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“I AM a Being of Love. 

I AM a Being of Truth. 

I perceive that I AM only Love,

and I welcome the gift of Excalibur

to see the Truth,

and to share it with others,

that I may gently, but firmly,

fulfill my mission,

as heart and soul in the

human body,

of Peace Maker, and Peace Keeper for planet Earth. 

And thus I commit to facilitating Ascension. 

And I share this with the world,

and I declare that 9-11 is to now

be remembered as the opening

to the Light of Truth, of Love,  of

Peace upon the Earth.  And so it is.”


Please receive this channeled message from Ashtar (given 9/7/06), with the high vibrations of prayerful joy and the divine Oneness that we all are.    We ask that you join in meditations/prayers,  individually and in groups, when you feel most empowered; before, during and after 9/11/06.   * Please amplify this event by sending this message to like-minded individuals as well as to any spiritual or religious leaders in time for services this weekend
In Loving Service,  
Susan, Fran and Elise
Ashtar speaking through Susan on September 7th, 2006:
 ".Where we are at, is a most critical time for the planet.  There is an opportunity here to take advantage of the energies and to take advantage of the memory of the consciousness around this date, this most auspicious date which is about to come, and it will be felt far and wide.
"... We are wanting to bring back the memories, ...that a lot of those in the world were not consciously aware of at the time of their participation, and that is the Compassion and the Love that was generated out of that event.  And when I spoke of it as being in some respects, a Blessing, this is what I was primarily referring to, the Love that united. 
"...What we're talking about now is restoring that Love, that Compassion, that Connectedness, that Oneness, to a conscious level.  We're talking about making this 9-11 a lot different from those who are wanting to use it to polarize, to interject fear, to win some election down the line and all of that.  We're talking about doing the opposite, of using it to unite and to recall to memory the unconscious, as well as the conscious, emotion of Love. 
"9-11 was...the shock that was heard around the world.  And it is now that we are asking of you.. to call forth from the Office of the Christ and in the Spirit of Divine God-Goddess, conscious thought of the Oneness, to be the bridges...
"Because everyone will be focused on it.  And quite frankly there is so much disgust, anguish and disbelief in what is going to be published in the mainstream that there will be openings in the hearts and they will welcome that which you send out in the messages.  Now, this is an opportunity to do that which we suggested the other night, which is to merge with all of this Love energy to become one with it and to direct it to the hearts and to the minds, the conscious minds, of the entire planet.
"In doing so, you will accomplish several things; you will put lights on where there have been no lights before,  and we're speaking of individuals as well as groups, and you will be helping the planet to raise up and prepare for Ascension.  Because if there is discernment of Truth, as opposed to acceptance of the story of the day, then there will be the recognition that it is the responsibility of every being on the planet to  do something to change it, and really all they have to do is to accept the Love into their hearts. 
"That is the number one most important thing.  So see 9-11 as an opportunity to bring the planet to a higher state of Love.  Honor those who have participated, all those who have participated; do so with Compassion, with Forgiveness.  If you happen to think of those who perpetrated the deed, send them the light as much as anyone else.  Now we're asking you to do this in trust that you have the empowerment to do so. 
"..But how many does it take?  It only takes one. So we're asking the Ashtar Family to join with others who have the same intent, which is to bring others to a more conscious understanding at what's really real, which is the Love, which is the path.  And the fact that 9-11 in its original form, was a marker upon the path leading to the high road of Ascension.
"..So we're asking that that be recalled to a more aware state.  And you do this, perhaps in meditations, upon that day, or before that day, or even after, and you can send it back in time.  And the idea is to see it fully in the light of Truth. And the idea is to utilize that Truth to climb even higher upon the path...
"..It is to be a day of bringing forth, shall we say, a day of celebrating all participants, which is the entire world, of acknowledging that the world indeed participated in the original event and it is now time for the world to come together and take the next step.  The original event paved the way.  The energy of the anniversary are the energies of Love, not fear, not anger, not war.   The anniversary energies are based on Love, on Caring and the Unity that immediately resulted, and that is the energy to be carried forth as the true meaning of that 9-11 event, the true outcome....
"We have the capability of intervention, as we did with the nukes, and yes, we were there and we carried many into our ships.  Why did we allow 9-11 to happen?  Because the world needed to shift and the world needed a wake-up call and that was it.  And now it's time for the world to come together in Compassion and Love and Caring and to understand, that this was an Event upon the Path to Ascension,and not a jumping-off down to the lower level..
"This is to facilitate this shift which is happening, but it might be that, by participation, that some of these events so devoutly wished for could be hastened along the way, shall we say?  This is a big step for the earth to take.  For the planet and all the people and indeed all of Mother Gaia's kingdoms are involved in this you know.  If it can be simply stated that the truth of 9-11 was that it was an event that was called forth in order to serve as an alarm clock and to bring forth the high frequencies of Love and Compassion, seeing everyone as brother, sister, in other words, forget for a moment the differences, and come together in oneness, which was accomplished...
"And now it is to revive and remember that state of consciousness, that state of being which you call love, and to bring that forth and let it shine upon the planet, by all those who are willing to participate in this rather unique interpretatjion of 9-11 as a blessing to the world....We shall be co-creators of this grand loving experience that should become the treasure and the treasured memory of 9-11 for all time upon your planet, because it is so.
"So this is my message, that I, Ashtar, speaking with the entire Ashtar Command, the entire Family and you beloved ones who are co-creating this together.  We are one, and when we come together as one, and invite the world to join in the oneness, how can there be any outcome save Love, and Joy and the true Golden Age? And it is happening, Commanders, it is happening..
"... There is a need that comes from the One we all are, there is a need to get on with it.  Mother Gaia is in a dire situation. What we do now, as Family, as One, will make a big difference.." 


Sananda speaking on the September 5th Ashtar Teleconference about 9-11:

"..Let us make it a day of Truth, instead of a day of sorrow.  Let us make it a day of honoring all of the participants, and most assuredly all here in this gathering, because it was your Love, and your Light, that allowed your country to rise to the occasion.  Remember, it is you who are the people, the Star People, of your country.


"Your country is not represented by those who appear to have control.  It is you, beloved ones, who represent the Spirit and the Love that is your country, and it is that Love upon which it was founded, and it is that Love which you are restoring.


"Take Excalibur; see beloved Michael himself holding it to you, each and every one of you.   Take Excalibur and allow it to spin.  Allow the Blue Light of Truth.  Call forth the Violet Light of Transformation that will transform all that is dark into Light, all that is heavy into lighter than feathers, and all that has been untruth and lies, spoken by those who claim to represent you.


"See it all transformed, transmuted into beautiful, beautiful shining Truth.   And in so doing this, Beloveds, we ask that you commit as a great role in your peace keeping missions, as Peace Makers and Peace Keepers, that you commit to shining the Light of Love and Truth upon your planet.


"And so if you will, please, with loving hearts, and with all of us joined, would you say, if you feel so moved, after me:


“I AM a Being of Love. 

I AM a Being of Truth. 

I perceive that I AM only Love,

and I welcome the gift of Excalibur

to see the Truth,

and to share it with others,

that I may gently, but firmly, fulfill my mission,

as heart and soul in the human body,

of Peace Maker, and Peace Keeper for planet Earth. 

And thus I commit to facilitating Ascension. 

And I share this with the world,

and I declare that 9-11

is to now be remembered as the opening

to the Light of Truth, of Love,

and of Peace upon the Earth. 

And so it is.”


Thank you Beloveds.  Feel the Love, and be the Love, as together we fly upon our paths.  And so it is.  Namaste!


© Susan Leland 2006.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.