Greetings beautiful ones! I am most often seen as a representative from that part of the world you call the East. I AM the one called Kuan Yin, and I AM here because we have all co-created this time for us to come together and be one in this joyful, passionate, healing, meditation. We are offering this to the entire planet.
We are remembering the image of two towers. We are remembering the image of a part of one side of that five sided building. We are remembering a circle upon the ground, and all that took place there. We are remembering all of the individuals who were directly involved on that day.
We are remembering the entire world, and the Compassion and the Love, at the reaching out that was done. And so we shall offer healing to all. And when we speak of the world, we are speaking not only of the beloveds in human bodies, we are speaking of all of the Kingdoms, for there was a great shaking that day.
There were animals whose human caregivers and love- givers did not return. There were animals who lost their physicalities, not known generally, never the less, for various reasons. Think about the mineral kingdom? Think about the water? The air? Water was present in those buildings and in the ground. Think about the very earth, all kingdoms.
All kingdoms were affected and impacted upon that day. And we all felt it. But we joined together, did we not? Up until that day, there had never been such a unity, such a compassionate outpouring. Well, not in what you call your last hundred thousand or so years upon this planet. There was unity then.
Many words were spoken, but none were needed. There was a coming together, a grand meeting of minds and hearts, and to be very honest with you, that marked the time when people really began to start considering thinking with their hearts, because where had all this mental stuff gotten the world to anyway? You didn’t know that before, well we’re telling you now.
We want you to understand. We want you to understand it from the higher perspective, even as you go back to those moments and recreate the sadness that you felt. We want you to understand what a service this was, this event you call 9/11, what a grand gift it was to your entire planet to help it along its way. It’s as though it were a rocket, and on that day boosters, what you call boosters, were fired.
It was a grand catalyst to bring you to where you are now. Oh, the planet has higher to go, but you see all of these wondrous energies have been coming in, and you’ve been accepting them. The planet is much higher now than it was then, and that was a catalyst.
So bless to the greatest extent you can, not the individual events, not the horror, but bless the event as a whole, and all those who participated, no matter how you see the particular part that they played. Bless it. It lifted this planet into a realm of Compassion. It assisted and facilitated the raising of the consciousness as a permanent thing, even now.
And so we offer this to you in the hopes, no, in the knowing, that with this understanding and with this acceptance of the gift that it was, no matter how it was intended, it was a gift. And with this understanding, we shall go into this meditation with a sense of empowerment, and a sense that it’s all Love, and we shall put Love on it, because that is how we shall do this healing of which we speak.
And so we shall ask that this candle be lit, and we shall ask that if you wish to close your eyes you may, and see this candle in your heart if you do.
And so now we will ask that you will join in, and repeat if you will. We are going to do this as an oath, as a promise, and as a completion, even as it is a new beginning for the world, and indeed as your planet goes, so go the others, in your Solar System, and in your Galaxy, and in the entire Universe, because there are representatives from everywhere here. Yes this room holds it all. And so we begin.
“Beloveds of the Universe, we come together in solidarity, and in the Love we are. And we offer our Divine Selves, as One, with All, to come and say in this place on this day, that 9-11 and all of its scars, past, present and future are now hereby healed forever. And we bring this compassionate view, and open it and send it out, along with Gratitude, Love, and high consciousness, that the entire world, and the Universe beyond, will recognize, the gift that 9-11 is.
"And that we shall go forward, in recognition of this gift, with Gratitude and Acceptance, of all of the gifts that it brings forth. It has been indeed, a facilitator of high vibrations, a catalyst for the coming of Lady Nesara, and indeed a beginning to the Golden Age of Love and Peace on Earth. And we send this message forth, to Mother Gaia and all of the Kingdoms, and we send it forth to those portals, which connect us with all beyond.
And we send the message through on wings of Love, and we say we are joyful. And we know, that this is done, by our Divine Decree, and by the will of the God we are, in co-creation, with the entire Universe. And so it is we accept, we consecrate, we heal, and we Love, Divinely, passionately, and infinitely, ever more. And so it is. It is done. And we are complete.
And so it is.”