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Ashtar's Report 10-07-08

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Well, Good Evening Everyone! We are especially jolly tonight. Now we have of course evolved over the time that we have been reporting, and communing with you in all the Love, and the Harmonies, and the Joys that we share. And one of the latest innovations in our calls with you has been to do a bit of what you call the question and answer. And so, while things were happening, we have been here, and we have been doing some scanning.


And so we know what’s on your mind, and what you want to ask, and what you want answers about. So, are you sitting on the edge of your seat? Well we hope you’re sitting down, because here we go. Get ready. You might want to take notes. All righty, here we go, in answer to all of your questions. Are you ready? Yes! Here’s the answer.


Yes! We did it again didn’t we? Get happy, get jolly, and laugh. All righty, so what questions did we answer. First of all, “Is everything flowing in the sequential flow of events?” Yes! “Are we still anticipating what you call the flyover by the big ship?” not quite so big, but never the less quite adequate in size ships?” Yes!


Oh yes, and here’s the biggee, it’s NESARA, it’s announcement, it’s bringing into 3D reality manifestation on track? Yes! All righty, so we know that covers the biggees, no dates, but very, very, soon. Now we’d like to elaborate a bit on some of the indicators, the signs, the welcome signals that have been visible, because we know that every day the emails are flying.


And even not only are the commentators on the stations which have a more forward perspective, shall we say, in other words, news media that wants to see the Golden Age realized, and so on, even to the point where its personnel know about NESARA, of course they wouldn’t dare say anything, because that’s instant grounds for you know what.


So, but they know about it. And there have been proposals that have gone out on the internet; interesting proposals about health care. Perhaps universal health care is not such a bad idea? How about that? It brings a oneness to the picture, to the program that does not exist now, because you’ve got the haves and the have nots, and the have nots are growing, and the haves are getting smaller, are they not?


A great interest in all kinds of health care; a growing acknowledgement that perhaps some of the treatments in the parts of the system in the united States of America are not as great as they should be. What is missing is a holistic attitude on the part of the drug companies, and the AMA, and the ADA.


Oh, we Love how you make up all of these acronyms using all those different letters, but you know what we’re saying. Well that’s just one tiny little sliver of the pie of what is being focused on, by, not only the people, and all of the Kingdoms for that matter, and Mother Gaia, because a great deal of this involves clean-up, does it not?


Clean the toxicities with toxins, the toxic beings out of your government, and what are you going to have? You're going to have a government as your Constitution has provided for. Clean the toxins and the toxic beings out of industry, out of the corporate World, out of the banks, and what are you going to have?


You're going to have true service to the people. You're going to have the voice of the people heard as to what kinds of programs, and products the people want. How about bringing in for real, not just tokenism, but for real

new technologies, so that free energy in several different forms, but never the less free energy can be given to all, and not just to those wealthy enough to pay for it.


Now these are the kinds of sweeping changes that people are starting to express a desire for, and they're making their voices heard strongly. And so even the commentators on what you might consider to be the voices for the Bushes, and the Rockefellers, and the Clintons and so on, even those beings are starting to say wait a minute.


You have taken advantage of the people. You have robbed the people. You have stolen resources, and then hiked up the prices, and your making the people pay for it. You have overtaxed and under-delivered, and this whole thing is a mess. And then you went and passed this give away bill to reward yourselves for making such a mess. It doesn't work too well.


And then there were aspects of that bill that several commentators on a news station, or television station, that is not generally noted for being a voice for the people, were actually outraged about it . They didn't do quite as good a job of expressing as Keith Olbermann, but they were very close, and they showed that to millions of viewers.


Do you recall the last time we gathered together Family, and we spread Truth? And real Truth is all about Love and Peace. Do you recall the exercise that we did? Do you know we always tell you, because we read, we scan, and we see the immediate results of the exercises for the heart, that we do together when we gather as Family. And we always tell you that it works, it was effective, because it always does.

And so we told you last time, that it was good, it worked. Truth went out around the World. You did a fabulous job of spreading that new way; a wondrous job working with Archangel Michael to present that.


Well guess what, now you can turn on your television set, and you can find Truth. Isn't that a wondrous difference? And you don't have to go to the one, you know, the span channels to find it, because they're talking Truth on the main stations now.


We understand that you want it all; you want the 9/11, and all of that to come spilling out. Well guess what, the program is ready to present. In other words, there are going to be live up to the minute, you know, news presentations, and there are also some very well put together films in place. There is one that is not available, because it will be for the television stations to air, and it has been greatly added too.


You were told hours, well it's going to be longer than that , and you will want to stay tuned, and you will be on the edge of your seats, and you will saying hooray, I knew it. We already knew this, but hooray. Thank you Beloveds, but now the World is getting it . Of course the World has already gotten a lot, it's just that the people in the united States of America have not gotten it.


And since that is the place where all of this new Golden Age NESARA is originating from, and it will catch quickly, and go like what you call wild fire, to all of the other countries of the World, most particularly to the Beloved neighbors of Canada and Mexico. It is here that this is making a beginning, and it is here that the news media has been the most untruthful, and the most shall we say, let us say forgetful of details, that the people have a right to know.


I mean, what is the purpose of all these news programs anyway, if they don't tell you the news that you really want to hear about. You may not even consciously know what you want to hear about. But there is me, tae my word Beloveds, they know what you want to hear about, but they have orders that go all the way up to King George, not, not, to tell you the whole Truth.


There is an interesting oath that is administered in your Admiralty Courts of Law, when which a person swears to tell the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth. Well, why do you think they make up Admiralty Laws anyway, it's so that they can break them, and they do it all the time?


And this has been to the disadvantage of the People, the People who are in good faith acting, the People who have been trusting that whomever they elect to the Halls of Government is going to keep their interests, above all else, and be true to the oath of office. You know that one to, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the united States. Well that one is kind of out the window, several political regimes ago.


And so it is that they have eroded your freedoms, and taken away your most precious of liberties. How about privacy? Does anybody feel that they have much privacy when they see those cameras everywhere, or when someone steals your identity? And guess who the greatest identity thieves are? They sell your information Beloved ones, and they're the very ones entrusted with keeping your private records; like your banks.


For instance, oh yes, your friendly bankers; not so much in the community banks, and we are suggesting, that if you are not already acquainted with a community bank in your area, get acquainted. Even though it is true that the funds, you know, the funds that are, shall we say, descendants of the St. Germain World Trust, the funds that will be being delivered to those who signed up for them, and which will be shared with everybody else.


Those funds are being held by two, at this moment; you never know where they're where they're going to be in the next moment, but at this time they are being held by two of the very large nation wide banks. And they are being, shall we say, cleaned up of their toxic residues. And we hate to describe humans as such, but you get what we mean.


It would be very wise for you to plan on investing some funds in your local community banks. Well for one thing it's nice when you walk in; they know your name, it's friendly, the energies feel good, and they are not as mixed up in.


Now do not get us wrong. If they are FDIC insured, which they all are. You know what FDIC is? Well then they are using the same dollars that the big banks are using, and they have created debt, and so on, they've extended credit and so on. But they are more community minded. Their decisions that they make, are more pertinent to the community in which they are located.


And there will be a great need for banks, and other institutions to be more responsive in their own community area, and not to get caught up in this expansion, swallow-up, you know the big bank comes along, and swallows the little, the smaller bank, and then pretty soon a bigger bank comes along, you've seen the cartoons with the big alligator mouths opening, and so on, and so on.


We don't need to go into that, but that is the picture. It has all been funneled, the medium sized banks have been swallowed up by the larger banks, and it's all been funneling one way, and guess which direction it's been going in? Not yours!


And so you have these big boys and girls, playing with your money, with your dollars, until pretty soon, as we said not too long ago, if they had their way, you would have to load up your wheel borrow with your dollars piled high, just to buy a loaf of bread. This is not going to happen by the way. It has been canceled!


After all of the other one-way programs that the bankers, and those who head up the corporations, have been working so hard, burning the midnight oil on their yachts, and everything else, to put all of this into a reality that really spells duality of the most obvious sort, where a very few control all the wealth, or have all of the wealth, and the rest of you are homeless, jobless, and don't really have any dollars to operate with, so you literally would have to become slaves in order to survive, or perhaps move some place else.


If they would allow it, when they close down the (?) , but It's all canceled. And there are many lists. We're going to talk about the list of those who are still stubbornly refusing to come into the Light, and they're making themselves pretty well known, aren't they?


My goodness, Paulsen is a dirty word around the country, is it not? And not only Paulsen, but Paulsen's history, and in this case, yes, it's history. He's a guy, you know, in this lifetime. And it's pretty interesting isn't it? Very colorful, working from being a CEO of one of the brokerage Houses, that is of questionable repute, we'll just leave it at that, and moving himself into one of the highest positions in the whole country. Well his friend Bush, put him there.


And then they want to give him control over what is it, seven hundred Billion, or seven hundred Trillion, somewhere in there, dollars of yours? And it just keeps growing doesn't it? And where is all this money going to come from? Well, of course they're going to print it, but whose going to actually pay, in their mind? It's you beloveds, it's you? Well it's not going to happen. It's all canceled, and they know it.


Now we had some interference on the telephone line tonight, and we want you to know, for those of you who did not realize the connecting source the telephone number to dial into is guess where? New York City! There was a lot of interference, because there's a lot of CEO's, and banker types, and lots of very distressed humans, running around in their dark hats, trying to figure out what to do. They're on the internet, they're on the telephone, and their energy that they've been putting out is pretty, what you call frantic.


And so we dialed into a little bit of that energy tonight, just so you know, that's another proof to you is it not, that things are pretty chaotic in New York City, and actually going between New York City and Washington, D.C.? Lots of activity, telephones, faxes, oh we Love that word faxes, oh that's a fun one to say. And of course you know their fruits, what are they? Their blackberries! Ah we're just having a jolly good time, with all of this. That's good, because we've got to get up high, because we've got a biggee tonight to do. So keep laughing, keep laughing, stay with us, stay with it. So, it's a mess from their perspective.


They are distressed. They are unhappy. They are in absolute chaos. Now here's a little behind the scenes interesting note. You people call them merks. Oh, I Love the way you abbreviate your words too; short for mercenaries. They don't really have much mercy, because they're programmed not to. Well there's a little quakieness in the dark water company. Oh we know it's Blackwater, but we're just saying dark waters, because they're wearing dark hats, you know that.


Some of them are wanting to do program, and leave the program, because guess what? They're being asked to wait for their dollars, and after all they are mercenaries you know, fair game, big dollars too. Thanks to you because the money was all coming from you , you know. It was being diverted through various channels of banking, and coming out in the hands of mercenaries.


And then there are the scientists who are building the robot armies. They're a little distressed too, because their black ops money is disappeared as we speak. The black ops budget is going broke. And so it is in “la , you land, you know.” The point of it is, they thought they were invincible.


Oh my goodness that reminds us; there is a movie, a James Bond movie

Do you remember (?) the computer expert who in the last scene who said, “I am invincible.” And then something exploded all over him, and then he found out he wasn't. Well that's what's happening to these characters. So this is most interesting is it not?


We're accessing the name. We believe it is Golden Finger, but anyway that scene before us because it is so interesting computer expert who could make anything happen, much like the bankers. The bankers have used the computer system, which was built to certain specifications, not necessarily at all in the interests of the People, that they are there to serve, and these computer programs have been able to move funds around the World, and move funds from ,shall we say honest accounts, into the hands of those who wish to receive them.


And you know the identity theft that we were telling you about, that is one way that they do it. And the person thinks that it's some crook, or thief, who has stolen their identity through the computer, and the bank professes to know nothing about it, but it is in reality those who are working the computers for the banks, the Federal Reserve Bank Members that is specifically, and they try to get the money as fast as they can.


Do you recall when the Bushman's wife went to Dubai, the country of shifting sands, get it? She went to Dubai, because she expected to have a rather large wire transfer of funds to receive there in the bank.


Well as we have told you before, we're already intercepting funds, and we are returning them to the rightful bank accounts. A lot of the funds that have been stolen, and retrieved, have been, shall we say, tax payer dollars, have been humanitarian funds, in which the organization behind them have not been so humanitarian, after all.


Just find funds sitting around in bank accounts. Now are you about to lose your pensions? No! Is social security going to end up penniless? No! Oh, don't think they haven't tried. You guessed it, but we have stepped in, because we have permission, and because we have the consciousness of the people with us, and the people are saying no! No more!


We are going to stand together, and raise our voices, and know the Truth, because we welcome the Truth now, and we have got our heads out of the sand, and we are not going to allow, or be participants in anyway of our wealth being stolen.


Now, we're not just talking about dollars here. We're talking about the wealth of the countries. We're talking about the soils where the best food can be grown. We're talking about Mother Earth's blood. We're talking about the trees of the ancient forests, and all of the animals, and plants who live there, under those canopies of trees.


We're talking about the World. We're saying, we claim not only our Freedom, but we claim our wealth and our abundance. We're saying we claim our right to be stewards of the Earth, to be in harmony with Mother Nature, and to have Peace ring, and to have cooperation in our communities, so that we can come together as one.


And as we create a more oneness in our community, so it is with the entire Planet, and beyond.


Telepathy is growing. Many, many, people are receiving the messages telepathically. They don't even have to get on the internet, in order to get the information that is true and correct. And we know that you've all had some experiences with telepathy. If not, for some time, at least most recently.


There is interaction with the computers. Human accessing a part of your computers that will be more prevalent as computers are adapted, but never the less, there is some messaging coming from the computers even now, and they don't even have the human element to the extent that they will.


There are scientists and brilliant people working on those computers and the programs, which you call the software, so that you can integrate freely with your computers. And this is going to be a marvelous boost for everyone.


Now, for those of you who might be saying, “Well, is all this going to be used appropriately, and with integrity, and with honesty, all of this new technology, all of these new ways of doing things, all of these revitalized institutions, new institutions, and community actions, that everyone wants to take?


And what about our leaders? Well NESARA answers all of that and more. And there is a grand assemblage of leaders, ready to take their offices, and stand for we the People.


And we say we the People, I'd question mark People, but that's about right. We stand together. We have co-created this Beloved Ones, and it is happening. And that is why, we want you to be assured, even though you may be receiving some messages, that might appear to be authentic, we tell you again, use your discernment. And your discernment is so simple to define.


Anything that seems to be based in any kind of fear, or have any kind of fear message running through it, is not the highest Truth. It might be true for those who sent it out, or who may be acting in good faith, but may be tapping into a lower vibration. There are experts in the technological fields, who are deliberately putting out messages to deceive.


They are trying to get you to think that when the ships appear, they will be unfriendly, they will be coming to make war, and enslave you. That is not true. That is the opposite of Truth. The ships are bringing messages of Love, and Love only.


We are partnering with you in bringing, as we have said, NESARA, and the Golden Age, and the Ascension Path, clearly open to all. Bringing them forth, so that they will be present and known, and rejoiced in 3D, as well as the Higher Dimensions. A lot to clean up in 3D, a lot of missions still to fulfill, and we are so happy to be here with you Beloveds in this mission.


And so we have tracked you. We have answered at least the most urgent of your questions, in that you all are recognizing the Truth And if you're feeling tingly and fuzzy, that's just fabulous because we want you to get into a high vibration, because we have a grand mission tonight.


We have an exercise to do, and this exercise is a culmination, and yet a beginning. It is to bring forth all that may have been discussing in terms of in terms of the realization, the actualization, of all that NESARA brings, to this Planet.


And we are going to share with you the thought that there is no time better to do this then tonight. So, we shall begin, but we have a guest, whose honor it is to lead this exercise, because after all, he is the one who is in charge of bringing NESARA, and the restoration of your Constitution, which he was an inspiration for, and a contributor too.


And, so I Ashtar just tell you again how much we all Love, and we feel your Love, stronger, and stronger all the time, as you have become more, and more, empowered Beloved Ones, because it's the power of Love, and your willingness to use it, and to be it, that is making all of these things possible. The Light Workers of the World are the leaders in this grand adventure, and these are the beginnings of your coming home. And so it is! Salu!