Ashtar reporting the 'State of the Earth' on the June 17th, 2008 teleconference:
"Well, good evening everyone, and an 'even-ing' it is. That which is taking place, is most notable. Never before in the history/herstory of Planet Earth has this, what you might call event, or phenomenon of Ascension taken place. There are details, 3D-type details which must be attended to. We have discussed the sequential flow of events. There are events that are occurring even as we speak. There are events that are about to occur in your next moment.
"And they are all somewhat visible as being 3D in nature, but the truth of it is, is that this is a coming together of representatives from all of the dimensions, and this is a co-creation, because you have given us permission to co-create with you the official entrance of Planet Earth into what you call the Golden Age. And the big event which will be coming, as it is seen in this moment is on time, and on track, and you have that year of 2012 in mind. And so it is. It looks as though it is to be accomplished, at least for all of those on Planet Earth who wish to be participants. And everyone here has indicated that they choose to ascend, so we're getting on with it.
"Now there are 3D events that need to be taken care of. In other words, there are those who are, oh they are in touch all right, with some beings from what you might call a little higher dimensional realm than Planet Earth, and they want to keep things pretty much as they are. And they are trying through various acts and deeds to keep Planet Earth boggled down in the dumpies. But that is not what is going to happen. The reality, the truth of it is, that Planet Earth has set its sights upon a higher level of being, or shall we say, a lifestyle beyond 3D. And so it is, that this is taking place. But the preparations are very much 3D.
"Now, as for the 'State of the Earth' report, the Lady Tara has given you some good indications of what is going on behind the scenes. You may think it relates to the country of the United States of America, but that is only one of the countries that it relates to, because it does indeed affect all of the countries in the world. On the very surface of it, you can easily see that as soon as NESARA is announced, all of these soldiers in various parts of the world that represent the United States of America, and we're talking about not only the official public armies, but we're talking about the private ones too. How about that? They're going to be, shall we say, dismissed.
"They will be recognized, and they will be treated much more fairly than the current government has chosen to treat them. At the same time the armies of the other countries of the world, will not be needed to make war upon other countries, and so their missions as it were, will turn largely to activities that are to take place during peacetime, because the peacetime is what there shall be. So they now will have missions to do that will not be of the killing variety; so this is world-wide. There are other things that will be happening as a direct result of getting certain characters off the stage. You know they have supporters in every country, in the governments of the other countries.
"Well, for the most part the other countries have committed to, for instance, a new economic system, wherein the currencies of the countries are backed by gold, and other precious metals. Of course it is the United States of America that is driving the change, but once the NESARA announcement is done, all of the other countries will be officially switched over to this new system, and this is going to even out discrepancies from country to country.
"Just imagine, you can get onto an airplane, for as long as that type of transportation is in use. Shuttle cars are coming very soon, land speeders you know? Then when you board an airplane you will not be needing to be concerned about converting your currencies. Now, there's a certain amount of privacy too. There will be a restoration of privacy as your Constitution is restored, so you don't need to be totally concerned about going through, you know, Homeland Security, and all of those kinds of things, because that will be from an era that is officially coming to an end, and really has ended.
"So there are many, many, many concerns ranging from everything to inconveniences, delays, discomforts and those kinds of things, to potentially terminal kinds of events. Threats and all of those holding these terrorist things above the heads of people of the entire world; these kidnappings, renditions, tortures, and trials without any representation, and so on. They're not just taking place in and by the United States of America; but in many, many, countries in the world. How about Pakistan? How about some of the countries of Africa, where these events are commonplace? They will not be continuing.
"The World Court will be shall we say, under the tutelage of Lady Master Nada, that is, she represents the Solar Tribunal, which is an even higher jurisdiction than that which you call the World Court. She comes as representative of the Solar Tribunal, but she really has authority with the World Court, which is located at the place you call The Hague.
"And the World Court has, just like every other organization in the world, an interesting blending of, shall we say, political philosophies. And there are those on the World Court, who have served the dark hats, and are no longer, and there are those on the World Court, who are not wanting the change, and wanting to keep 3D down in the dumpies, and so on, and so on. And they are trying to resist, but they have been over-ruled. The very presence of Lady Nada at that particular place, and body of august parliamentarians and judges, and so on, is like a breath of fresh air coming in, so to speak.
"And they are being reminded again of those foundations of society, that you call 'common law.' And what it is, it is based in the Magna Carta, which was brought forth in the country of England a few centuries ago, and it goes back even farther than that. There are certain laws that are about anything, that any Georgie Jr., or anybody else could possibly think up. They are basic and fundamental, and they are to apply to all of the Kingdoms of Mother Gaia, including the human one.
"They are based on the teachings of the Masters, and those teachings are the foundations that were given, not just to Planet Earth, but indeed to all of those Planets, Stars, and inhabitants, and they were given of course at the moment of Creation. And what is their basis? Their foundation is of course that beloved One we call Love. And that encompasses just about everything in every situation that you could possibly imagine. There is a tremendous resurgence these days. We are hearing it quite frequently in the market place. We touched upon one, when we gave the message about the answer to the question, 'Yes, you are your brother's keeper!'
"Although the other fundamental basics of the Western World are being quoted more and more, and actually the people doing the quoting are actually trying to live up to it, because it's not just coming from the ministers, and the priests, and so on, but it's coming from the people.
"Things like 'Do unto others, as you would do unto yourself', or have done unto yourself, or treat other people the way you want to be treated, or how about the one that's on the television set, made famous in a commercial, you know, treat your family as honored guests at your table, and those kinds of things. They're taking hold, and enjoying a great resurgence in popularity, reason being that the sorting hat has been around, and people have made choices that say, 'I do want to participate in Ascension. I do want to help clean up this Earth, this wonderful Planet Earth. I do want to stop these insane wars.'
"And, 'I do want to have everyone have abundance, not just a few greedies, who know how to get into people's bank accounts, who know how to fill out warrants for arrests of people, whom they feel are going to get in their way.' And, as in the case of that beloved man, who gave permission, these ones do know how to give heart attacks to humans, whom they see as being a threat to them, and their continued lifestyle, as true rulers over Planet Earth.
"So we'll get right to the point on that one. We all know, and you all know now, if you didn't know in the moment before, we're telling you right now about the beloved newsman you call Tim Russert, was, with his permission, and we'll tell you why in a moment, was removed, given a heart attack, so that his physical body would no longer function, it would as you say, die, and there are reasons for it. The most compelling reason of those who utilized that technology to do this, was that they feared that he was about to expose some of their deepest darkest doings. And at this time people would listen, because Tim Russert was a man that people listened to, and that he might just start talking in the middle of one his well-attended television programs.
"And the easiest thing was to just literally, break his heart, or however you want to put it. They gave him a heart attack. It was all done through energetic waves. It was all a kind of technology that has great potential. And the good side of it, if you want to call it that, or shall we perhaps just say the Light side of it was realized to do great amounts of good in facilitation of the healing of Planet Earth. But things can go out of balance quickly, and they say there's usually a right side and a left side, and in this case it did not come together in balance, but they allowed that darkness to be quite overbearing, overwhelming, and it was something that this beloved man was not able to withstand with his physical body.
"What it did, was, yes, his mouth was closed, but don't think he's the only one who knew the secrets, and they will be coming out. It also, in focusing upon the goodness of this man, it is causing those in the field of journalistic reporting to look within their own hearts, and to say to themselves, 'What have I done? What can I do now to honor his memory? Now that he is gone, perhaps I need to step forward, and be more truthful in my reportings. And if my boss doesn't want me to report there, perhaps I need to take what I know, and tell it someplace where I will be encouraged to speak up with the documentation that I've been keeping tucked away for fear of my own well being,' you see?
"These kinds of wakeup calls are going out. Here's another one. Here's another wakeup call to people. There are more people now, who were awake enough to know, when they heard the news of this man's passing, that it was not a natural thing. More people got it in their consciousness than on the day of 9/11. That is how far the world has come. Do you realize what we're saying? There were many, many beings who knew, the moment they heard of 9/11, who knew the Truth. And they knew it in their consciousness. Everyone knew it in their unconscious. That's why the Compassion spiked up so much, that's why the vibes went up.
"That's why the consciousness was read to be in such a connected spiritual state, because everyone was reaching out to everyone else on the spiritual level, and giving comfort, and saying, 'yes, this awful thing has happened, and we will get through it.' Now that was 9/11, and that was the honor in 9/11 which came through. Now, what we're telling you is, because of all of the energies that have come in to facilitate Ascension, and all the events must flow sequentially, it stands that the number one priority has been for each participant in the Ascension Process to get ready, and so everybody's been doing quite a bit of work.
"And so it is that it is the Truth now coming out in such great quantities, that there were more people who were consciously aware that this passing of this great reporting man was not an accident, that it was done deliberately in order to silence a great voice, a voice that was honorable and honest. He just didn't quite get to tell everything, but no worries, there are many others who will. And they will do so, and they will stand tall, and they will be courageous in their telling, because this man was, and is, so loved.
"And that Beloveds, is his contribution. And, you can be absolutely certain that he is now very busy; no time to rest for that one, no time outs, because he will be in guidance. You may wish to know that he is working directly with Archangel Michael, and he will be in guidance to those who feel the calling to be the tellers of Truth. And he is there to help them, and to guide them, and most of all to offer them the empowerment that they deserve, and to empower the Truth that everyone upon this wondrous Planet Earth deserves to have.
"Until you can face the Truth, and be Truth and not anger, but rather compassionate; until you can have an understanding, not necessarily an endorsement, but an understanding of how things got to be the way they are; until you are ready to join hand-in-hand with all of the others upon this glorious planet at this glorious time, it is something to work on.
"It is a project to be nurtured within yourselves, but when you've reached that point where you can look upon everything, the history/herstory of Planet Earth with Compassion, with Gratitude to the players (You're one of them you know) and with Love and Forgiveness for all; I mean, afterall, it's a drama passing in front of you, is it not? We're all players upon the stage, if you want to look at it that way.
"And so all that you're doing is simply honing your abilities, and discerning that which is true, from that which is simply just a moment in time, that has been subverted in some manner, so as to present itself differently to the world. But when you can see the Truth in all matters, and you can look it in the eyes, and walk right up to it and say, 'Hi! I see the Truth. I see you for what you really are. I have complete understanding of how we got to where we are, because I can see that which has gone before, and I can see the future, because of this grand awakening, and I can see it change to be the best, and the highest vibrational lifestyle for everyone. And by the way thanks, because it's been a grand show.' And when you can do that Beloved Ones, you're ready.
"This is an opportunity to hear Truth, this is an opportunity to look Truth in the eye, in the eyeballs you say.. What is it you say? You say 'eyeball-to-eyeball,' and you say 'all right, let's move on!' And let's move on in a different way, so that we don't have this kind of Truth, this low vibrational, this is what really happened behind the scenes, staying with us. Why else learn the Truth anyway, except to move on. Why have monuments?, as God said. You may recognize this from one of the Conversations. Why have monuments except to remember? To paraphrase a bit, the consequences of these wars in the first place, being worldwide, they are to reflect upon in the hopes that it won't happen again.
"But of course we know that it has happened again and again. Not because human beings want all these wars, but simply because the ones who are pulling the strings want all the wars. And so it is to move away into a peaceful lifestyle, a lifestyle of abundance for all, a lifestyle of passionate expression that is doing what you're here to do, whatever your mission is, whatever your contract is.
"If you haven't already found it out, this would be a good time to take some time, as it were, and reflect upon that, and start getting the answers. And, if you need a little help on that, you can always call upon your own guidance team, and there are many ways to connect. There's lots of fog over the land right now, and all you have to do is just blow on it a little bit, and move it away from in front of your eyes, and then you can look in the mirror, and see Truth in all matters, whether they be your own personal truths, or whether they be worldwide, or beyond.."
© Susan Leland 2008. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.