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"Greetings all.  I am called Ma'at.  I am somewhat of a figure of authority, because I am Truth.  I represent Truth.  I have my identity in that which you call the land of Egypt.  But the truth of this matter is, I am everywhere.  Truth has not always been such a shining, shining thing upon your planet, and you know that.

"It has in places and at times in your history been buried, and trampled upon, and then disregarded and disrespected to the point where the opposite of Truth has been accepted by large numbers of your population.  Now there is Truth to be found everywhere, but
I have come tonight, come forward that is, because I am everywhere, and I am seeing Truth shining more and more. And I am most pleased.  And I am most appreciative.

"Authoritarian figure though I may be,
here is the Truth of Ma'at:  I am loving.  I am spirit, and I am within the hearts of each and every one of you.  And I see you shining your Truth: the Truth of Spirit, the Truth of Love, and the Truth of Oneness.  And I am here to tell you how beautiful you are when you shine your Truth.

"Oh you are beautiful anyway, because you are loved no matter what.  But you as individuals have joined with many, many from your planet, and from those beyond, and you are shining, you are shining Truth forth for all the world to see, and you are doing it from the Love base, and that is what is so important, because that makes it real.

"And it is not that you wish to conquer, or control anyone with your Truth, it is simply that you are finding the courage within your heart, to let it shine forth, and to allow the world to see it.  And what that does beloved ones is that it strengthens Truth.

"You don’t even have to speak it, if you would but shine it, and then others will use their powers of discernment, and they will know that you carry Truth, and that you bring it and offer it to them, and then they too will find Truth for themselves.

And this is the great Truth, for this is the one Truth of the Universe, and this is of course the Love that we all are, whether in body or not, and no matter what kind of a body you happen to be in.  You are living, breathing Truth
shining forth more and more, more and more of you coming together and sharing it.  And this is your grand purpose here.  This is what you express, and you do it so beautifully. 

"But I choose to come tonight and express my Truth to you.  And let it be absolutely clear within all of you, that there is no greater purpose that you have than to be the bringers of Truth.  Because as you do that, as you shine forth your Love, you bring Peace to the planet, and you bring Joy, and you enable and assist those who may not feel as though they know their way in one moment, to become quite clear when they experience the Love that you offer from the very Truth, the very heart of your being.

"Keep it simple Beloveds.  You can be eloquent, as eloquent as you wish, but shine it forth, and let it radiate to all.  Because the Truth is that that is why all of us are here.  And so I, Ma'at, give you this blessing, and I enfold you in my great wings of Love.  They are velvet, they are soft.  That is the truth that some do not realize about me, and that is perfectly fine.  I simply extend to you the truth of who you really are, of who I really am, and indeed all that Creator has made has only been made of Love.

"Now there are many other truths, but I call them to be of lesser degree, because I have just given you the most important one, the very highest Truth of all.  And you shine with it beautiful ones, you shine with it. So we can fly together, can we not?  And we can beam this Truth to the entire planet, and in so doing, if people listen as they allow themselves to feel what it feels to be hugged in the velvet soft wings of Truth, so powerful and so loving, they can put down their guns, they can put down any weapons that they might have, that they might have used to hurt, to bring pain and suffering to anyone, anywhere, and we can all come together in this Joy, in this Love, and they can fly with it, and we can shield ourselves in that way from all that is not truth.  Fear is not truth.  Hurt and pain are not truth.

It is Love only, Love only that I, Ma'at, and indeed the One we all are recognize.  Rejoice in it, fly high with it, soar with it, and know to the very core of your being that this is all the Truth you need ever expect.
  We love you Beloved Ones, and we honor you.  You are ancient souls.  You are sacred, and you shine most beautifully.  You shine forth your Truth and with your Love.  And so it is.  And so it shall be EVERMORE in your kingdom. 


Excerpt from Ashtar Teleconference 1-24-2006

© Susan Leland 2006.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.

Hi Everyone,

We were joined by Ma'at at our last teleconference, and she gave us  this beautiful blessing. Some of the participants told us they could see her, and we felt her powerful energy. It was a magical evening indeed!  We invite you to join us for our next conference call with Ashtar and the Loving Company he brings, from 6:30 - 8:00 PM, Pacific time, next Tuesday, February 7th.

Please go to the teleconference link below to register.  We must receive your registration  by noon Tuesday, in order to send you the pin number for the call.  Join with us in sharing the wonderful high frequency energies we enjoy during these calls!

Namaste, Susan
