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Independence and Liberty
"So what do you think has happened here in this country you call the united States of America? 


"Your ancestors arrived, and the light of freedom was burning bright in them, and they had a shiningness to them.  Oh, some of them were still saying that they were the only true ones, and that people who were not of their faith were not, and so on and so on.  And there were some dark doings even in this land that was to be so shining.  But the concepts were written in your documents..."


"Your Declaration of Independence stands.  Read it.  It shines.  Make a vow to uphold it, to make it a part of your being, because it is sacred, and because it speaks for the individual, not just the country.  And understand that it is time now for you to put your name on that document, and by so signing your name just as your forefathers did, you pledge your life, your fortune and your sacred honor.


"Well, that is the same as saying you pledge the all that you are, and all of your creations, all that you create, and you do so in the Light of Love standing free.  And you unite with the one you truly are, the all you are, and you stand for the world to see, a Light, a radiant being, free from all fear, and free from all of the conspiratorial controls that have slowly been placed upon you.  You see, it hasn’t happened all at once; it’s been bit by bit, piece by piece, layer by layer.


"Is there blame in this?  Are we saying that you have not done a shining job?  No.  Do not take it that way beloved ones, no.  You came here.  You’re all Starseeds. You came into these human bodies to live this experience, and this is not the only time that you’ve been in this country either.  And some of you were here, in fact all of you were here before this country was even dreamt of by your forefathers and mothers.  You have served here in this sacred land more than once, and why, so that you would know it in all of its aspects. 


"Why now? So that you would have the Joy of coming together in Love and in Light, and so you would have the Joy of being in assistance, fulfilling your mission as it were, to bring forth the Love Light throughout the land.  And who better symbolizes that than the one Lady Liberty, who by the way is a real entity.  There is a Spirit, and Her name is Lady Liberty, and She shines within all of you.


"And so when you do this ceremony of lighting Her torch tonight in your time, you will be doing this for your entire country.  Your entire country will stand before you, and you before it, and you will reach out with the Light you are, and you will connect, and this will raise the consciousness even more.  Oh that concert of the eight was most raising was it not?  The consciousness soared.  You know we could see that.  We have, we have the abilities to see what is happening with the consciousness, and it went way, way up.


"So when you light the flame you’ll keep it going up even more.  How high can it go?  Well it’s infinite.  It matters not.  Just keep it going in the upward direction.  That is what is going to bring Lady Nesara onto your stage, that consciousness.  You’ve heard it before in this place and others.  Bring that 5-D consciousness into 3-D.


"You don’t have to quit your job to do it, if you’re not ready to.  You don’t have to leave your home and go trekking somewhere to some remote mountaintop, or cave or whatever.  You don’t have to do anything different as far as that which you might call your 3-D lifestyle is concerned.  All we’re asking you to do is be a 5-D being in 3-D.  Now what could be simpler than that? 


"Every time that you express Love,  every time that you connect with even one other being, be they in human body or other wise, you are Love.  You are lighting the flame.  You are being the Love.  And that’s what we mean by being a 5-D individual.  And when you come together in a gathering such as this, that is when you really fly you know.  You really soar, because as you may know there is empowerment in numbers.  That which you can do by yourself is magnified more, exponentially more, than the numbers you are participating with. And why not, we’re all here with you.


"We’re co-creating it with you, all, all of those whom you call your Guides, your Angels, the Beings from what you call the Lighted Realms.  The Voice is very fond of that description and all of those of nature, Mother Gaia’s Kingdoms.  You’re uniting with all of them.  Feel it.  Feel the wonder of it, and feel the Joy of it, and feel your welcome.  And the Love that is there for you is infinite, and it is real.  It’s the only thing that’s real, truth be known..."         (Ashtar,July 5, 2005, Olympia WA)


"Well put the Light on the word politics, because if you think there’s going to be some changes, just wait till you see what happens there.  It will be most grand.


"It will be the culmination of the dream that was started with your declaration.  It will be that which was intended for this country all along, but again you had to go as far as you did away from the ideals and principles in those documents of the founding of your country in order to understand and value, and treasure the return of the freedoms that have been taken from you.


"Do you want to send something out?  Do you want to inspire?  Send out that first paragraph from your Declaration of Independence.  Take it with you if you go to a gathering of like-minded people.  Print it.  Take it.  Pass it out.  Ask people to give it their full attention, almost as though a meditation upon it.  Bring it alive.  Bring it to life with your Love.


"Put that beautiful Light upon it, that Blue Violet Flame, and any other colors that bespeak of empowerment, that bespeak of empowerment for yourselves, and for your beloved country.  Keep that in your focus.  Put it on your refrigerator doors you know.  Keep it in front of you.  Read it every chance you get.  Live with it.  It’s real high.  It’s way up there. And it is to be counted among the most priceless of treasures in this world.


"There was some talk about the help from your brothers across the sea.  Well you know the legacy, and the heritage, that comes from that country called France.   It goes way back, way back.  Lemurians went there.  Atlanteans went there.   The Knights Templars had a Holy purpose.   In some cases they’ve been given a bad rap, but they, or shall we say their ancestors before them, were privy to the Ancient Mysteries, and they knew, they knew that the teachings of the churches were blasphemous, and they knew.  They paid lip service to it literally, but they knew. 


"And those who survived are dedicated to those principles, and let us not leave this country of France without remembering their words: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.  Those are their words, and they stand, as does your declaration.  Think about what they mean.  Spend some time with that if you will.  You might feel some of that heritage within you.  You’ve been many places you know. 


"Remember the one called Brave Heart, and the tradition of freedom, that he represented.  It was in his, what you call his DNA.  Difficult as life was in that country, there is a very strong independence there, indeed there is in the entire realm of what you call Great Britain, and that includes the Emerald Isle as well.  There isn’t anywhere in the world where if you look at the history of the countries, and the tribes, where there isn’t a strong history of freedom, though it may have been oppressed, suppressed for centuries.


"In every beginning there was a spark, there was a spark, and even those who toiled in those gold mines so long ago, some of them had a vision of being free, and they were not as advanced as you.   And so it is down through the ages.  Freedom is a very strong drive..."                             

(Ashtar, July 29, 2005, Kirkland WA)


See also St Germain On Freedom


© Susan Leland 2005.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.