"So this is where all of you wondrous Light Beings can have a fabulous time with your discernment. There are many questions about many messages that are going about. And the suggestion, as always, is to be discerning. Now we are not talking about doing this entirely as a mental exercise. Truth is discerned in more than one of your areas within your fields, in other words, in more than one of your bodies. And if you want to get at all the Truth, and shall we say, nothing but the Truth, then it is wise to consult your entire being to achieve full discernment.
"In other words, if you approach it strictly as a mental exercise, you might possibly overlook some aspects of it, that if you had tuned in, let us say with your emotional self, with your heart, with your wisdom center, you would be quicker at discerning the Truth as it is YOUR Truth. Remember everyone can have a different discernment of Truth, a different perception. That is why you, shall we say, that you don’t all march to the same drummer. There are many drummers, and there are many elements to Truth.
"So we will remind you again that if what you want is high Truth, then perhaps it may not be as sensationalistic, but it is high Truth, then how do you feel when you get this or that blurb of information, this or that news bulletin? 'Alert', 'Urgent'; you know often the most interesting items are tagged with that. What does that do? Does that pique your interest? Or do you say, 'Oh no, here it comes,' and then you tighten up in your tum-tums. Well let me tell you something, take a look at it. It is always wise to have the intent, and you can even voice it before you look at the story, that it will be resonating with the highest parts of you, or that it will not really enter into your fields as far as having some kind of an effect on you, which is the opposite of Love.
"And then when you do look at it and read it, if it does not seem to be a real high vibratory experience for you, go ahead and just put the Light on it, and let it just kind of pass on out of your field. Now there may be some things coming your way that you say, 'Well I would like to express on that topic', or other, and that is all perfectly well, so long as you express again from the high levels of Love. If you sign a petition, send some Light along with it. You know all the time on the internet when you’re doing your emails, if you press the send button with some Light attached, it is a very, very helpful thing to do for the entire world, and the universe beyond.
"Oh, it is difficult, especially when you are dealing with a high volume of these communications, but you can set the intent before you even sit down in front of the screen, could you not? It is really a rather a simple process; just a few words would do. Of course you might like to be sure that you are lifted up into the higher realms. That is another way of putting the Light on it, even as you do it. Now these kinds of activities are what we are asking all Light Workers to do first and foremost. Bring the Light into yourself. You know. We’ve talked about it before, but it is more true than ever. Bring the Light into yourselves, and then radiate it out."
Excerpt from Ashtar teleconference 2-21-2006
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© Susan Leland 2006. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.