Christmas Greetings
"You can plug in your Christmas trees, and Light your lawn displays, and put jolly old St. Nicolas on the roof, if you choose too, all lit up and splendid for the world to see. But look in the mirror, and understand that you shine brighter than all of those lights, and that this is your time, this is your time to put this forth to the world, and shine forth all the Love Light that you are."
"...That which you call the Spirit of Christmas is what is to be achieved on this planet in the time that you call ascension. Think about it? Love, Peace, Goodwill, a sense of wanting to give and share; all of those things are most wondrous indeed when coming purely from the Light of the Christ. Now here’s a secret for you.
"This is your time to celebrate the birth of yourself as a Christ. No kidding! This is it. You are doing that right now. You can call it rebirthing, you can call it ascension, you can call it moving into the Light, moving into the higher dimensions, or whatever you wish to call it. But remember from the teacher himself, the one who is so loved, and so loved the world, that he has been given the name of Christ.
"But his teachings, if they are followed accurately, really are saying, that everyone, everyone in human body has the Light of the Christ within his or her body. It is simply that it is not always recognized, it is not always honored, and it most certainly is not, shall we say, turned up enough to radiate out as that of the one you call Jesus.
"There is only a difference in degree or radiance. And so this is the time for you to turn up your own lights, if you will. Now does this mean that you are expected at this time, that you need to expect perfection in your souls? Not at all; it simply means recognition that you are on the path. Because after all it’s a path that you chose eons ago, long before the one called Jesus came and lived that life.
"This is what we call coming home. And you’ve heard us use that expression before. This is your homecoming, this is your self-realization, the transformation, if you wish, back to who you really are, and that is the loving Light, or the Christ Light. And so we would suggest that at this particular time of the year, light up!"
Excerpt from Teleconference 12-13-2005
© Susan Leland 2005. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.