high vibrational frequency, you are actually reprogramming yourselves.  That is another way of saying, if you create your reality, and you create all that is within your fields of energy, and when you are happy and joyful, you are expanding your fields of energy outward, which makes you feel better, and also has a wondrous impact on all of those around you.


"And did you know that you can, literally, remember that program. There is a movie, it was called “Pay it Forward;” we are not here to dwell on that, but you actually pass it on, these feelings of joy, this radiance, and yes this peace, this calmness.   You can be brimming with joy, and yet still feel that peace, and know what that does, that empowers.


"And you will find as you take this step along this path, that your steps will be more and more sure, and more and more powerful, and more and more getting to your destination, which of course is the next step; it’s becoming a Master, walking upon the Earth, still in body, with a few adjustments, differences.  Let none of you laugh.  You are Masters. 


"Now, consider yourself a Master now and see what that does for you. If you can actually feel that you have mastered your communications with yourself and with your spiritual connection, so it shall be, and so it is.  You see this power of self-observation is quite important for your understanding of who you are, and for your understanding of what you are accomplishing.


"And that is the beginning of creating the group consciousness, because when you radiate this empowerment, this joy, this peace, and this assurance, what do you do?  You spread it, and so those who are anywhere near you are going to get it. You’ve heard about the hundredth monkey?  Why don’t you be a number one monkey.  And you can teach others to be self-observers."


Excerpt from Teleconference 1-10-2006


© Susan Leland 2006.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.

