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An Ascension Story

The following is a story from Tom Thayer, who does the

Personal Ascension Activation portion of our on-the-road workshops: 

We Are In This Together

I am telling this story because I think it has a great relevance to what we, as light workers, are going through right now.  I know that we are not alone in our struggle to overcome fear.  In this story that was played out before me in nature in a remote place 200 miles south of the Arctic Circle, there was a lesson I believe we need to look at now.  


This was a fascinating and awesome experience to watch out in nature.  I have never been able to forget it.  It comes to my mind at least ten times a year.  And now with the situation the exists on earth and the things we expect and want from our brothers and sisters from the stars, it comes to my mind at least ten times a day.  I asked one of my Teachers on November 14, 2008 in a private session if he thought it had any relevance and if I should write the story and share it.   He had a firm  'Dahhhhh don't ya think?'  Or something like that.   I hope you can see the love and caring that exists in all creation. 


In the early 90's, while on a canoe trip in the northern Yukon Territory of Alaska we camped one night on Bonnet Plume Lake.   After a nice dinner we settled around the campfire to talk.  The lake has a short beach, maybe two feet wide.  The beach ends with a short bank about a foot high.  We are above the beach in the grass in a small clearing.  There is brush all around us.  Our canoes are resting on the bank, one end over the grass and one end in the water.  Where the beach is, there is maybe eighteen inches of clearance under the canoes.  Any small animal traveling down the beach could easily go under the canoes. 


After dinner while we are relaxing, a family of small wading birds comes down the beach.  The mom and dad are first and they go under the canoe and travel down the beach maybe twenty feet.  There are four little chicks.  They are fuzz balls with toothpick legs.  The adult birds maybe weigh one ounce.  As for the babies, it would be hard to weigh them.  They are so cute and have short little wings that are covered with fuzz and maybe some small feather starts.  They have nothing at all to fly with. 

The adults have gone down the beach but the babies see the canoe and stop.  The adults give a little peep,  and the first of the four chicks runs under the canoes like they are monsters waiting to eat him.  From the far side he cheeps at the others.  The three remaining chicks run up to the canoe, slam on their brakes and then run the other way.  At this point a strange thing happens.  The parents go down the beach further.  They are about thirty feet away around the corner and behind the brush.  From this point the parents let out a small chirp about every five minutes.  They do not come back to the little chicks.  They just stay out of range and give their little chirp call. 

The three who would not go have run back about fifteen feet.  The brave one comes back under the boat and huddles with the others and you can hear very small chirps as they talk with each other.  Several minutes later the four of them are off to challenge the canoes again.  Number One is under the canoes in a heartbeat.  Number Two gets to the canoe and chickens out.  Number Three and Four get about three feet away and run for cover. 

Number One comes back through and joins the team again.  There is more talk and encouraging and convincing that it is really ok and they can do it.  After several minutes they are off again.  At full speed on those little toothpicks they charge the canoes.  Number 1 is under again, Number 2 is halfway under but makes the fatal mistake of looking up.  He does a 180 degree turn and is back with 3 and 4 as they make a safe getaway.  After several minutes Number 1 is under the canoe and back with his brothers and sisters.  There is a longer huddle this time. 

We discuss moving the canoes but we decide that this is so interesting we need to see the natural outcome.  We hear the parents chirp but see no sign of them.  The team is all pumped up and ready to do it this time.  They charge-  success!   Number 1 and 2 make it all the way.  Number 2 has learned "do not look up."  With that learned he/she has learned that canoes do not eat little shore birds.  Number 3 and 4  made it within two feet of the boat.  After several minutes number 1 and 2 are back under and in the huddle with the whole team. 


The huddle is longer and there is more chirping.  Then they line up on the beach and charge the canoes.  This time Number 1 and 2 make it with no problem.  But Number 3 has made the fatal mistake and looks up.  Number 4 is still at the three-foot safe line.  He still thinks canoes can eat you but cannot reach over two feet..  Number 1 and 2 run back under and join the team again for another huddle.  This has been going on for almost an hour.  The parents are still around the bend.

There is a quick huddle and lots of chirping.  They line up and are off again.  Number 1 is in the lead and under the canoes.  Number 2 is right on his tailfluff.  Number 3 is close behind and actually makes it all the way.  On reaching the far side, they all look back at the canoe and look for number 4.  No number 4; he is way back inside of the safe zone and now he is all alone.  The three others quickly cross the battle zone and return to their brother.  We could actually feel the joy of number 4 when the others returned. 


The huddle was resumed and there was chirping and they all lined up again.  I do not know who gave the signal but they were off and running.  Number 1 and 2 and 3 were under the canoe before you could take a breath.  Number 4 made it to the two foot mark then back to the safe zone he went. This went on again and again for several more times.  Number 4 could not get the courage he needed.  The parents were patiently waiting.  Every five minutes they would chirp. 


There was a real long huddle this time.  The canoes stuck out in the lake about ten feet.  The canoes were both nineteen feet long.  They would chirp from the huddle and then look at the canoes.  Then they would chirp again.  What happened next absolutely blew us away.  In all the possible solutions to their problem, we could not have guessed what they would do.  They could not fly - no feathers.  They could not take the high road.  There were four huge people and tents and gear all over the high road.  They had been away from their parents for over an hour as this played out.  We wondered why their parents would not come back and help.  


The huddle was over.  They lined up on the shore again.  Just like in a race, someone fired the gun for them.  They were off faster than before.  Down the shore they came straight at the canoes.  They were almost flying, if fluff could fly.  At the three foot safe zone for number 4 they had a sudden coarse change.  All four of them in a tightly packed group ran out on the lake with their little toothpick legs and big feet. 


They were moving at warp speed.  They were walking or running on water.  They made the distance to the end of the canoes and a good three feet beyond and turned back for shore.  They lost no speed on the turn and hit the shore running.  We heard lots of chirps when they reached their parents.  They had walked on water.  They had a final and total victory over fear.  It took them over an hour to find a solution.  They worked together and never left any one behind.  It was a group effort and solution.  


I have numbered the players.  They are Number 1 who I think might be the Galactic Federation or Ascended Masters.  Number 2 who could be the Ascended Masters or those who are now known as White Knights.   Number 3 is the light workers.  And number 4 who I believe could be the sleeping masses of humanity, our brothers and sisters.  I am not sure about the numbers but I feel I am close.  The parents in this I believe are Source/Creator - our mother and father. 


I always wonder which of them lived the longest?  Was it Number 1 with almost no fear.  Or was it Number 4 who was so cautious.  They live in a world full of predators.  They had no feathers yet and in one month they needed to be on a three thousand mile journey south.  They are seen on our Pacific beaches as they head south for the winter.  Some of them winter in Chile. 


I see us now struggling to work through our problems so we can ascend.  I see our brothers and sisters from the stars coming back to help.  They have never left us.  They never will.  They will work with us to find  a solution.   Mother and Father await for us just out of sight.  They have not moved, just sent a message now and then.   Can all of us huddle and find a solution for all on the planet?   If those little week-old quarter-ounce baby birds can overcome the obstacle as they did, then I am sure we can and will.       tomfthayer@msn.com
