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"...you may have noted lately that you are hearing constantly about different dates....different dates being openings of portals, wondrous energies coming in, frequencies rising, and all of those things.  There is a great deal of information out on that, and in general it’s all true, because never before has there existed so much communication, shall we say, of these energies to your planet.  Why? Because you’ve asked for it.


"And it is being granted to you in ever-increasing strengths, shall we say, so as to empower the ascension of the entire planet, and the ascension of each and every one of you who desire to ascend.  Now let me look at you for just a moment. Ahh, the Lights are brilliant, and I have a news bulletin for you.  There is not one of you at this moment, who is not committed to being a part of the ascension process. 


"What does that mean?  It means simply, you are going to go the distance. And you can think of your path as golden, or white light, or brilliant.  And you can see, if you will take a look at this path, how beautiful it is. There might be a small pebble here and there, but it is easy enough to simply shine your Light on it, and transmute it to part of the Light of that path.


"In other words, it’s energy.  When you take away the density, which exists in the lower emotions, it becomes just a part of the loving Light.  Now see this path, you’re walking on it, and the walking gets easier and easier. It almost feels as though it’s going like a downhill.  You’ve reached the top of the peak, and now you follow down hill very easy, easy flow.  We have discussed this before, but the reality of it is that you’re actually going up.


"Even though you’re feeling a downward motion, the whole entire path is in a sense moving you up. In other words where it goes so also go you.  Is that not delightful!  It’s like being on one of those large transportational, oh we call them conveyor belts, you know, at your busy, busy metropolis airports, and all you have to do is stand on it, and it just takes you where you need to go.


"Now is that not delightful is it not; a feeling of Peace and empowerment at the same time that comes from knowing that the path is getting that much easier?  Well of course you have to keep your intent going; your intent is what fuels the direction you go in....


"...We see you in all of your radiance, in all of your glory.  And do you know how brightly you shine?.....There is all of the energies that you have been so beautifully accepting into yourselves.  Oh we know, there have been some aches, some pains, some doubts, some fears perhaps, coming up and splatting you right in the face.  


"Well this is all a part of the process you know, this grand process of moving ahead, as you yourselves create each moment even more splendid than the last; as you free yourselves from the dogmas and from the rules and constrictions that have bound you into almost a kind of servitude within your bodies; as you give up the ideas that the body ever has to age, let alone die; as you welcome co-partnership with yourselves.


"Do you know what that means beloved?  It means that you are welcoming your homecoming, you are welcoming your consolidation as it were, so that you are totally in touch, not just from head to toe, but in all of your bodies,  in all of your glorious fields of energy.  That is correct.  What else is homecoming?  What else is ascension, save, raising your entire vibrations, and coming into your Light bodies, as it were, to exist in what you call the higher dimensions of five and above; oh yes, above!


"Do not limit yourselves to five, although that is a most glorious state to spend time in.  And we guarantee that all who desire to make this transition, or this ascension, indeed have already been recognized, and are going to be doing this as your planet evolves.


"And if there be any among you who have not made the decision yet; well, you have some of what you call time, not much; so give it your utmost consideration.  And we are certain that as you look upon yourselves, yes connect in and see, picture yourselves, put yourselves into what you call the Light body state, and we are quite certain that you will find that most appealing.


"So if you have some aches and pains, and some diseasements, and some worries, and fears and depressions, fear not, as they say, rather turn your selves into the frequencies of Love, and Joy and Bliss, because that is what you’re here to do beloveds, and it makes no difference what the age of your body is.


"A part of your homecoming, and a part that perhaps some of you might have forgotten, is to play, and to be joyful and happy, and to follow your passions.  And some of you are completely now doing that which you have passion for.  It is difficult to even think of it as work, and it certainly is not a J-O-B job is it anymore? 


"And for those of you who have not made that step, or that transition, we encourage you to go within and listen, and see, and hear, and feel, what it is that you most particularly are here to do, as a facilitator, an observer, perhaps an historian of this most momentous time in your Earth’s history.  This has never happened before in quite this way, and you are leading the way."


Excerpts from teleconferences 13 and 27 December 2005


© Susan Leland 2005.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.

