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Heaven On Earth Exercise

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Ashtar on the September 9, 2008 teleconference:


"Now we have a couple of speakers waiting in the wings that we would like to do a wee bit of an exercise first, just to bring in this high vibes state of being.  To give a taste; oh we’ve done this before to some extent, but the energies have never been more conducive to these events, and happenings, and circumstances that we are discussing here. 


"A World of Peace; a World where the rights and freedoms of every individual are not only recognized, they are honored; a World where sovereignty is respected, but at the same time, there is that grand oneness, and a World which is well on it’s way to that which you call Ascension Status, a World in which all healing is taking place, and a World in which it is truly a Joy in every moment to be fully present in a body, or shall we say to be fully present as a Light Body, a Light Being, within a human body.


"And so let’s bring that energy of Freedom in.  It’s kind of like you have before in this moment, we have after in this exercise.  The energies of the higher dimensions will be felt by all, and almost all will find great Joy in that atmosphere; so let’s create it now.  All righty you know what to do.


"Take some deep breaths, and get super, super comfy.  And just allow yourselves to be completely relaxed, and to simply be, breathing, and enjoying each breath, in each now moment.  And as you breathe, notice that in answer to the intent of this exercise, the Universe is sending you wondrously high vibrational energies to breathe in.


"There’s the Air of Freedom, breathe it in, there’s the Violet Ray of Transmutation, breathe it in, there’s the Blue Ray of Truth, breathe it in, and there’s the White Light of the Christ, breathe it in, and all others that are of the highest levels of Love and Joy.  And know that as these all come in, that you can feel yourselves getting Lighter, brighter.


"Allow them just to swirl gently, and work powerfully throughout your entire Divine Being.  Allow yourselves to perhaps, be shining even brighter than you’ve ever been before, or at least as bright.   Now please bring these energies right down through your chakras.


"Open, open to receive.  Go at your own pace, but as these energies come down through your chakras, notice that they also come up from Mother Gaia.  How delightful it is to have these energies flowing, flowing, and your chakras responding, and spinning even more joyfully, and even brighter.


"Now in the place of your heart, feel.  Feel the higher dimensional heart opening, and flowering, and responding so joyfully.  Ah yes, these are the energies of the higher dimensions.  This is the atmosphere that you choose to permeate yourself with.  This is grand and glorious, as this energy meets that part of you which is in service, in Love, in Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, that is present in what you call the third dimension.


"Let that Violet Ray of Transmutation work upon that 3D energy, and so you become completely lifted, completely enlivened, and completely balanced, with these high dimensional energies and frequencies, circulating throughout your entire being.


"Now move to your heart center Beloved Ones, and allow these energies to expand your beautiful hearts even more.  Ah, these wondrous energies; and move to your wisdom eye, and allow expansion there, just like your heart.  And move to your brain, and to your creative centers, and notice the unity, the harmony, the oneness with all.


"And now take a few moments to create an atmosphere around you, which is completely, completely, made up of this high vibrational energy; all coming, all beautiful, glorious colors, high frequencies, high vibes; oh, yes it surrounds your atmosphere.  It permeates the all that you are, all of your energy fields, all of your bodies, all of your beautiful selves.  Indeed, this is the atmosphere of Earth at Peace, of Earth healing and healed, of Earth assembling.


"And now pause for a moment to send these energies where you wish to be a participant.  Would you like to restore the old growth forests?  Would you like to commune with the dolphins and the whales?  Would you like to bring healing to the physicalities of the wondrous divine life forms around you, to the spirits perhaps in human bodies?  Would you like to work with the crystals; to thank them, and be grateful for their empowerment, and for the Joy that they are bringing, as they work their wondrous energies in the field.  See their Peaceful atmosphere.


"Show your passions to yourself Beloved Ones.  And energize them with this high vibrational energy that you carry in your entire being.  Create Heaven on Earth.  Create your Joy, with a passion, and most of all your Love.  And as you do so, see how it goes out, and share it, direct it if you wish.  There’s plenty for you. Keep it coming in, and at the same time, send your visions out, empowered by Love.  So now in these high vibrations, wave upon wave of co-creation, of this beautiful, beautiful, Planet Earth.  Your atmosphere around you, permeating you, and sharing it, and sending it out for all.


"And so it is that Heaven on Earth, Ascension in motion; all of the Joy, all of the freedom to be you, and to express according to your passions and desires, and all of the communion of the connection of the One we are, in this moment so beautifully, and so lastingly created.  Just give intent Beloved Ones.  Do it now. Let this be the new foundation for Planet Earth, below, on, and above.


"And in this moment it is laid out and offered to the world, a gift of Love, a gift of empowerment, a gift of high vibrational Joy.   And so it is.  As we have co-created, it is done, lasting and evermore."


© Susan Leland 2008.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.