Sekhmet's Crystal Exercise: Transmuting Dark Hats to White
Ashtar on the Road Teleconference - June 26, 2012
"Well, Howdy Everyone! Is everybody back in their chairs? I hope you were all dancing - I was!* This is what it's about, yesss! It's feeling good, feeling Divine, it's allowing your Divinities to shine forth. Let the World see your Divinity. Let the World know how beautiful it is. How beautiful everyone in the World is, how glorious it is to be here! Yes, we know that sometimes the restrictions of the human body, coupled with the restrictions of 3D programs and boxes, can be non-conducive to feeling your Divinities.
"So we're going to do something about that. Yes we are - we have another Crystal Exercise. We're going to be flying together, and the purpose of it is to further empower the - oh, Ashtar calls it the falling of the dominoes. We're going to empower bringing about the Love-based changes, which will result in the Freedom to be Who We Really Are in expression.
"Of course I don't have any trouble expressing myself, you may have noticed that. I'm a real 'tell it like it is' being. Yes, and sometimes I do have to address, and express to some beings, who are pretty heavy and dark, but I'll tell you one thing, the word's getting around, and the last being they want to have - those who wear the dark hats - want to have come walking through their walls is me.
"You see they can't fool me, because I've got Truth with me all the time, and they can't fool me. They can enter into solemn agreements with me. Oooh! That's what I want, and I tell them right out, 'If you only knew how much I love you, and how much you are loved by everybody, every being, every identity, you might be able to see yourself as free from the programs that you're perpetuating.' That gets their attention, and then they're ready for the loving messages that we put out together.
"And I'm going to share something else with you, because I'm rather a Worldwide, and beyond traveler. I've got this bi-location, or multi-location, down pretty well, and I'm always available to speak, you know, anywhere I'm called. I'm very flexible that way. I just have to be sure I keep my dates with Froggie, because if I don't go dancing on a regular basis, it kind of, er, makes me ah, er, well let's just say, I'm not quite as tippy top. But that's OK, because I've got Happiness, and Love, and Joy, for the whole wide World, and plenty of that healing also, that's another thing that I do.
"So, what we're going to do is enter into a loving, joyful, healing, exercise for all of Planet Earth, to facilitate the transition, transmutation, and let's face it, the ending of the boxes, the programs, and the feelings of unworthiness to receive all the good. You see a lot of the Humans on Planet Earth, not the Animals, the Plants, or the Mineral Kingdoms, especially not the Crystals, because they know what's coming - all the great stuff that's happening, but a lot of those in the human uniforms just simply don't understand that they are worthy to receive Abundance, and Freedom, all kinds of Freedom. So we're going to empower that!
"And while we're at it, we're going to be addressing the ones in the dark hats, because, you know what? They're entitled to receive their fair share of Abundance, although a lot of them are losing it completely. They have to go through that experience, so they can appreciate what they've put everyone else through it, or tried to. And they certainly don't feel empowered, because they have been like so many puppets on the string. But their masters are gone, and still they're so used to the programs that they aren't able to break those strings, you see. They aren't able to free themselves, and that's what we're going to do. We're going to start by loving them, and freeing them, and then watch as dominoes fall! We're going to be looking at Crystal dominoes, and then pretty soon it spreads to everyone on the whole of Planet Earth, and then beyond. Well how's that for a preview?
"Let's get to the real thing, so we'll just ask you again to get into a relaxation mode, and breathe, just breathe. Breathe in the Love, breathe in Divinity, the empowerment of your Divinities, Beloved Ones. And we're going to travel together. We're inviting all of you, all of you who join us later, as your time flow goes, your Guides, your Angels, all who accompany you. Now let's form our circle, and once again everyone hold onto my paws with one hand.
"Remember, I can multilocate, so I'm next to each and every one of you on one side, and one of our Family members is on your other side. And let us hold paws, or hands, if you prefer, and let us join together. And now let's just open up to receive the power of Love. Let it come in your crown. Let it come into your Hearts, and then radiate throughout your fields, right on down to your feet. And then let's give permission to this Love power to blast us off. Well it will seem like a blast off, but it's really a good one, because it's all Love! And let's rise together. Now you probably already know where we're going. So if you want to, you can allow the vision of my ship to come into your mind's eye.
"Ah yes, here it is. And let us go up through the bottom of the ship - the door to the landing deck opens. Now notice if you will, that we have the Crystals with us everywhere on this ship of mine, called Niburu. And the Crystals have an energy that is so high, such Love, that they actually are making a noise, a welcoming noise. Your Angels and Guides are joining in, and this further heightens the welcome, the Love that you feel as you are welcomed onto my ship, our ship, because We Are One.
"But it's just easier if you think of it as my ship, we understand that. So here we are on the landing deck, already being warmed, and serenaded, and greeted, with such Joy by the energies of Love, expanded, bouncing literally off the walls, off the floor, and the ceilings, and joining with your own Love vibes, so that we are really all here as One Loving Energy!!!
"Now let us move into the Crystal Elevator that opens, and it's big enough for all of us, because everything on my ship has expansion capabilities. Crystals can do that, you know. The energy fields expand; we come comfortably, and joyfully into the elevator, and the music continues. And it's pure Joy, and the music is the only thing we hear, as we move upward, up, up, up, to the very top of the ship to what we officially call the Crystal Room.
"And as the doors of the Crystal Elevator open, just flow out, and find a place somewhere in this circular room, leaving room for your Guides and Angels to stand behind you. And when you are ready, let us drop hands and paws for a moment, because standing behind you are your Guides and Angels, and they are ready to hug you. So, allow them to hug you, and they will leave their hands, energy hands, upon your shoulders, and you can feel their Love throughout the entirety of your beings!!! They are here in Oneness with us, and in support of you, Beloved Ones, as you proceed through this Exercise of Love.
"And now if you will, look in front of you, and see the Ascended Masters, see your Families from the Planets, the Stars, the Suns, the Moons, here to greet you, your Soul Families, perhaps those who have gone on before you, perhaps those yet to come. And see that the Fairies are represented here, and the Divas, the Nature Spirits. Ah yes, say hello to Mother Gaia for She, too, is in this Grand Company, and the Love increases even more. Imagine, how is that possible? It is because it is continuing to flow in to each and every one of us, and we are radiating it out!
"This Love is coming from as far as the Great Central Sun, and it is the Love of Mother/Father God coming to support and assist us. And, so as you feel even more connected with your own Divinities, at the same time, feel the connections with all Dwellers in the Higher Dimensions of Love and Light, only. And as we enjoy this Love pouring in, we circulate it throughout this magnificent Crystal Room, and all of us here gathered, all of us!!!
"And now Beloved Ones, we are going to do something we have not done before. We are going to invite representatives of the ones who wear the darkest hats to come, and join with us here. Be prepared to welcome them with Love. It will be a unique experience for them, and we have placed them in a special bubble, so that they can observe, and understand the Love that we give to them, without feeling as though they have to defend themselves by expressing any fear.
"The fear that they have is contained with them in the bubble. We can send Love in, they cannot send fear out. Do you see the magnificence of all of this? And so it is that we address them softly at first, and we tell them we are offering gifts, that they can accept, or not, because there is a bubble within the bubble. And the inner bubble is one that they can step through, if they choose to, to experience the Love that we are sending, but the Love is in the outer bubble only.
"Anyone who steps through the inner bubble to come into the Love Zone, still will not be able to broadcast out of it. But, if they really open themselves to receive it - and some already are, Beloved Ones - it is that they will broadcast, they will join us in broadcasting into the inner bubble where those who are still locked in fear will stay, for now.
"Look, more and more of them are coming, and as they walk through that first bubble, and come into the Love Zone, notice how the color of their hats is changing, it's getting lighter, and lighter!!! This is transmutation. This is shining the Light of Love, and allowing only the Light of Love with Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude - no pointing the fingers at them, no judgment, no saying, 'You did all of these things, and so on, and so on.' This is Love in its highest form!!! And as they come out into this outer bubble, these representatives of the dark hats, the really dark hats, and as their hats turn to white, they want to broadcast this Love out of this bubble that they are still contained in.
"And it is only to be sure that they are sincere, and not playing games, and the way that we tell is so wondrous indeed. We see their hats, we watch their hats. And when the last hat is turned to beautiful white, the same white as the White Light of the Christ, then we can truly invite them to come and join with us in this circle! Notice how the ship expands to allow them to come, and hold our hands, and hear the beautiful music. And now the bubbles are gone, there is no need of them. We Are One with them. And now we are ready for the ship to open. Look down and see the opening appear in the center of our circle. Notice that all of us are now in one grand circle of Love!!!
"And there below us is Planet Earth; and we are sending the message now to empower everyone on the Planet, and to say, 'Look, we are One, and we are One with you, and we're sending the loving Oneness, the messages of Oneness to all!' And look closely, and as those who are wearing the dark hats still standing are looking up at their representatives, and seeing that their representatives are now wearing white hats, what do you suppose is going to happen? Look again, look again. Their hats are changing colors from black to white!
"They are standing with the people who are in the streets, who are signing the petitions, who are standing in the hunger lines, and they are saying, 'We are now One With You! We are here to celebrate our Oneness, and celebrate our Love; we thank you for showing us the way; we thank you for being so full of Love in your Hearts, and yes, for having the Courage, to enable us to stand with you in Love! Our programs may have toppled like dominoes, but we are now One With You in loving service!!!'
"So one says 'Yes, let me gather your petitions, and I shall implement the changes you asked for immediately!' And another one says, 'Let me give you food!' And another one says, 'Let me open the doors to my treasury, and share with you my Abundance!' And another one says, 'I have the key to the prisons for all of those who have been falsely imprisoned; let me open the doors!' And another one says, 'Yes, and I have schools, healing schools for those who remain, but are ready, and already wearing the white hats, to come to the Love!'
"And the children, see the children dancing and singing. And see the infirmities, the diseasements, the disablements being healed, and see the technologies, see the clean energy, and feel the Joy of the Plants, and the Animals, Mother Earth and Father Sky, and the waters, and the soils, the air! And hear the Crystals amplifying, and sending out the songs of Love, the songs of Joy!!!
"This is what we have done, Beloved Ones, together, not with weapons of war, but with Hearts of Love and Peace, and sharing and caring for all. This is where Earth is going. And all who choose Love are experiencing the lifestyles that they came here to live. And so it is that we thank you!
"We love you, all, each and every one of you. You are so courageous, you are so beautiful, you are so loved!!! And I Sekhmet, thank you for your coming to my ship, for joining in this Exercise in my Crystal Room, which actually is ours! And I invite you to return at any time you choose, to further empower and amplify this loving Exercise! And so Beloved Sananda stands with me, and He is here to bless, and thank all of you for accepting this invitation to participate in expressing Love in the highest of ways.** And so it is! Namaste!"
* Sekhmet's message was preceded by Let Us Remember to Dance from Mary's Songs, composed and sung by Lei'ohu Ryder.
**Sananda's Blessing is published on our website.
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, 6-26-12. © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.