Photo lovingly donated by Heather Simmons
See From Lady Nesara
Ashtar speaking through Susan 11-21-06
"Good Evening! Our next conference time with our Family Gathering shall be a most exciting evening! First of all, because of the participants upon the call. Secondly, I have already indicated that we shall be doing some mission work, if you will, in the area of Giving Thanks. We shall be looking at all of the blessings that we enjoy. We shall be putting ourselves directly into the energy of the blessings which are what you call, in your future, but nevertheless, are created because you have created them, and they are real..
"Just imagine if all of the world would join in on this, as it were. We do not mean every human being, of course, but simply if the consciousness could come into that Thanks. Now remember that we have discussed Love, we have discussed Compassion, we have discussed Forgiveness, and what is to follow in that order, of course, is Gratitude. And that is where our focus shall be on the 28th..
"And we shall be immersing ourselves, so to speak, in the joy of all of those blessings. And then as you may already be knowing, we shall be sharing those blessings with all of our family and all of the world beyond. Now this is going to be an interesting evening, is not? We shall be discussing, first of all, the joys of who we are and what we are doing, and there shall be, of course, a State of the Earth update..
"And by the way, in co-creating this most momentous event, it will hasten all of the blessings to all of the participants. In other words, if they have created some blessings that have not yet appeared in their life's fields in their moments of time that you call 3D, this will certainly hasten the coming forth of those blessings. ."
Ashtar speaking at the Nov 14th Teleconference:
"..Well, there were some shocks in the world of politics in the country of the USA, were there not? There are those who are reeling a bit still from the shocking results, because you see it is very difficult for those who are in the power seats of your government, to imagine themselves unseated, but a lot of them got literally dumped out, did they not?
"Oh, they’re still around in the of halls of Washington,D.C., and they’re still feeling somewhat shocked. But the good news, the really good news in this report is, that they are starting to look around, they are starting to see the light, they are starting to understand that it is not too late for them to open, to receive, even if it is only to relieve guilt, or to address a fearful emotion, such as, 'I’m afraid I’m going to get caught as these investigations go into high gear.'
"And believe me, they will be exposed, as it were. But there is a lot to be said for, shall we say, coming clean, and exposing oneself, as opposed to having, oh, Mr. Patrick for instance, do it for them. There are those who are considering apologizing. There are those who already have. There will be more.
"So take it as in the spirit of the moment, these ones are simply acknowledging that they too have lights. They are of light. They have lights burning inside their hearts. It might be looking a bit dim, but focus upon facilitating their desires for these lights to continue to glow and grow.
"This, Beloveds, is how we become One. After all, is it not One realized, that is realized in every heart and every mind? Oh we know that we all know it, but there are those who feel themselves outside of the circle of One. And it is those to whom you can reach out your hand; really it’s not such a big deal as you think.
"It is not such a heavy burden, if you would but create, or re-create yourself as a being of light. Come and join us. We dance; we sing; we breathe in more and more Light and Love, and we are in Joy. You see, sometimes a being just needs a bit of encouragement from a fellow being..."
See also: Living Flame Nov 22
© Susan Leland 2006. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.

Please join us in co-creating the next Ashtar Teleconference on Tuesday, November 28th: See "From Lady Nesara"
The call will be from 6:30 to 8:00pm, PDT, on Tuesday, November 28th. You can join in the teleconference by calling in from any type of phone to 1-212-990-8000. We will e-mail you the pin number for the call after you register by going to this link:
We do ask that you register as early as possible, since we do not have autoresponder. Susan's time is very limited, so unless your order comes in by the day before the conference call, we cannot guarantee you will receive the pin number in time.
You may register on-line or send your $10 check to:
Ashtar On The Road, PO Box 13082, Olympia WA 98508-3082
The $10 price is the same, whether for an individual or for a group gathered around a speaker phone. Ashtar and Company always have great wisdom and insights for us, usually including "current events." Ashtar gives information that the callers are asking for, whether consciously or subconsciously. When time permits, you can also "Ask Ashtar" after he finishes giving his message. Most importantly, we bask in the high frequencies of Love and Joy, as we come together in the Family of Oneness!
Please join us on this call!
Susan, Fran , and Elise