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 “..the main feature is to be an enhancement for all who attendit will be enlightening.  There will be a special meditation or exercise which will provide this enhancing enlightenment. when the group is gathered in that sacred place with all those sacred energies -


"the empowerment is what will emerge as the main memory of the evening. It will be permanent in the fields of all who will come."


"Have windows for a way of viewing what is going on in the sky.  Come prepared to take pictures -inside and out- this will be most auspicious!


Saturday, April 8th, 2006,  Luncheon, Noon to 4pm

at the Salish Lodge, Snoqualmie Falls, Washington.  


Reserve your space now; limited seating.

Cost $65 paid by mid-March: ashtarontheroad@aol.com

or pay on-line now with credit card or paypal


If you wish to pay by check or money order, please mail to: 

   Ashtar on the Road, PO Box 13082, Olympia WA 98508-3082

© Susan Leland 2006.  All rights reserved.