"You are so loved. I allow my heart to show to you, as I look into yours, and I see such beauty, and such grace. And so we come together, and we join together. And there will be words, but most of all there is Love. Love is who you are. Love is what you’re made from. Love and its processes, its energies, were utilized by the Creator in the very beginning, and out of it came you, so beautiful.
"And so now you come here to continue upon the paths that you have all chosen, and that is called Ascension. Ascension is simply the lifting up, the raising of your vibration, so as to merge with the Light Being you already are. So your bodies will change. You will be energized. You will be younger and rejuvenated, if you look at your physical self.
"You will be wholly integrated with the great Spirit you are, and indeed with the entire Universe. You will come closer and closer to the one you call Creator, God, Goddess, Mother, Father. You will feel that warmth, that Love, and that Joy constantly, because it’s who you are.
"And as you shine it forth more and more, you approach constancy. And there will come a day in your life, as indeed a day in the life of your beloved Earth, when that which you call Ascension shall become manifest in your reality, because the truth of it is, it already is.
"We have the ability to see, that it’s done. There will be no turning back, because you have chosen, and decreed, each within your own sovereign selves, and as an entire planet, and all of Gaia’s kingdoms are in harmonious accord, and so this is the path.
"And you beloved ones are here today to take another step, a permanent step, and a big one upon this path. And so we ask you for just a moment to look deep within yourselves, and create a vision of you, the Master, the Christ you are, you have become, you always have been.
"So create that vision for a moment, each of you individually. And then we shall ask that you say a few simple words, if your heart be in it, and then upon completion of that, we shall ask that you come forward one table at a time. And those, there is one at each table, who knows when to come. Just follow that one, and receive, receive even more the gift of who you really are.
"And know that you are become, you are Master, you are Christ walking upon the Earth, and you are here to move into that role, which has always been yours. And you are here to facilitate for others in whatever manner you choose to receive your gifts.
"And know beyond all else, how loved, how honored, and how appreciated you are for being here in this company, and for being willing to continue. You are volunteers. You are loved. You are the Christ that the world has waited for. Know it. Create now this vision of who you really are, and just let the Love flow in.
"And so now we ask, if you so choose, and feel so moved, that you would repeat a simple declaration. I shall bring forth the words, a few at a time, if you would then repeat them, and we shall continue:
“I know without a doubt who I really am,
and I can feel the great Light of Love of which I AM made,
and that is all that I AM made from.
And I shall be showing this Light of all Lights to myself.
And I shall feel it within myself, and then I shall share it.
For I AM indeed Master Creator of myself and all that I AM.
I create every moment in my life with the acknowledgement,
that I do so as the CHRIST I AM, the one who Lights the World.
And so it is, I join with all others,
and I commit to walking the path of the Christ,
and to carrying this Light openly,
and to always knowing who I really am.
And so it is I receive with Love and Joy,
all of the gifts I have created for myself,
and I share them freely with the world which awaits,
the Coming of the Christ.
And so it is.”
"Beautiful! You shine. You are so loved. And so beloved one, ones, we have given some information for this, and so it is time. Thank you for being you. Namaste. And so it is. We shall begin."
Excerpt from Ascension Banquet, Salish Lodge, Snoqualmie WA - April 8, 2006
Audio available on CD from
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© Susan Leland 2006. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.