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Commitment to Peace

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"Now please be advised that this will be done, and that I, Ashtar will be leading this.  But please understand that there are others enjoining in this.  There will be a speaker, who will be following, and He is with us now, and we are asking that you feel His presence, as He and I step forward out of the One we all are, and we come together in this..... We shall be most honored to have those of you who choose to join do so, in spirit, in voice, and in hearts of Love.  And so we begin:


“In this glorious moment, I recognize who I AM.   I AM indeed a Divine child of God, and I accept with Joy my role as Peace, Peace Maker, Peace Bringer, and most of all, Living Peace upon the planet.  I know that I AM Love, and out of  Love I create,  that which is called the Peace that passeth all understanding,  for it is coming from Love.


And I join my heart with all, and I reach out in Love, and I say to the world, it is NOW, Peace upon the planet, Peace in every heart, bringing us together, never to part again.  We are Light.  We are Joy.  We are Love.  And it is out of this, the very essence of the Christ we are, that we anchor Peace forever-without-end, upon planet Earth, and the Universe beyond.  And so it is.  It is NOW.”



"And so it is done.  And you are so beautiful, and thank you so much.  And I come to you now.  I AM Sananda, and I say thank you beloveds for being such beautiful bringers of Peace to the planet.  That which I spoke of, that which I taught and lived, and that which I promised to you, is NOW.  Welcome home beloveds,  welcome home,  to the Peace and the Love you are.


"For as you have ordained, as you have committed, as you have consecrated, so it is NOW, your reality and the only reality for your planet.  Let all live in Peace.  Let all keep the candle burning.  And all that is not Peace shall soon fall away in the most glorious and joyful days to come that your planet has ever experienced. 


"Thank you beloveds and Blessings to you all.  My beloved brother Ashtar and I are so honored to have you with us at this earth time, and we say to you all that which I have done you are doing even more. "



"Well done. Well spoken brother.  And so we bring these words to you, and we thank you again for the Love you are, and for being with us, in order to create that which is NOW.  All is proceeding exactly according to your Divine decrees, and the days of Peace are now and forever upon your planet.  And as He has spoken, I repeat, all of that which is not Peace shall simply fall away.


"Even now those who are in leadership positions are experiencing the changes that your message has brought forth, and they are understanding that you have put it out, and that you have anchored Peace upon the world, below, on and above.  And they are turning it over, these ones, within their own beings, and as we have said before, there are those who are welcoming Peace within their own beings.


"They have been carrying a rather dark flag, or banner for quite some time, and they are starting to understand that they too will know the first Peace that they have enjoyed in this lifetime and indeed in others, and will put down their weapons, and their roar of rhetoric, and then they too will carry the beautiful white light banner of Peace.


"And so we thank you all that you have come to participate in this tonight, and we bless you for your participation.  And we say, stay tuned for developments in your next NOW moment and your next.  You will find them to be most interesting and most joyful.  And if there is a little dark speck upon the screen, here and there, put the light on it, and know, you have made a huge difference to the world, and it is your mission to continue to do so.


"Open up beloveds; let the Love Light in.  It’s infinite in quantity, and it’s all there for you;  just let it in and shine it out, and let your radiance glow throughout the world.  We love you beyond words.  We are one with you, and we honor you as the Christed beings you are.  And so it is beloveds, and so it is.  Salut!


Excerpt from Teleconference 12-27-2005 


© Susan Leland 2005.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.