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"...The Ascension process is one that you've committed to, and it is indeed, in progress.  Have you not noticed a few things that seem to be a bit different, not only about your wondrous beings, yourselves that is, but the world around you is indeed, shall we say, metamorphosing beautifully?
"You know, that's where the butterfly spends some time in the cocoon, and emerges as the butterfly.  The being was always there, always a light, always alive, it's just that a transformational process had to be achieved in order for the butterfly to be in the shape and form of a butterfly.  And of course, this is a very, very good example of how this is working, because, not the least of the joyful changes that the butterfly experienced was that he became able to fly.  That's a hint.  You're all going to be able to do that, and much more.
"The Truth of it is you can do it right now, but we understand, even though we have not been in physicality ourselves, that is, I Ashtar have not occupied the human body that you occupy.  Oh you wondrous volunteers, you're doing such a fabulous job with that.
"We do understand that there are some limitations that the human body does impose in its soon-to-be changed state.  You're already changing, and there are some of you who are in recognition of that.  Now the changes for some, indeed for most, have been disruptive for some, disturbing for some, and downright painful in some cases.  Well, it's kind of like the changes that Mother Earth is going through.  You know Mother Gaia has to rearrange herself in some places, and it causes shaking, and it's a form of a house cleaning, it's a form of a preparation for the higher dimensions, to which the entire planet is ascending.
"And so it can be sometimes painful for the human body to be, shall we say, shaken up a bit, or stirred a bit in this whole process.  you see you're allowing tremendous amounts of energy to come into your fields.  Now, it is by your intent, and it is the process by which you are able to go through the entire Ascension experience.  You see, you need these energies to come in and lift you up, but these energies have a tendency to highlight to you, or they have had, shall we say, highlighted to you, areas that need attention.  And so there are parts of you, your physicality and indeed, throughout all of your fields, where you have felt, oh a twinge here and there, or a sharp pain, or a dull pain, or a continuing pain, that says 'pay attention here'.
"And as you know, your physicalities are not separate and apart, but rather are a very connected part, with the all of you that you are, and the All That Is.  And so along these energies, these waves of energy that are coming into you, are transmissions, also coming, inspirations, if you will.  Some of them are coming from the very farthest parts out in your fields, that part you might call your higher self, and some of them are indeed coming from beyond.  And guess what, you are not only receiving these messages, but you are transmitting them at the same time.  You see, this is a co-creation.  This is not just God, or someone, pushing the button that starts the Ascension program while you just sit, and get ascended as it were.
"Oh no, you are very much participants in this, even though you may not consciously be aware of it, and so when you take in these energies, and you receive some communications along with them, wakeup calls, if you will, announcements, pay attention here.  Sometimes they are messages that cause you to take a second look, and to see that you are perceiving a particular person, or event in a whole new light, because that's what it is, the light gets put on it, and there you are.  And this takes a certain amount of energy on your part.  It takes a certain amount of attention.  It takes a lost of commitment and a lot of intent..".
..."You'll have quite a bit of time as you know it, in that which you call the Golden Age, to become and be (and there's a difference is there not?) but to become the Masters that you all are, to become the Christ.  Each one of you as individuals, is the Christ that the Earth has been waiting for.  You all have that potential, you all have that capability.  And in our family, we are happy to say, that nearly every one has committed to achieving that which you call Christ Consciousness, as part of this Ascension process.
"So it is not necessary to, as you say, die the body, at least it will not be necessary at this particular time in your earth's history, to achieve that enlightenment, that bliss, that elevation, if you will, in your energies, because this is where you're headed with your Ascension process.
"Now Ascension, the process of Ascension, has been inaugurated, and has been in the works for a while, and that's why if you would take a look at yourself as you are now, with great Love, and then perhaps remember an attitude, or perhaps a relationship, or something that was going on not so very long ago in your life, maybe in as little as a couple of months in your time.  Check it out, check yourself out, and see how different you are, or another way of putting it might be, how you have risen to the occasion, because that is what you are doing.  You are creating opportunities for yourself all the time, to rise to new heights in your feelings, in your responses to the things that are going on around you..."
Excerpts from Ashtar Teleconference 03-07-2006
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© Susan Leland 2006.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.