"...did you know as Earth goes, so goes the other planets in what you call your Solar System? As Earth goes, so goes the Galaxy, and the Universe beyond. You are shining so brightly now. Just wait until there is not one speck of dust to be found anywhere upon your planet. You’re already shining out your radiance far and wide, farther than you could probably imagine...
"There is so much that is being, discarded shall we say in this grid, discarded. All humans upon the Earth are contemplating this opportunity that they have now, because it is getting clear, thanks largely to you and the shining that you’re doing. You see it’s unmistakable to all souls currently upon the planet, as it is perfectly clear to all souls who are not incarnate at this precise moment in your time, that the opportunity is simply to bring the entire planet to the Light.
"And by that we mean those who wish to come; the doors are wide open. There are absolutely no barriers to this grand happening, save that which is self created. But it is very clear to more and more each day, that their time of decision has come. ..
"But back to now, before that is engaged, there are many changes to be made upon the planet... Just at a time when the business world seems to be at its most heartless, that is, its least loving, seemingly having no compassion, even as this is what is represented on your television sets, and in your newspapers, and yes even on the internet, because there are many stories that are coming out that are, shall we say, shocking, scandalous, and quite difficult to put the Light on; nevertheless, we ask you to do that.
"And even as this is happening, it is about to turn. It is like a precession, you know, it opens up and then the very next moment it goes completely the opposite. Now this is where you’re going, but, there’s a difference. Yes, going from the dark to Light will be just as dramatic as that. But what will happen is, as you come to the Light, you will find that it is not an extreme, but rather a lovely balance....
"It hasn’t been easy at times, and we know that. In fact, all of you have had challenges in this lifetime that have been painful, and we know that, and you may still be involved, but resolution time is NOW. None of you are sitting on the fence as far as your commitment to ascension. So don’t sit around and wait for it anywhere. Bring it forth. Resolve what you need to resolve and move on. And know that all is in Divine Order; and indeed all is well in all of your kingdoms. Accept the Love, and just open up to receive, each and every one of you."
Extracts from Ashtar Teleconference 1-24-06