Meditation 10-21-08
Inviting the manifestation of N.E.S.A.R.A. Now.
Please breathe deeply and ground and center yourself.
Bring your focus to your crown chakra at the top of your head and open to receive Love and Light of God/Goddess of ALL THAT IS.
Breathe and expand this light to shower down upon you and drink in all This love and light into all of your cells….
See it saturation your Third-eye,
Throat chakra, feel the love in your heart, feel the empowerment in your solar plexus, Inhale Love and exhale out your sacral chakra and out your root
in the earth.
See your Light tethered at the very core of our Planet Earth and Offer Thanks to Mother Gaia for the Loving support she provides to us unconditionally.
See this Light Filling all of our energy fields and Expanding beyond to all Lightworkers …..
The Entire Planet above on and below…… Our Galaxy,
The Universe, and all Universes …All Dimensions,
and parallel lives.
As we proceed with the Intent to Envision and Empower NESARA’s presence into our 3 D world now….
Please welcome our Family of Light and Love ….as they surround us with the Divine courage and Remembrance of Who You Truly ARE!
Welcome St Germaine…he offers us the Violet Flame of Transmutation … to fill us with only the Highest Good for ourselves and our Dear Country and the World.
See and Feel this Violet Flame fill us with it’s transmuting and transforming empowerment now….. Our Planet is bathed in it ….see it blanketed in this Love and Truth …see it sparkle with Joy……
Sananda joins us with the Christed Light of the Sacred Heart, Lady Master Nada carries the Illumined Constitution of the Republic of the United States, Lady NESARA and Lady Liberty walk in side by side with the Torch of FREEDOM a blaze… forming a half-circle with the others……
Arch Angel Michael enters and extends Excalibur…the blue ray of Truth offers you to receive it within your heart. Lady Master Quan Yin floats in extending her gift of Compassion to you…
Mother Sekhmet spins around and bows to you …in honor of your great courage …
And the Inner circle is complete…..with You / all of us in the center.
Your Angels, Guides a nature spirits and Realms of Light surround us all as ripples Upon a pond… filling the room.
We are all co-partnering in this endeavor, each contributing Empowering Love and Light as we allow it and invite it in.
We Begin with our focus with Divine Gratitude that You Are the spark of God/Goddess of ALL THAT IS … and WE are ALL ONE.
Breathe and feel this connection …… Expand it within your Heart and expand it again without your being into your energy fields.
Now imagine our world surrounded in the Love Light of Peace. Peace from the Heart…
Empower this with the White Light of the Christ, Rays of Gold and Silver;the male and female coming together into the Platinum Rays. See the sparkle of the Crystalline Ray,the green of Mother Gaia and the blue of her skies and waters, and the red and the orange and the yellow of creation.
And Know, with this activation, our beloved Earth is shedding her old skin … metaphorically…….
Feel the joy of the old layers that do not serve us on this higher path to Ascension… falling away…… like old crusty skin of a chapter of our lives… Well lived…. Lessons learned and complete. Thank you for this awareness.
Remove the filters from our senses…… See the light, Hear the light, feel the light, Know the light in your being.
Remove the blocks from our body to heal… on all levels
See massive and Detoxing going on with our Government….Corporations…
Financial institutions and within our Letter organizations AMA CIA NSA The IRS is Gone!
The Federal Reserve is Gone! All Debts Forgiven! All Mortgages Paid. ….. and See it happening EASILY and EFFORTLESSLY.
Disconnect the Drug Companies from the old programs …See the True Research flow freely, expressing the state of the Art,Divinely inspired healing choices being received.
Hear and see all channels of News sharing Truth and Joy of the shift NESARA brings. Featuring all avenues of Abundance and Empowerment for all.
Watch television programs full of the NEW REALITY showing
Success and the joys of Freedom to follow our Passions.
See those who have been incarcerated going through true healing programs for personal transformations and set free empowered to contribute willingly.
See and Feel our Constitution come to Life like never before.
Embrace the Universal Laws of Life.. now in place and honored by all.
Our Countries Borders open in joyous connection, as All have what they need to sustain themselves and all people begin to share willingly and lovingly.
All Academic studies move out of the box of the old formula of teaching and embrace whole brain learning… with a new enlightened curriculum and real truth embraced with a new view of our Universal World.
Breathe in the FREEDOM... with the weight of slavery lifted and walk in JOY And anticipation of a life of PASSION unimagined until now.
Religious communities will come together to share from their hears to empower themselves with Humility and respect for the inner light of each other , and walk a new path of love shedding the dogma of old.
Animals are in joy we have awakened from our slumber of thousands of lifetimes in duality.. IT IS GONE The GOLDEN AGE IS HERE NOW!
We the lightworkers, embrace all who are confused and Stunned by this shift of NESARA.
We offer nurturing Love of Creator Source ….
Like Moths attracted to the Light… WE are in Service to BE
The Light Now. We comfort and help them become self-empowered.
This is a Revolutionary Movement….. Are You Ready to LEAD?
Leadership is about Compassion Forgiveness, Gratitude, and Unconditional Loving Action.
Fill your selves with these energies now
Feel Compassion for all those waking to truth
Feel true forgiveness for yourself and all those old choices you made in the past and forgive our leaders for theirs…
Feel the gratitude of being on this revolutionary edge of completion of a life of duality…..
Thank you Family of Light, Star Nations, Star Families, for supporting us in this transition and illuminating the path HOME.
Thank yourself for listening to your inner light of guidance and discernment.
Breathe in and Feel the Love Beloveds…
You Are LOVE and a DIVINE Human walking… co-creating Heaven on Earth for ALL of Humanity.
Your light will never fit back into the Box of old.
Celebrate Love Always,
By Elise Corwin