:17 to creating a whole new Pattern
.. A whole new habit for yourself
…..“when we come together we create the energies of Love that are more than what you would call the sum of the individuals in the family.
……we come through the veil, which is very thin these days, and it is with great joy that this company of what you call Beings from the Lighted Realm, come to actually join with you, and we do so with your permission, and by your invitation to actually come and join with you in your own energy fields.
The body is a bit heavy at times is it not? Well let me tell you there is so much going on, and there are so many energies coming in, and you are all making such grand adjustments. … You can call it Ascension. You can call it entering the Golden Age. You can call it the Age of Aquarius, which by the way is here……
You know you’re part of God. Did you know that? You have God in every part and particle of your being, and it is very important that you recognize that. You could even say, look in the mirror and say thank you God for being with me, because it’s truth.”
Put it into your conscious mind, and let these waves of Love just come through now on these wires, and see if you feel a bit of an uplift. It is very difficult to get ill, or what we call being out of balance in any of your fields, when you are in great Joy; when Joy bubbles over literally.
When you think of all of your favorite things, when you bring to mind your most happy, your most treasured moments from this lifetime and perhaps from some others, when you engage in an activity that you enjoy doing, when you treat yourself to what you call dessert, or whatever it is that you have a passion for; when you walk through the park with your loved one, all of these things are what you call joyful, and they facilitate the raising of your vibrations.
Now if you can hold the thought, or engage in an activity, and have loving thoughts about it, for only seventeen seconds, you can set a whole new pattern, a whole new habit for yourself, and the more you do this the more you will keep yourself in these higher vibrations. We call them Love, we call them Joy, we call them Bliss, we call them that which our Creator has created for all.
And this beloveds is your homecoming. It’s your homecoming to the heart. Use, use this most magnificent part of your being. Open your heart; let the Love shine in. You know 11:11 was a most momentous day, and that’s what it was about. That portal was open, and the energies that come through want to connect directly with you, and come into your heart, if you will allow.
And let those energies wash through your entire being. Let them radiate out, and as you beam them out to the world, you simply fill up with more, because there is no end to the Love that is yours. And there is no end to the Love that you offer, and this beloved family is a most important part of your mission upon this earth. And so we would ask that you remember this.
Take it in, soak it in like a sponge; let it radiate through your entire being, and let this Joy, and let this Love, surround you and permeate all of your fields, such that you are what you might call a walking advertisement for the beams of Love. And you will most surely be making even more of a difference, even more than you are now.
We hope you enjoyed this special
:17 transformational moment
From the Ashtar Live Broadcast.
Communication Co-ordinator
We look forward to connecting with your Loving Energy
on the next Ashtar Live Broadcast,
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