"You humans are the grandest of playwrights. Drama is your middle name, and the whole reason for this of course is all the experience. Oh my goodness you have surpassed yourselves even. You have given yourselves so much more in these areas of enslaving institutional creative experiences, that you really deserve quite a few awards...
"So what is the purpose of having done all of this creative work all of these eons? Well it’s so you could see what you wanted to change and what you wanted to keep. It’s so that you could say 'Ok we’ve been focusing on what you might call the low road; now we're going to take the elevator up to the roof tops and beyond, and we’re going to get on the high road, the fast track, and we’re going to ascend. And here’s something interesting to contemplate. You have spent all of these centuries in your time focusing upon all of these dramas, these creative dramas. And you have had some high, high places upon your planet have you not?
"Oh yes, there have been many civilizations that have started out on the high road, but for various reasons, all of them perfectly human, although they may have been inspired by those who are beyond human, if you know what we mean. The high roads have kind of taken some deep dives, have they not? They’ve gotten rather steeply on a downhill course. Now this time it’s different. You’ve brought all of this knowledge, all of this wisdom, all of this past life memories, and a bit from a few other places too. You would not be Ashtar Commanders had you not been in other places.
"As to the reason you are here and now, why, it is to collectively and consciously raise the vibrations of the planet sufficiently enough to accomplish ascension. And is it not interesting that you’ve taken eons you know, centuries and centuries, to experience all that you could, and quite frankly, a lot of it has been quite low vibration fear-inspiring, and not real joyful? And here we are, and according to those who would look at certain sacred calendars-hah! There is only a very, very small bit of time, if you measure Earth time, to accomplish all of this.
"So we would suggest that if any of you are sitting back waiting for things to happen to you, for you, and about you, you better get out of those rocking chairs, and strap on your jet packs, and get ready to take off. Well we say this with a great deal of humor, because the truth of it is, that you’re already taking off. You are so far along the high road. Even though there might be some bumps, and maybe what you call a pothole or two in the road, never fear. Never fear. That is the best advice we can give you after the Truth of Love. There is nothing to fear.
"Oh, there was a great statesman once, who said, 'There is nothing to fear, but fear itself.' Now here’s a good one for you. You are rapidly transmuting any fear that might be in your fields to the very highest vibrations of Love and Joy. So you will not only won’t be in fear, but there won’t be any fear for you to be fearful of. How about that? Oh yes, we are having a great and grand and jolly time, but it is Truth. And so we ask you all to just soak it in, this Truth, this Love. And we ask that you be in honoring of yourselves as you do so.
"You beloved family, you’re the ones who have come here to this beautiful place, and yes, it is beautiful. We see it, we see it pristine, cleansed of all that is dark as you put it, dark or toxic; the whole entire planet, and all of the kingdoms, below, on and above it. And you are so close, beloved ones, you are so close. You may be reeling a bit, although not in fear, we know, but you may be reeling a bit with all of these blurbs of information that come to you on such a regular basis, and it is very wise to be aware.
"If something starts to be fearful to you, withdraw. Withdraw from it, and return to it only if you can do so in that high vibratory state where you cannot possibly feel any fear. And let us help you with this blurb of information. A lot of what is being talked about as possibilities, you know, plans, you know what you call, dark agenda items, have already been cancelled or transmuted, if you want, to a higher path of experience. So be not in fear when you read these things, and look always for the very highest, the highest of experiences, and the highest of emotions about your experiences.
"Go within and find the Joy, and you can have the intent to find the Joy everywhere, in everything, and in every bit of your beloved selves, if you so choose. That’s a little more than a hint, you might put that in the suggestion box, and you are free to open it at any time. The more you do this, beloved ones, the more you assist and facilitate the ascension of the planet. And there’s another thought for you. Let’s put this one in your suggestion box too, and you can bring it out any time you choose. You might consider sending special wake-up calls to those of your fellow Light Workers who haven’t quite waked up yet.
"Let them know that they’ve got to quit hitting that snooze button on their alarm, and they’ve got to wake up now! Because, now is the time. There has never been a time like this on your planet. And the time for all these ones to wake up and start making their choices known, is now. Now there are some who have such a fear of flying, symbolically speaking of course, that they will not come out of their boxes, and join in the ascension process, even though, even though they are not ones who are members of that group that wants to keep everything just the way it is, because they are in control.
"So they think; by the way that’s a myth. Let’s dump that one, because it’s not true. We’ll get to that. So let us suggest, we would suggest that you put out the call as it were. Now you can do it individually, and we would appreciate very much you joining with us, as individuals at any time that you feel moved to do so, and certainly in groups. Put out the call to wake up. Well, blow that bugle if you want; make it loud, and make it very clear. You’re sending it on the Light of Love of course, with all of the loving energy, and you can send messages, such as, 'open your hearts and find the courage to do this'.
"You want things to happen, you want things to progress, you want Lady Nesara center stage, and so on and so on. And yes these things are happening, they’re in progress, they’re in the works. There have been a few more delays, because we were charged, if you will, as part of our mission, to honor free will. And there were some wills that really expressed themselves, and it’s no fun to do so, but they are diminishing more and more. Their power, or their control, and their enslavement of the planet is coming to an end. Folks, they’re leaving it!
"Well before you rejoice in that, check in, and be sure that you’re not feeling as though, 'oh boy, now it’s my turn to be in control,' because that is not what we are doing here. We are not exchanging one kind of control for another. Our mission, and this is not just my mission, and the mission of those of us who are not embodied, but are on the ships exclusively. This is your mission as well. This is our mission, is to bring it all forth in harmony and Joy, and quite frankly in somewhat of an accelerated mode. And our mission is not to judge anyone who resists, but simply to give them Love, and shine it forth to them as much as you do for your fellow Light worker sitting next to you, and joining you in spirit.
"Our mission is to move into hyper-drive, and more and more to be together in the realms that are a bit higher than what you call 3D. By doing this we will accelerate this whole ascension process. You see, unlike the ideals that some of your religions promote, we’re not going to come swooping down from the skies, and oh, do some hocus pocus, and all of a sudden you’re ascended, and you don’t do anything, but it just happens. You know it’s not a happening thing, it’s a co-creative thing, and so we are asking that you join in with all of you, your entire circle of being, and most particularly your heart, and your wisdom centers, and your expressions.
"Join in and let’s do it! And if you find some people who, as we have said, who are hesitant, well you can have a little checklist with you if you wish, and explain to them the benefits of ascension. That is perfectly all right, if they want to hear it. If they are somewhat flustered, or seem to be somewhat even perhaps traumatized, at the idea of hearing about it, then just leave them with Love, and invite them to come when they are ready, if they are ready at some point in their future time, and get on with it!"
Excerpt from Ashtar teleconference 2-21-2006
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© Susan Leland 2006. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.